
Playstation 3 Lacks Exclusives. Xbox 360 Lacks Franchises.

The Start Screen writes:

"An exclusive title doesn't necessarily define a console brand. The biggest disaster this generation is having an exclusive title and then seeing its sequels end up on multiplatform consoles. We have been seeing too many titles jump ship. Both the Playstation 3 and the Xbox 360 have been victims to it. How many perceived exclusives were lost on these consoles by going multiplatform?"

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DrWan5613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )

Xbox 360 Lacks Exclusives. Xbox 360 Lacks Franchises. He filed this under "Industrial News" give me a break, file this under fanboy bullcrap category


Did this guy live under the rock for a year? PS3 does not lack exclusive and franchise....keep the list running guys:

Heavenly Sword
Ratchet and Clank
Resistance 1 & 2
Everybody's Golf
Killzone 2
Gran Turismo
White Knight Chronicles
Yakuza Series
Valkrie Chronicles

Gran Turismo
Unannouced Ico game

PSN Exclusives
WipeOut HD
Pixel Junks
ThatGameCompany games: Flow, Flower
Many others..

pwnsause5613d ago

-Quantum Theory
-Unannounced Tecmo game which is going to be announced this month

Chris3995613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )

"...Names, no. But we have 5 projects underway inside of Sony that will cater to the fanbase you have described. We are also working with 3rd party to ensure we have those kinds of games coming in from their studios as well..."

- Shuhei Yoshida

This quote was in regards to JRPGs. You can also add Demon's Souls and Atelier Rorona to the "exclusive" list and expect the JRPG ports and titles to get announced like crazy once the PS3 Advent Children/ FF XIII demo bundles are flying off the shelves.

Raoh5613d ago

well said drwan

well said

so many more titles coming to

white knight chronicles
demon's soul

i would think with the valkyria chronicles anime coming out that there will be a sequel to the game as well

killzone series is officially on the map

twisted metal

unannounced rockstar exclusive

casual games like flower, upcoming games from the developers of linger in the shadows

siren was overlooked in the horror series

M.A.G. and although SOCOM confrontation was technically a failure the series is far from done.

Heavy Rain (oh hell yeah, every one with ability to play a ps2 or xbox game needs to play indigo prophecy/farenheit)

AlternativeChaos5613d ago

"Playstation 3 Lacks Exclusives" i stopped there, forget the article just the tittle tells u the author doesn't know Sh!t

5613d ago
soxfan20055613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )

Forza 2
Project Gotham 3,4
Halo 3
Gears of War 1,2
Too Human
Halo Wars
Ace Combat 6
Race Pro
Banjo Kazooie
Blue Dragon
Lost Planet
Mass Effect
Dead Rising

Pac-man championship edition
GTA4 - Lost & the Damned
Galaga Legions
Rez HD

Forza 3
Halo : ODST
Splinter Cell

Lists work both ways. But go ahead, keep under-estimating the 360.

EDIT @ 1.8 - Pretty typical, generic, thoughtless PS3 fanboy statement that I'm used to on this site. Like every game on the PS3 list is AAA, or even A-list.

Microsoft Xbox 3605613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )

What an underwhelming list of games you got there.

Seriously Too Human? RacePro? Frontlines? PacMan championship edition?

5613d ago
ape0075613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )

I like when extreem sony fans stick to pc to end arguments

"games for windows" or "xbox 360"

your money is going to the same place

you buy a lot of pc or xbox 360 games,you support ms?

support ms means you want them to continue in the gaming world

do you really want to support ms......

or the phrase "only on 360" give you nighmeres LOL

a hater sticking to stupid excuses

@felin get a FU#$% life

MasFlowKiller5613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )

Grand Theft Auto Advance never came out for the gameboy advance, nether did Grand Theft Auto 1, Grand Theft Auto: London, 1969 and Grand Theft Auto 2 for the PC.

if anybody claims they played: Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas in something other then a sony console then they are laying, u need to remind them that up until Grand Theft Auto IV every single GTA game as been exclusive to a sony console

AlternativeChaos5613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )


I remember playing GTA2 on a PC,
what do i do?
what do i do?

please tell me
was it real?, i clearly remember playing it on a pc,


i dont know watz real anymore

MeatPopsicle5613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )

Forza 3
Halo : ODST
Splinter Cell"


And this is what happens when you have a pathetic set of first party studios like Microsoft. What an embarassing list. An ugly and medicore racing series, a pc game, and, lol, more Halo.

