
Yet to be unveiled PS3 title gets cryptic messages, countdown

PSU Writes:

"If you've been avidly reading our forum over the last few days, you may have come across a thread created by Origo Games. The developer has been kind enough to incite curiosity and irritation in our users through offerings of coded messages and limited images. With the mind games (somewhat) behind us, Origo Games has revealed the URL to its Data Fly launch website. The site contains very little outside of the three previously released images, as well as a timer -- which currently has 18 days remaining -- counting down to the unknown."

Hallucinate5672d ago

cgreviews, your kdding right? these are the guys who reviewd killzone 2 and gave it like a 5 or a 7..and guess what they diodnt even play the damn game

Kain815672d ago

but news is news and i hope that Team ico will show his project cause iam a huge fan of Team ICO

John Hendry Eden5672d ago

Secret PS3 game that will save the console from doom!

chrisnick5672d ago

is Team ICO first or second party?

Aclay5672d ago


Team ICO is first party, Sony owns the studio.

DNAgent5672d ago

How will a PS3 game save the 360 from doom?

rockleex5671d ago

"I am watching.

We are watching."

What are they watching? The Watchmen?! :P

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5671d ago
jay25672d ago (Edited 5672d ago )

3rd April it is then.

LONEWOLF2315672d ago

lol, its deadly creatures for the ps3................

Doppy5672d ago

LMAO. That's what I was thinking too. Maybe it could be a western or a survival/horror game located in the desert.

Rip-Ridah5671d ago (Edited 5671d ago )

"This lizzard is a trick! The game's actually about bikini clad japanese school girls who travel back to the time of dinosaurs and their feet morph into chain-saw blades which is vital to their survival as dinosaurs have learned how to spew napalm from their eyesockets and ride around on hover boards in this new exciting action based RPG.

Seriously, my buddie's friend's sister's ex's uncle works for the company and I've got a finished copy that I beat 8 times now on every difficulty ;)" -Hush404

I woke my fiance up I was laughing so hard. That made my morning reading that comment.


Skyreno5672d ago

Sweet can't wait to see geico in action lol

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What Ever Happened To Data-Fly?

The Silent Chief: Remember a little know game called Data-Fly in development by ORiGO-GAMES? If not then you’re forgiven.

The sci-fi action adventure game was first teased in 2006 as an XBox exclusive only to resurface three years later for both the 360 and PS3 with a new teaser trailer and concept art. Since then any new information regarding this mystery game has been hard to find…until now.

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DigitalRaptor4778d ago

I remember this game from when it was revealed on PSU.com and wondered where it went but here's a statement from their offical website:


"Currently, Data-Fly is still however a work in progress. We are currently exploring more mediums and we will be announcing more about this unique title in 2011. There is no ETA for release at this time, but fear not. You may see a prelude to the game soon enough."

YourFlyness4777d ago

Off topic, but whatever happen to the game company Data East. That what I thought of when I read the title

scofios4777d ago

I guess the same thing that happened to, I am alive,Rainy Woods,Redwood Falls ,Coded Arms Assault,wardevil,beyond good and evil 2,eye identify, Vaporware???


They are bankrupt.

The company was in operation from 1976 to 2003, when it declared bankruptcy( from Wiki) .
They had great arcade games in the 80'90'
I loved Robocop arcade from Data East.

BlackIceJoe4777d ago

I hope more news will come out for Data-Fly soon. Because the concept sounded like it would be a really fun game.


Data-Fly still in the works

Origo Games:

"For those of you who followed our news up to the small teaser video of Data-Fly back at GDC 2009, most people assume the project is KIA. Since 2005 when we first announced Data-Fly the goal has always been to deliver a game that is truly unique in the Sci-fi genre. Currently, Data-Fly is still however a work in progress. We are currently exploring more mediums and we will be announcing more about this unique title in 2011."

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Myst5162d ago

Oh wow I've never heard of this game but by the trailer it certainly looks very interesting. Reminds me of Ghost in the shell a bit and something I could sink my teeth in over Mindjack. Definitely will add this to my watch list now and good to see that it's still being developed and all :]


It's amazing how people will say this game 'exists' yet the same people dismiss War Devil as 'Vapourware'?

Watch the hypocrites roll.

The Great Melon5161d ago (Edited 5161d ago )

Well, Origo Games did give us a trailer a year or so ago. Nothing has been shown for War Devil in years. So yeah it definitely exists more so than War Devil.

jay25161d ago

I've got a feeling we'll see WarDevil next week in playable form.

mastiffchild5161d ago

We had the multiplat announcement less than a year ago with more screenshots showing the new, crap, helmeted version of the lead in Wardevil to be fair. As for Datafly-main char also looks crap and the game never seems to move on. Vapourware? IDK but funding's a massive issue and when you either have a ropey looking game(DF) or make outlandish performance promises as a novice dev(Wardevil) that funding could well prove VERY hard to secure in high enough amounts to make a finished game let alone one that, like Wardevil claims, will run native 1080p and 60fps on all platforms-something NO other game has managed even from experienced current generation developers.

I dunno just where we stand with these games and while a Cologne unveiling of gameplay would be nice I'm not expecting to be overly impressed even if it does appear at GC. Whatever, to me they both "exist" pretty equally. That being, so far, barely at all in ANY real sense bar the name and a few news grasping press reports. DNF actually used to show off just as much footage/screenshots, if not more and we all know how that, with a known dev and IP ended up.

StitchJones5161d ago

Exactly, who cares. Something similar happened with the game W.E.T. a number of years ago, and when it finally came to see the light of day, no one bought it and it was a very lackluster game.

Cajun Chicken5161d ago

Nice. It still exists. Been tracking this game project for years now. I hope they change the character design from the last trailer though!


So now it's 'who cares'? LOL! this site just gets funnier everyday.

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Data-Fly, Origo Games off the map?

It appears the official websites for both Data-Fly and Origo Games have gone off the map, with Data-Fly giving a non-existent page error, and the Origo Games official site being parked by GoDaddy.com.

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SickNick855472d ago

I see both the site!!!!!!!!!!!!