
5 Biggest Flops This Generation

Every generation has its share of monumental flops. As the web continues to mature, undeserving titles and services continue to be hyped to unachievable levels. With fanboys grasping for titles left and right to justify their respective purchases, will the madness ever cease?

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Playa79705616d ago

i am going to admit it lair and haze were the biggest flops to me this gen

chasegamez25616d ago

here some real flops
1.Shadowrun 2.Fracture 3.Legendary 4.Blue Dragon
5.Infinite Undiscovery 6.Two Worlds

5616d ago
rogimusprime5615d ago

forget about too human. Almost 10 years in development for that rubbish?

You are right, HAZE was terrible...but surprisingly I saw more ads for it than I have for Killzone 2.

I think LAIR got a bad rap since it was one of the first PS3 exclusives...controls were awkward....idea was good...execution...not so much.

edgeofblade5615d ago (Edited 5615d ago )

@Chase: Shadowrun wasn't a flop for any design reason. People just had a hard time swallowing the limited amount of content. The fact that FASA got closed down was the final nail in that coffin.

Regardless, the game was still an incredible design in that it melded several great FPS and gaming traditions like

* Unreal Tournament's low gravity mutators
* Console FPS' aim assist
* Halo's recharging health
* Counter Strike's buy phase
* Star Wars' Force push
* Ghost Recon's seeing enemies through walls

The point is you really got to customize your own FPS experience and pit it against the opponents' skills and strategy.

The game was years ahead of its time, and therefore, it died an early death. If it were a game made by Sony and hyped on the PS3, it would have had serious legs. If you like online focused games like Warhawk, and you have a 360, you would be crazy not to pick it up from the bargain bin right now. There are still plenty of people who play it online.

Mikerra175615d ago

why do people say lair was a bad game it simply wasnt people were just too noob to play it

Face Palm5615d ago

Gets Lamer n Lamer


+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5615d ago
kapedkrusader5616d ago

...I hope you're reading this. Leave N4G and take your flame-baiting, half-assed, articles with you.

Real Gambler5615d ago

I'm pretty sure they simply wrote all those flamebait articles only to get more hits and more advertising money, but sadly, they have now lost all credibility...

How can something FREE like Home can be a flop? It's free! I have not lost one penny on it yet. It can only get better. If you don't like it, you don't use it. There's more and more theme rooms and good things to come.

Sadly "5 biggest flop" will always get more hits than just talking about actual great games coming out. Sad.

lord_of_balrogs5616d ago

For once I agree with HHG. All these were flops.

edgeofblade5615d ago

Home is quite the flop... right now. But I will grant that some great potential is there. But potential does not make it a non-flop. You don't get credit for calling something a success until it actually succeeds. Or at least, you shouldn't in a rational world...

Honestly, Home needs to focus more on games rather than brand advertising. People don't go there to get immersed in all-things-Sony... unless they are one of those religious-style fanboys who thinks going to this makeshift church somehow makes them a better fanboy. No, if you give them enduring, interesting things to do, the advertising will be what it's supposed to be: subdued. The Red Bull race is a great example. EA's Sports thing is another good idea.

rockleex5615d ago (Edited 5615d ago )

Just because Home doesn't have anything that interests you for the moment, doesn't mean its a flop.

Sony made $1 million from Home within the first month. There's tons of people in Home all the time. In fact, there are people on my friend list that ONLY use Home and nothing else!

Take a stroll around Home and you'll see that 80% of the people there have bought things from the Home Mall.

The point is that Home has been able to successfully capture the social gamers. That's a success, but there's still more success that Home can find.

Now all Home has left to do is to capture the regular and hardcore gamers. But of course, we all know how much Home is going to improve in the coming months for gamers. RE5 gamespace, Killzone 2 gamespace, EA gamespace, and much much more to come. Hell, I hope they host E3 virtually in Home too! ^_^

I have to admit, I thought Home was a flop the first week it was released. But take a stroll around Home nowadays and you'll see that its already succeeded the first step.

swiftshot935616d ago

HHG would have an article like this. His site NEEDS to be banned. Its all freaking falmebait, tired of his sh!t. Never posts news, terribly written articles, his titles are all flamebait etc... Nobody wants him press agree.

On topic: nice, a beta of an application that charges you nothing and is not forced on the PS3 consumer is the biggest flop this generation. LOL we've heard it time and time again. Lair. Haze. Too Human. They're all flops. just move on damn it. Nobody gives 2 sh!ts!

Kamikaze1355616d ago

Home earned Sony over a million bucks....how is that a flop?

ThatCanadianGuy5616d ago

Way over a million by now.Not counting the Money made/saved from advertising.

SmokingMonkey5616d ago

it's a flop

i got my hig home costume, and i'm set for life lol

i just want the trophy room

RememberThe3575616d ago (Edited 5616d ago )

But like ThatCanadianguy420 implied, those figures where from months ago. I'm sure that they have made much more then that by now. I also think the Sony is happy with how Home is doing considering that it is still in beta and doesn't really have any meat on it's bones yet.

II Necroplasm II5616d ago (Edited 5616d ago )

I do not see why Home is on there. It is only beta right now.

and Sony said Home will expand through time.