Turn 10


20 First party Sony studios putting out 25/50 gigabyte custom PS3 next gen engine based games with dedicated servers for lagfree online play and massive player counts and Home integration.

Don't worry Xbox fans, I'm sure Microsoft is constantly looking for ways to throw millions in bribes at another developer to gimp their classic franchise to run on the 7 gigabyte 360 DVD format and weak graphics hardware like DMC4,GTA4,and now FFXIII.

360FanLord5613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )

Are u sure?

you have to be 100% positive on this cause i downloaded San Andres On live.

Or did I?

WTF, i cant remember now

why god, why have u taken all the fun memories of me enjoying San Andres on my original Xbox away, WHY, PLEASE TELL ME WHY

I dont know wat is real anymore


AlternativeChaos5613d ago

Ohh snap, are we back in 2007?

i have to convince my ex not to dump me, lol

soxfan20055613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )


"Ugly and mediocre racing series"?

Forza 2 has a higher metascore than GT5 prologue. It has a higher metascore than the last full GT release (GT4), as does Forza 1. You have to go all the way back to 2001 to find a Gran Turismo game that rates higher than Forza 1 or 2.

king dong5613d ago

wrote by one of the many fanboys on here. he even tried to disguise it with some ps3 negativity in the title. only to upset some of the people who were meant to be pleased by this rubbish.

come on, this is not credible news about an upcoming game that we should be interested in. it's trashy blog-site rubbish wrote especially for hits and 1000degrees of flaming from/on n4g. no doubt the holder of said site has been a member of n4g for quite some time!

5613d ago
pwnsause5613d ago

so you are comparing a a game which is basically a demo to a full release, not to mention compare a current gen game to a last gen game(GT4) which was given universal acclaim last gen. LMAO

rhood0225613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )


Last gen-GTA was NEVER a Sony exclusive. All three games were released for both the Xbox AND PC at later dates: 2003 (GTA III and Vice City) and 2005 (San Andreas).

Danja5613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )

The PS3 lack exclusives ?? are we back in 2007 again and even then we got games like :

Heavenly Sword
NG : Sigma
Ratchet & Clank
Lair - yes I actually played and enjoyed the game...

thats alot of exclusives in the 1st year alone...

the 360 has lost it's grip on having more exclusives than the PS3 , Sony is pumping out AAA game one after the other.

The 360 now lacks the exclusive line-up to really compete with what Sony has line-up for the PS3 plus the PS3 trumps the 360 again when it comes to Franchises.

red5ive5613d ago

u put Forza twice, Halo three times. Lost Planet was on the PS3 and Dead Rising's made its way onto the Wii. oh and Pac-Man? u serious??

sonarus5613d ago

LMFAO at splinter cell incoming. That game probably won't have the same name when its released probably next yr.

X360 lacks franchises but it takes time to build up franchises. I think both consoles are doing a decent job on the excusives front.

Microsoft is at a disadvantage because they almost have to pay or finance every exclusive they get. Sony exclusives mostly come from in house studios.

Heavy Rain
God of War 3
Team Ico Game
Next Insomniac Game
Uncharted 2

Not to mention that the other studios like Evolution is probably cooking something up already, Sony Bend is probably working on Syphon Filtee PS3, and all the other studios are working on their own thing right now. Incognito is working on a game, Jaffe is working on a game. Sony has set themselves up to keep cooking up games with the in house stuff they have arranged

Microsoft on the other hand just really burst on the scene it will take them a while to reach that level

- Ghost of Sparta -5613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )

These small websites posting their bullsh*t on N4G need to die already. Hip Hop Gamer, Gamer.Blorge, Neocrisis, all of them. The fact that this kind of nonsense even passes through the Pending section on N4G is just utterly ridiculous and the administrators do nothing about it. The PS3 lacks exclusives? The PS3 has both, more exclusives and more franchises than the Xbox brand.

pumpkinpunker5613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )

The PS3 game selection sucks. That's why more people buy 360's. Sony's exclusives aren't really that exciting either. Out of their last 3 heavy hitter exclusives one was a dated 2D platformer, LBP, the other was REALLY over-rated and actually kind of sucked, Resistance 2, and the most recent KZ2 is up against already better options out there like COD4, Halo 3, or Team Fortress 2.

