
America's Army 3 Trailer

Finally an AA3 trailer for N4G readers.This trailer gives a basic look at what to expect from the PC game, America's Army 3, which has been in development for more than 3 years, finally being released this year.


6 Free Shooters For Broke Gamers

Sometimes you just don't have enough money to buy a new game. Luckily the industry has changed a lot over the last few years making free games easier to come by. This list is perfect for gamer who love shooters but just don't have money to go get the latest titles.

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smoothdude3498d ago

Im still amazed at how popular Team Fortress 2 is on Steam ranking up there with DOA 2. I'm not sure why, but I have logged over 1,000 hrs on this game and still finding myself playing when I have time to burn.

Granted consoles have PCs beat in terms of FPS online community, but these games are still fun non-the-less.

GamerTitan3498d ago

I've spent way too much time on Team Fortress 2. My friends and I use to play the original in middle school, so we just kind of stuck with it! Steam games are always top shelf.

Pandamobile3498d ago

"Granted consoles have PCs beat in terms of FPS online community"


Spikeantestor3498d ago

What makes TF2 a game that lasted this long? I've never played it.

Pandamobile3498d ago

Developer and community support.

And TF2 is frickin' awesome.

TXIDarkAvenger3497d ago

Couldn't get into TF2 no matter how many times I've tried.


Advanced Tactics: The Search For A Smarter Military Shooter

GameInformer: Military shooters have a long and venerable history in video games. Before Call of Duty and Battlefield began their war for complete market domination, smaller series like Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six, and SOCOM provided different takes on digital warfare. These series differentiated themselves – and the military shooter genre – from other FPS franchises like Quake and Halo by emphasizing strategy and realism. Forgoing roller-coaster spectacle and nonstop action, they presented gamers with a pseudo-authentic military experience where every shot counted and tactics played a larger role in the outcome of a mission than itchy trigger fingers.

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ATi_Elite4512d ago

If you want more realism in your shooter than these are the 4 to get and play.

These titles are for the HARDCORE shooter fan who understands that one bullet can send you to the graveyard so all you Rambos need not apply!

Arma II is imply the best and most realistic shooter ever. the vehicles, weapons, physics, ballistics, the tactics, the tools for strategy, scale of the game is second to none.

Nothing is better than Arma II except for the upcoming Arma III which takes it all to new levels.

Red Orchestra 2 is hands down the greatest WWII shooter ever! It's gritty, realistic, and painfully fun. So realistic that my butt starts to hurt and i can smell diesel fuel when i'm in the tank. I love shooting a wooden fence to splinters and then seeing a Russian soldier fall to his death. No other game provides that much realism.

Counter Strike is like the granddaddy of them all and is played by gamers with over 10 years experience in the game but luckily it has a skill ladder so noobs never play with hardcore Vets.

America's Army 3 is pretty dam realistic for a free game. along the lines of Arma II but just way way smaller scale and matches are shorter.


America’s Army 3 Update Adds “Every Soldier a Sensor” Gameplay, New Maps

The Army Game Studio has released a large new update for their free realistic military FPS America’s Army 3, available now for automatic download on Steam. The patch brings the new “Every Solider a Sensor” gameplay component that encourages soldiers to be the best possible sensors they can be through astute observation. New maps, and a bunch of other items as well.

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