
Important Importables: HimeHibi: Princess Days Portable Review

From the review, "HimeHibi: Princess Days Portable starts off simply. Koi Aizaki is attending a normal high school, when one day she's approached after school by two men in black who simply state that her grandfather needs her. Personally, I was searching for the "run like hell" option, but it didn't come up. Koi's cousin Naohito Hayami appears as well, telling her to go ahead, and she goes with them.

She then finds herself at Tenjou Gakuen, a boys high school where her grandpa is head of the board of directors. He wants to make the school co-ed, but is having trouble getting other board members to agree. So, he's registered Koi at the school to prove them wrong.

At first Koi's hesitant about the whole plan, but it wouldn't be much of a game if she just said "No" and returned to her old school. She decides to win over the people at Tenjou Gakuen and prove the school could be just as successful, if not more successful, if it were made co-ed..."

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Worldwide PSP releases for the week of July 13

As E3 is a-coming, we expected to have a more barren list of releases for this week. It seems that we were quite wrong about that. New games include anime platforming coming from the big-headed kids of Code Lyoko. NCAA 2009 represents the sports games, meanwhile Go! Explore device finally out in Europe.

NA Games:

Code Lyoko: Quest for Infinity
NCAA Football 2009

EU Games:

Go! Explore

Asian Games:

Gundam Battle Universe
HimeHibi: Princess Days Portable

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HimeHibi: Princess Days Portable on PSP

This adventure-seduction's game, developed and published by Takuyo, will be broadcast in Japan in July 17. Liveplayportable released more images and a video of this new title, also called ???? - Princess Days.

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