People just can't get excited about the PS3 no matter how much the fanboys try to pump it up because Sony fanboys really just don't know any better. They grew up being spoon fed shovelware from Japan and the occasional Sony exclusive and that's the way they think it should be.

The exclusives on the 360 are just flat out better and there are more of them. It's no accident that the PS3 is in last place. People woke up.

lowcarb5613d ago

And here we go again with the we have more exclusives than you argument. Now I understand that news has been slow lately, but guys please grow up and quit justifying your purchases. Both consoles have games that will rock so just hug and make up kiddies.

Aclay5613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )

I don't agree that the PS3 lacks exclusives, because as of right now, there's plenty of announced exclusives and plenty of already released PS3 exclusives... and right now the PS3 looks like it has the upper hand in terms of exclusive lineup.

But, I do agree the 360 Lacks franchises... the 360 relies too much on 1 or 2 franchises (Halo and Gears) to me, and for proof of that, ever since the 360 first came out, it's been switching between Halo and Gears (Gears 1 2006, Halo 3 2007, Gears 2 2008, Halo Wars and Halo ODST 2009)... I mean, where's the new IP's and innovation?! Halo and Gears are only going to get you so far this generation.

Just look at all the new IP's Sony has came out/is coming out with this generation: Motorstorm, Resistance, LBP, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, FLOWER, Heavy Rain, MAG, Echochrome, etc... and the list just goes on. Sony has more exclusives and they actually own them.... while M$ just continues to buy their way through this generation.

no-spin5613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )

Why oh Why do you have to be so proactive when someone post something not positive about the 360?
Do you work at MS?
Your list of games is good, but then you say at the end that people here are underestimating the 360 because they point out the PS3 exclusives.

For you anything PS3 positive is a bash on the 360, when it is not.
Forza 2 vs GT5 Prologue
Do you even know what prologue means?
GT5 P is like a big demo, dont be such a hater.
You just keep showing you have green glasses and everyone else is against you (or the 360, since you take it so personal).
You can learn to enjoy your console of choice and let others enjoy their console of choice, if not go to the Open Zone.

On topic: This article is whack, i thought it was from HHG when i read the title (wow that is low)

uie4rhig5613d ago

in every fail article, fans can always write fail comments!!
look.. they both have their exclusives (good and bad) and they both have their franchises (good and bad).. just give it a damn rest, and play your games.. you jealous of a game on the opposite console.. buy the other console and don't go bashing it..

pumpkinpunker5613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )

"An ugly and medicore racing series"

Huh? Forza > GT easily. Not even a question. Stop living in 2001. In fact, I urge all Sony fanboys to stop living in the past.

thats_just_prime5613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )

TC could only list 16 ps3 exclusive. soxfan named 17 360 and thats probably less then half of them. So yes 360 has far more exclusive and better one at that. The ps3 has more franchises ? I'd sure as hell hope so after all they been around about 10 years longer then xbox.

MS has put out 4 games that have sold over 4 million copies each. Sony has put out 0 that have sold 4 million copies. In fact sony highest selling game was a packed in game. Its pretty sad when they have to give away there games to get them to sell

no-spin5613d ago

great to see the 360 has cover a lot of ground in short time, and definitely the games sell amazingly. 4 million is a lot of sales, and to do this multiple times shows that MS knows what is doing. I have said it many times, if the hardware was more reliable since the beginning Sony would be in a real trouble, but the faulty hardware has affect it in other places besides North America. I dont see why you bash on Sony, when that list of exclusives is not all time great except for a handful. MS really delivered this generation, i hope they dont give up now, since they have been scary silent in their games line up.
Gamers play games in any platform
Haters unlikely enjoy most games

5613d ago
DaTruth5613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )

I was gonna respond to Prime. I would have said TC clearly missed some as he didn't even include GofW, but you just totally destroyed and pwned his @$$ all over the place, so there's really nothing to say after that.

