
YARS Review: Onslaught

YARS writes: "Onslaught is an odd game. It is the first Hudson Wii Ware title that I have played, the first FPS on the Wii that I have played and it has left me with very mixed emotions. On the one hand it is cheap, is an FPS and to be quite honest is a fun little shooter. On the other it is a generic blaster, has appalling sound, some dodgy graphics and very little variation. Let me start to explain the nature of this game with a quote from their site."

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Nintendo WiiWare FPS Games Data: Aliens vs. Waterguns?

CoffeewithGames.Blogspot.com says in one section, "Onslaught had 99,778 Total Hours reported this week, an increase of 1,305 hours from last week.
Water Warfare had 60,943 total hours reported this week, an increase of 1,340 hours."

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SpoonyRedMage5315d ago

Hmm, I would have thought Water Warfare would have more players because it's generally considered better.

The only bad thing is that it usually takes a while to get into a match.:(

If you manage to get one going though it's immense fun. I should really exchange friend codes with some peeps.:P

CoffeewithChess5315d ago

A guy from another site said the same thing about it taking a while getting into matches now.

tunaks15315d ago

i enjoyed Onslaught, it was some good mindless fun!

CoffeewithChess5315d ago

How long would you say the campaign is in hours to complete?

readiandnot5312d ago

Maybe we should get Water Warfare and exchange codes with some others.
It looks like a decent game for the price.


MyWii: Onslaught Review

MyWii writes: "The first FPS on WiiWare is an interesting tittle to review, as many other games on the service come from genres we rarely see in full retail releases. At first glance Onslaught appears to be a lacklustre affair in contrast to what we expect from the genre, yet one must remember it only costs $15 and was never meant to be compared to a full retail release."

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TVGB: Review / Onslaught (WiiWare)

TVGB writes: "The Wii has had a tortured history when it comes to FPS games. Initially billed as the console to revolutionize the control mechanisms within the genre, proof only arrived a year after the console's release in the form of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Onslaught from Hudson Soft however is something of an oddity in that it's an FPS game with a fairly lengthy single player mode and a sparse but entertaining online mode that's actually available for only 1000 points on WiiWare."

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