Games & the Global Financial Crisis

Gameplayer asks the question: Can video games survive, or even thrive, in the economic downturn? They examine the current sales data, look into the industry's historical dealings with economic problems and investigate the way the tightening of belts is altering the types of games being made and the ways that they are being released.

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Sixty Four review - ChristCenteredGamer

CCG writes - "If you enjoy games like Factorio, Sixty Four is worth checking out. The asking price of $5.99 is very reasonable. On the title screen you can import/export your Base64 encrypted save file. This is handy to know if you want to make any edits. Otherwise you can enjoy picking up where you left off with the Steam cloud support."

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Another Crab's Treasure Review - Crabitalism - MonsterVine

MonsterVine: "Another Crab’s Treasure might be one of the most delightful games you’ll play this year, and is great fun for veterans or newcomers to the genre."

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Another Crab's Treasure Review | TheSixthAxis

TSA writes: Feeling a bit crabby at the lack of new soulslikes in the last 15 minutes? Well, Another Crab's Treasure is absolutely the answer!

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