GiantEnemyCrab5613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )

Jake: Did you just list every single PS3 exclusive game even the PSN games and many of those are garbage?

Wow, is this some list competition of who can be the most pathetic?

Soxfan picked and chose what titles he listed otherwise it would of looked like a SPAM mess much like your post.

Lots of good stuff there and lots of garbage as well. I don't think you want a listing of all the XBLA arcade games because the list would probably match everything you listed both retail and PSN games just with XBLA titles. It doesn't mean they are all worth the 0's and 1's they occupy.

DaTruth5613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )

It's a list of exclusives, so XBLA arcade games don't count. Q-bert was on many platforms, as was Pac-Man.

@That'sprime: MS has 4 games that sold over 4 million because MS has 4 good games and everyone who has a 360 has to buy them or they would be buying nothing. PS3 has many great titles to chose from and many different genres for all kinds of gamers. I had to let many PS3 exclusives pass me by cause I don't have the time or money to play them all!

Rampant5613d ago


Thanks, I'll just keep playing games that are good.

Microsoft Xbox 3605613d ago

The 360 exclusive games really is underwhelming. The only reason they have 8 million more consoles sold than the PS3 is because people actually bought replacements instead of doing warranty work, and of course a year head start. 360 fanboys tend to forget that.

whatis5613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )

"hehe. I like when extreem sony fans stick to pc to end arguments "games for windows" or "xbox 360" your money is going to the same place"

I like when extreme Microsoft fans try to use the "Microsoft still gets your money" argument when the topic is clearly about which platform has more exclusive games.

If somebody really wanted to play Mass Effect or Splinter Cell or Alan Wake or one of the many other PC/360 games, they do not have to buy an Xbox 360 to play them.

The fact is; when it comes to exclusive games (you know, the ones that make a certain platform worth buying over another platform) the Xbox 360 is currently behind the rest.

It may have just happened recently, but if you look closely you'll notice that the PS3 now has more exclusive games than the Xbox 360 - and it was released an entire year later. And from what we've all heard so far about each systems upcoming game lineup..

The Xbox 360's future just isn't looking as bright as it is for all of the other systems available right now, when it comes to exclusive games.

It is dead last in the only area that really matters (to gamers) and it's starting to look like it's going to stay that way.

thats_just_prime5613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )

Jake111 thats a real nice list of make believe games you been playing there. The 1st game that is an actual real game is Blast Factor and it score a 5.9 yes and deed sony AAA games at there finest.

Nospin MS only has a handful of good exclusive ? They have Halo 3 , Gear 1 & 2, Fable 2, Forza 2 Mass Effect , Halo Wars, Viva Pinata, L4D, Kameo, So4, and Lost Odyssey. I'd say that MS has put together a fairly impress and well round list of exclusives so far.

Not only that they have managed to get almost every one of the big 3rd games that were once exclusive to the ps2 to go multi plat. Lets face it probably 90% of all games sold are multi plat games. I think MS is being smart in focusing on building relates with 3rd parties instead of invest all their time and money in to creating 1st party exclusives

whatis you ever notice how many ps3 fanboys are to stupid to know the difference between a console and a computer. Guess next you'll be wanting to know why that ps3 you worship so much has a cup holder

soxfan20055613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )

Wow, I come home from work to find that I'm public enemy #1 on N4G. I guess lists of 360 games are off limits on this site.

@1.18 - Forza 1 has a higher metascore than Gran Turismo 4 - same generation. Maybe I wasn't clear enough about that in my post. Forza 2 is, so far, the only complete current generation driving sim. Until some competition comes along, I can only compare it to what is currently on the market. PS3 fans have no problem talking about their "demo" as if it is somehow better than a full game.

