Wii premium downloadable content a possibility

Nintendo of America president and COO Reggie Fils-Aime has confirmed that premium downloadable content is possible on the Wii.

Speaking to Game Informer magazine, Fils-Aime said: "If our licensee partners want to go in that direction [premium downloadable content], it's certainly possible in our system." Fils-Aime also took the opportunity to reaffirm Nintendo's plans for downloadable content. "If you've gotten to a particular part in a game, we could push content out to you, so you get to battle a new boss," he said. "Maybe you get a new artefact; maybe you get a new weapon."

Schmitty076605d ago

With the success of XBL combined w/ DL content, Nintendo and Sony realize that it is a good feature. I think it is awesome how we will be able to play old Nintendo games by DLing them from a 'Marketplace'.

Zolar6604d ago

Finally nintendo is going the right path and putting the right cards on the table.


The Industry Needs To Modernize These 6 Fantastic Classics

The Simpsons: Hit and Run, The Legend of Dragoon, and Chrono Trigger would benefit substantially from a modern remake.

Knightofelemia1d 7h ago (Edited 1d 7h ago )

The Xenosaga trilogy, the Wild Arms games, Xenogears, Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis, Suikoden. The Warriors game I know nothing about but it looks interesting. Anybody can do a list of games they want to see get modernized I would lose my shit if Namco brought the Xenosaga trilogy to modern consoles.


The 'Kawaii' Is A Nintendo Wii The Size Of A Keychain

Modders have cooked up something pretty special – a Wii console which is small enough to fit on your keys. A wee Wii.

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10 Underrated Wii Games You Should Play

The motion-controlled maverick of a console that had everyone from age 9 to 99 swing a TV remote to bowl and painstakingly recreating themselves as Miis, had its share of hits, but even so, some titles didn’t quite get their due.

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Friendlygamer8d ago

If you beat la mulana without guides you're either crazy or really smart

YoungKingDoran8d ago

Love this game (played on Vita) and i think i got pretty far, but never finished because i refused to look up a guide 😎

Friendlygamer8d ago

Same with me, played for like 50 hours, found a puzzle I just couldn't crack and decided to let it go. Great game

Venoxn4g7d ago

Madworld deserves a remaster .. such a great game!

gold_drake7d ago

that thumbnail tho ha

i hate snakes ha.