
Famitsu hardware and software sales (3/2 - 3/8)

Resident Evil 5 (PS3) - 320,000

Resident Evil 5 (360) - 79,000

1. Resident Evil 5 (PS3)

2. 7th Dragon (DS)

3. Resident Evil 5 (360)

4. Dynasty Warriors MULTI RAID (PSP)

5. Yakuza 3 (PS3)

6. Mario and Luigi 3 (DS)


8. Super Robot Wars Z (expansion) (PS2)

9. Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP)

10. Wii Fit (Wii)

DSL 10000
DSi 35000
PSP 61000
Wii 20000
PS3 40000
PS2 5000
360 14000

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jahcure5677d ago (Edited 5677d ago )

Even with RE5 the 360 still got outsold by the Wii and only beating PS2 by 9000.. i really expected better considering there was a report saying they were selling equally.

Where's Star Ocean 4????

GWAVE5677d ago

It's good to see RE5 selling well on ALL platforms.

But on that note, 40,000 PS3s sold, selling more than the DSi, Wii, and everything else except the PSP. That's great for Sony! The two top-selling platforms in Japan right now.

mugoldeneagle035677d ago

Those are extremely good sales, especially on RE5 week. Consumer interest for the PlayStation 3 has stayed on Sony's side the last few weeks.

Things are looking real good


Chubear5677d ago

now imagine when GT5 comes out; now imagine when FF13 comes out; now imagine when FF13 Vs. comes out; now imagine... men oh men, it's going to get bloody for the PS3's competition this year & next.

Pennywise5677d ago

20. [360] Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope (Square Enix) - 7,400 / 194,000

gaffyh5677d ago

Where have all the xbox fanboys gone?

On topic - good sales for RE5, I expected more sales for the 360 seen as they had that limited edition red 360 bundle (also it's a lot cheaper, and red is a lucky colour in Japan). But I would probably have got the PS3 bundle, cos that simple Tricell logo on the corner looks good.

Cwalat5677d ago

all i gotta say is,

during 6 days

PSP sold 60 000

PS3 sold 40 000

RE5 PS3 sold 320 000

and.... this is only JAPAN!

Doctor_Doom5677d ago (Edited 5677d ago )

Kudos for Sega. They did a great Job with Yakuza 3

kevoncox5677d ago

I don't know what planet you guys are on but this is terrible news for both Sony and Ms...

The PS3 sold 40K units with a release of 2 big games in Japan.
App 166K a month is not going to help you catch MS. That's 2 million consoles a year. Lets offset that by MS' 100K console advantage in US and the 672 K a year they get in Japan. That means between the Us and Japan, Sony is only cutting into MS leade approx 300K a year.
I didn't bother to do Europe but at most it's another 500K a year....

Console gaming in Japan is dead.

FarEastOrient5677d ago

Square Enix made a big gamble with Star Ocean IV, sales dropped off last week and only added 14,000 to total sales. It still has sold more than 200,000 copies meaning that Square Enix hasn't even covered development cost.

Square Enix shares is to low for me to sell but it is nice to still see the reports.

FarEastOrient5677d ago


What should be surprising is that the PS3 hasn't even had a price cut yet it is outselling the competition.

Saigon5677d ago

I didn't think they were going to sell that much on the PS3...that number is rediculous...2 hit games in a week and Y3 still sold well also...


The only thing I wanted to know...why didn't you add the average of 360's sold in Japan and add those numbers to the NA numbers...Also Sony has stated they lead in Hardware over MS (I think it was in Jan. when this was stated)...

bviperz5676d ago

that Kevoncox realized this is for 1 week of sales.... Wonder what planet he's on....

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5676d ago
Chubear5677d ago (Edited 5677d ago )

Nice! XD Wow, the PSP is on a tear in JPN outselling both versions of the DS combined.

MaximusPrime5677d ago

this is clear that Japanese are not interested in xbox 360, whether its cheap, has RPG or has japanese developers.

wtg Japan!

solidjun55677d ago

I think Star Ocean 4 is number 7 on that list. I think the series has legs in Japan.

jahcure5677d ago (Edited 5677d ago )

After the first week it was down to #10, don't know what could cause the bump all the way back to #7

#7 was some New DS game named Aibo. I guess u don't read the links provided

GWAVE5677d ago

Number seven is a game called "Aibo" on the DS by Tecmo. Star Ocean 4 is not on the Top 10 list.

Darkiewonder5677d ago

20. [360] Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope (Square Enix) - 7,400 / 194,000

There's your star ocean.

solidjun55677d ago

It's a good series. I made my assumption on that (not a great assumption). Thanks for the info.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5677d ago
frayer5677d ago

Pack it up Microsoft. Japan doesn't want you. Hahaha. Aint the 360 like $199.99? Hahaha

TheBrit5677d ago (Edited 5677d ago )

get off the band wagon. It is scary to think you will be adults one day.

14000 is still better than what they were doing last year. They will always be behind but moving units is moving units.

Forget about the stupidity of 'ps3 is winning, xbox is losing blah blah blah' - it is so childish and makes you look foolish.

Chubear5677d ago

.. it's less than $199 in JPN.

ChickeyCantor5676d ago

Goes to show that price doesn't really matter?

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This, RDR2, Bloodborne.... and of course, Life of Black Tiger.


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Gamingsince19815d ago

Didn't the snes come out in 1990 in Japan

Profchaos5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Sure did I can only assume the article is talking about old-school games in general

Also the thumbnail used in the article for super Mario bros the lost levels is a screenshots of the Famicom game