@no-spin - look at 1.13 and tell me that you really agree with that. Funny how PS3 fanboys post lists of exclusives all the time here, yet when I post one I'm suddenly way out of line. You say that I consider anything positive about PS3 to be an attack on the 360 - look at the first sentence of the first post and tell me who attacked first.

IaMs125613d ago

Lol i love it when people complain ugh more Halo, WTF more MGS! damn, there is 4 out already and a 5 coming. not to mention the 20 or so other spin offs of it. So far its been Halo, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo Wars, Halo ODST, and Halo Chronicles are ALL the announced Halo titles. Now tell me is that a lot of Halo. Because if people are complaining about that the F*)(CK stop and look at MGS. Damn, im not a fanboy but this common sense stuff pisses me off. /rant over

Anywho, the guy up a ways was right, the list plays both ways. Each system has its games.

And havent people figured out NOT TO F%()$KING RULE ANYTHING OUT YET??! jeez this site has retarded people on them....

no-spin5613d ago

your list is very good
The first post is bashing the article for the ridiculous title, and this year many gamers have the impression of the 360 being out of ammo (i hope not)
Forza 1 made GT look like an arcade
but GT5P make Forza 2 look like last gen, which does not mean Forza 2 is not a good game by any means

pixelsword5612d ago

So The PS3 has Franchises that.... all put out multiplatform titles.

Um, yeah.


pixelsword5612d ago

The "my list is longer than your list" shtick never gets old.

Really, I love it.

I'm too busy (read: lazy) to go on other sites and do stuff like that.


TenSteps5612d ago

everybody knows more people buy 360's because it's cheaper I mean if the PS3 does have "poor game selections" than how the hell is it selling at the same rate as the Xbox 360 within the same time frame despite being double the price.

The whole "the exclusives on the PS3 suck" are subjective to your views I mean the last three heavy hitters from MS were GeOW2 which was just an outdated GeOW 1, Left 4 Dead was overrated, and Halo Wars was just a way to make money out of the Halo name.

Sheikh Yerbouti5612d ago

and you begin to see the author's point. I don't agree with it totally though, but I can see their point. A franchise is an exclusive, but better than a third part system. That is why I think Sony has the upper hand, and the games are what truly matter.

Microsoft has to rely on 3rd parties like Valve to have exclusives, when these third parties have no obligation to do so. That isn't to say that the 360 doesn't have a fair amount of 'franchises', but they are not at a Sony level yet.

Cenobia5612d ago (Edited 5612d ago )

I think his argument is valid. Exclusives are supposed to add value to the particular console they are on. The fact that I can get those "Microsoft Exclusives" on the PC diminishes the value of the 360.

Everyone owns a computer, and most people use windows. You could just as easily choose to spend your money on computer components than a 360 if the game you want is on the PC as well. I'd rather own a decent PC and a PS3, because I'll get a lot of games from both sides. The simple truth is that every PC/360 cross platform game diminishes the perceived value of the 360 for most people. Sure you get achievements and an online community (although you have to pay for that as well), but those perks don't matter unless you've already dropped the cash for a 360.

Basically the PC/360 "exclusives" really don't add a lot to the 360 lineup. I mean you can even get a 360 controller for your PC, so what is the point of buying the 360 console? Its the real exclusives they offer, not the 360/PC ones.

And nobody cares where their money goes as long as they get what they want.

Grandizer5612d ago

No one lacks exlusives, there is in fact too many exclusives. Every games should be multiplatform.

If it was the case, maybe Activision and EA would not be #1 and 2 publishers. Games such as Little Big Planet and Gears of War 2 If they would have been multiplatform would have probably sold more than games such as Rock Band 2, Guitar hero wt and COD WaW. But given the much smaller potential user base, they did not.

+ Show (46) more repliesLast reply 5612d ago

I think it means that PS3 completes their exclusives because they own the franchise.

Microsoft buys one exclusive and doesn't complete the franchise.

