
CheatCC Review: Puzzle Quest: Galactrix

At the heart of Puzzle Quest: Galactrix is a fairly simple game, a game very similar to the one that undergirded the series' first entry (Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords). There is a circular playing field filled with hexagonal gems of various colors. You can swap adjacent pieces, but only if doing so completes a three-in-a-row line of a single color. Said line disappears, usually benefiting you in some way.


Puzzle Quest Galactrix and Challenge of the Warlords $1 on Steam Until Jan. 15

Hardcore Gamer: The Puzzle Quest games have been big hits in the digital era and have breathed new life into puzzle games by applying some RPG gameplay mechanics to the genre. Now, instead of spending $10 for the Galactrix and Challenge of the Warlords entries, you can get them both for only $1 each.

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Luck In Video Games Part 2 - The Reason Gambling is Illegal

In this second of four parts, we discuss how games based purely on luck are little more than immoral cash cows for the people who produce them - and represent some of the worst design choices out there.

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Pixelated Radio #36: Quantum Conundrum, DayZ, Rainbow Moon, Heroes of Ruin, & much more

In this episode the guys talk about Quantum Conundrum, DayZ, Rainbow Moon, Heroes of Ruin, SCHAR: Blue Shield Alliance, Sushi Castle, About To Blow Up Part 1, Wushi, Grand Slam Tennis 2, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker HD, Puzzle Quest: Galactrix, some news and plenty more.

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