Kill Crow5615d ago

The BETA title is completely misleading, it's sony's get out clause for delivering something far below expectation.

How many people would buy a PS3 for HOME? I don't know anyone ... ask the same question for anyone who'd buy a PS3 for Killzone 2, or for Blue ray ... I know loads .... it's as simple as that.

raptorjacob5615d ago

killcrow, i really dont get where you are going. why do we have to ask if anyone would buy a ps3 for home? why does that make it a flop if people dont want to buy a ps3 for home? there are a lot of games that people wouldnt buy a ps3 just to have, but that doesnt make them flops. plus home is free to get into, im not spending any of my money on it (unless i buy clothes and stuff)

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Top 10 Bad Games by Good Studios

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "When shopping for new video games you can often trust the name publisher or developer on the box to be an indication of the quality of the game. Names like Nintendo, Square Enix, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Capcom, Xbox Game Studios and Sega are world famous because they helped shape the industry by releasing some of the most defining video games of all time. Though sometimes even these great gaming houses stumble and put out a stinker."

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Gamerking821483d ago (Edited 1483d ago )

Splatterhouse remake . Loved the og’s at the arcade growing up . Hell the best thing about the remake was the og,s were included . And left alive by Square . That game had so much potential , but the gameplay was worse horrendous .

Game-ur1483d ago

once Great studios getting destroyed is actually common. happened with ND and Last of Us2, Bioware and Mass Effect Andromeda/Anthem, Bungle and Destiny .

BeRich2331483d ago

Fuse should have been on that list (Insomniac Games)

Yui_Suzumiya1483d ago

Splatterhouse remake kicked ass

merryja1483d ago

I personally don't like these games.

East76lands1483d ago

I'm pretty much certain that any Sonic game that comes out will be terrible, I've not enjoyed one since the original side-scrolling days of the MegaDrive.

HarryMasonHerpderp1483d ago

Then you might like a recent sonic "sonic mania".

jaymacx1483d ago

For this Topic it says Good Studios that make bad games. Sonic Team hasn't been good in years.

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Too Human Free for Xbox Gamers - Download It Here

The action-RPG by now-defunct Silicon Knights is now free for Xbox gamers! Check out the Too Human free direct download link with armor sets here.

RazzerRedux1495d ago

Fun fact: I'm one of five people to have completed Too Human and actually liked it. It should be noted that the other four ended up in mental institutions....sadly.

excaliburps1495d ago

I completed it and kinda liked it. Controls were iffy but overall, I dug it. Shame Dyack was crazy. xD

IanTH1495d ago

Glad to hear it! So, when did you get out of the institution?

Marquinho1494d ago

Too Human was "The Order: 1886" of the 360.

Nitrowolf21495d ago (Edited 1495d ago )

I have never played this, mostly because I didn't own an Xbox prior to a few months ago Def. will check this out

darthv721495d ago

It certainly has a cool story and its a good game. it was just marred by long development time and kind of egotistical creator.

Looper1495d ago

Hey!! I was told survivors had all signed an NDA! I'm telling!

Kribwalker1495d ago

i really liked this one too. Always wished for a sequel, but sadly i don’t see it in the cards

excaliburps1495d ago

Yeah, it had a solid story and game mechanics. I remember the controls weren't smartly implemented, and every time you respawned, the animation was so long.

Fantangoooo1495d ago

I can't count the number of times I finished this game gridding for gear. Weird control but I liked it

Neonridr1495d ago

sounds very Polybius to me..

Poopmist1495d ago

Me and my friend beat it so many times. I got the best armor mathematically possible in it. Great game imo but their needed to be more tutorials on how runes work. The one that spawns singularities upon hitting someone was cash.

DerfDerf1495d ago

I actually really enjoyed it.

RamRod881495d ago

I beat it too. The controls were weird, but once I got use to them it was okay. I found the story to be actually half decent. Too bad there wasn't a sequel because I really believe if they have fixed the issues the first game had(controls, camera, etc), it could have been a great series.

HyperMoused1495d ago

I though it was great too, yay us

Anomander1495d ago

Beat it as well. it had a good story line. Overall it was decent.

glennhkboy1495d ago

I remember that I played the 1st stage. The control was so bad that I couldn't force myself to continue.

morganfell1494d ago

Fun fact...you're actually one of six :) That game was the reason I kept an Xbox 360 running until they released the very last B/C titles and it was among them.

Chronicle7801494d ago

I thought the game was ok, clunky but ok. Every time I go back to play it though it takes 20 minutes for the controls to 'click' again. Pity most of the advanced combos and controls aren't listed anywhere in the game.

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omegaheat1495d ago

Wait, people actually liked this game???????

Profchaos1494d ago

Liked not loved. It's like a cheap dominos pizza it's not great but it's serviceable if your starving

BrainSyphoned1495d ago ShowReplies(5)
AK911495d ago

Wait wasn’t it always free?

Father Murder X1495d ago

This game had some potential. I actually liked it.

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Alone With You, Home Could ‘Totally’ Receive Nintendo Switch Ports

Benjamin Rivers has suggested that it is “totally possible” for two of his titles — Alone With You and Home — to be ported to Nintendo Switch.

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