360FanLord5613d ago (Edited 5613d ago )

shame on you:

Chicken Chaser

u guys are officially no longer real gamers, please turn in you Gamepad and Live subscription because i see no way u guys can redeem yourself after approving such a pointless article

Zeus Lee5613d ago

Garbage article,nothing more to say about this trash.

ape0075613d ago

"Playstation 3 Lacks Exclusives"




Show all comments (174)

Mortal Kombat 9 Is Still NetherRealm's Best Game 13 Years Later

Salman from Tech4Gamers writes "Mortal Kombat 9 revived the series from a low point after bringing it back to 2D combat. It marked a new high-point for the franchise due to its incredible roster, exciting cinematic story mode, and high-octane combat."

Read Full Story >>
Sonyslave323h ago

I like which ever one, Raiden was speed blasting muthafkers.

monkey6027h ago

I agree. 9 was awesome

Shaolin Monks next please

vTuro246h ago

Shaolin Monks is a forgotten gem. I would love to see a new one, or a remake of the old.

vTuro246h ago

That game was actually goated. It was the first time ever that I actually tried to get good at a fighting game. Unfortunately the online connection was so dogshit it made it hard to enjoy and eventually I gave up. Haven't really played much fighting games since.


Microsoft is discounting the Xbox 360 store up to 90% before it shuts down for good

Microsoft has slashed the prices of games across the Xbox 360 store in preparation for its July 29th closure.

Read Full Story >>
Tacoboto9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

The Dishwasher
Vigilante 8

Two non-BC and no-PC-version Arcade titles I downloaded recently. Dishwasher's sequel is on Steam at least.

I've also downloaded Ninety-Nine Nights II (shame the first wasn't available). I still want to download Burnout 3: Takedown before the weekend's up, though that is still the full $9.99 non-discounted price

franwex6h ago

Burnout 3 not available in modern times is a crime to humanity.

I know it’s probably due to the music licensing-though they can simply add other music as Burnout 3’s biggest flaw to me personally-is the music!!!

GamerRN8m ago

Burnout 3, Risk Factions... I would kill for either of those


Xbox gamers warned they've 72 hours before a ton of classic games are gone forever

The Xbox 360 Marketplace is officially shutting down in three days, which means dozens of exclusive, digital-only 360 games will no longer be available to purchase anywhere else once it does.

The Xbox 360 will be almost 20 years old next year, and to celebrate this milestone Microsoft have decided to obliterate all of its online functionality.

Read Full Story >>
shadowT15h ago

Phil Spencer: "Game preservation is critical to us at Team Xbox."

13h agoReplies(7)
darthv7211h ago(Edited 11h ago)

Technically, the games ARE preserved... they are just removing the ability to purchase new games through the 360. They have to keep a full backup of every title (even delisted ones) because they will have to offer the ability to redownload purchased content to users.

I had deleted some games a few years back that had become delisted. I was able to get them back by going through my download history. The games in question were TMNT (classic and re-shelled), afterburner climax and outrun online. Im glad I was able to get those back as they are some of the best on the service.

Lightning7710h ago

Well The Ultimate Alliance games have been delisted. I dunno how many old Activision games have been Delisted but MS needs to remake or remaster old Activision games and release them on Xbox and PS. I. Hope that's what they're doing right now.

They can't reserve everything but they 100% can reserve what they got or own.

Vits12h ago

Fortunately, the X360 was jailbroken a long time ago, so a good part of its library is available for download from 'alternative' sources. Still, it's a bummer to see the store going away.

Inverno10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Dawn of The First Day
-72 Hours Remain-

Also they can keep the store up for life if they wanted.

hiawa239h ago(Edited 9h ago)

Series X for the back compat titles, and OG Xbox and X360 for those not on BC. I pretty much bought all of the digital games I want for the 360 so I am good.

anast7h ago

They are holding games hostage so people spend more money. This is some sleazy stuff.

Reaper22_6h ago

No, not telling you would be sleazy. I have a few more games to buy then I'm good. 360 was and still is a great console. Xbox is the best place to play!

anast5h ago

I'm not sure we are on the same page.

kennyg1232h ago

you guys will really defend xbox no matter what they do

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