
Churn up some snow with MotorStorm Arctic Edge

ThreeSpeech writes:

"MotorStorm Arctic Edge is heading to a PSP or PS2 near you! Check out this exclusive video to see what you can expect!

The MotorStorm music, festival and brutal off-road racing moves onto a whole new terrain – Alaska. Freezing temperatures, ice, avalanches and altitudes are all combined to create an even more hostile environment for you to get to grips with…"

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MasFlowKiller5631d ago

Motor Storm is one of my fav launch tittle, still havent gotten the last one but i think i might get the PSP version of MotorStorm Arctic Edge

remanutd555631d ago

what are you waiting for??? go get pacific rift man , its freaking insane , much much better than the first motorstorm believe me you'll love it

DJ5631d ago

Pacific Rift is everything the first motorstorm should've been. Huge selection of tracks and vehicles, better boost system, and absolutely insane speeds.

The quick load times are a huge relief as well.

DJ5631d ago

Using in-game assets, or what the actual game looks like.

Babylonian5631d ago

It's ingame. I had trouble believing it too, but it realy is ingame!

Tony240ZT5631d ago

I can't believe the PSP version looks that good. Is this because some PSP games are running at higher clock rates now?

Babylonian5631d ago (Edited 5631d ago )

I have no idea, I think I'm going to ask them tomorrow how this is possible on the psp. But seeing GOW Chains of Olympus graphics, I think that it is because of the clock rates because GOW on PSP also looks insane to believe.

By the way, I said it earlier in another article. But LBP, Assasin's Creed and Guitar Hero are also coming to PSP this year!

Flare1495631d ago

Wow...definitely picking this up on day one

RadientFlux5631d ago

nice trailer but definitly CG, and since the game is coming out for the PSP, PS2 and not PS3. I am sure they aren't using any in-game assists like some people think.

DJ5631d ago

Which are high res. But the PSP game itself uses downsized textures, and has a lower amount of anti-aliasing (if any).

micro_invader5631d ago

I like how the have the same theme for the endings of each of their games; man/woman is about to be crushed by a huge vehicle XD

Anyway, it looks pre-rendered to me but still, I'm excited. Haven't purchased a game for my psp in ages.

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Top 10 PlayStation Portable (PSP) Games

Carl Williams writes, "The PlayStation Portable was Sony’s first stand alone portable and boy was it a special platform. The power of this bad boy was about on par with the PlayStation 2 console, could play PSOne titles, had a large library (over 1,300 games worldwide), and it was one of the first portables to offer Internet surfing out of the box. Whew. That is a lot of games for fans to sift through, a lot are region specific releases (but the PSP is not region locked). Here are my Top 10 PlayStation Portable games – got a beef with one? Let me know in the comments!10) Mega Man Powered Up"

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Madeline__2398d ago

I'm making $86 an hour working from home. I was shocked when my neighbor told me she was averaging $95 but I see how it works now. I feel so much freedom now that I'm my own boss. This is what I do>> http://www.fl-y.com/3qx0

jlove4life2398d ago

Let me smash then I can be your boss


Top 10 Greatest PSP Games of All Time

The Gamer's Network posts an extensive list of the top 10 greatest PSP games of all time.

Derekvinyard133667d ago

Vice city stories was amazing, I remember owning vice city with all prostitution rings lmao

Lord_Ranos3666d ago

That red PSP always looked beast. xD Its games are the best for mobile entertainment. Something the Vita surely needs currently.

trickman8883666d ago

God of War Chains of Olympus over God of War Ghost of Sparter?


DJ-DK7863666d ago

Maybe I should re-play Ghost of Sparta...

Th3o3666d ago

Really great choices but I would've swapped out liberation with Disgaea or a persona game... PES 3 was amazing on vita...too bad there was no free roam:(

DJ-DK7863666d ago

Thanks! Maybe I'll look into having a round with those games, could change my mind. :)

stavrami-mk23666d ago (Edited 3666d ago )

monster hunter @ god eater for me

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PS2Home: MotorStorm: Arctic Edge Review

PS2Home: "Needles to say, if you own a PS2, enjoy more elemental off-road driving and / or are looking for a classic racing title to explore"

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