
MisterRandom Review: Burnout Paradise Party Pack

MisterRandom writes: "The Burnout Paradise Party Pack DLC allows you to run offline "party" games for up to 8 players on your console. These games are short challenges that should last between 30 seconds to 2 minutes per player and are typically along the lines of a specific stunt or getting as many near misses as possible. These games are fun to play by themselves if you dont fancy going into the main game itself. The DLC also gives you two new achievements that are each worth 25 gamerpoints."

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Burnout Paradise Getting One Last Hoorah on PS3

Even though Criterion may be done making content for Burnout Paradise, the company still wants to give the game one more big push.

PlayStation 3 owners can currently get the full game, along with all DLC, for just $30. This includes Big Surf Island, Party Pack, Legendary Cars, Toy Cars, Boost Specials, Cops and Robbers and all other cars and motorcycles from the game. At full price, this would cost over $100.

For people who already own the game, you can pick up all of the content for just $20.

Currently, this deal is only for PS3 owners and is good until March 31.

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CernaML5233d ago

Wow. Playstation really is Criterion's favorite system. Cannot wait for their next game.

Syronicus5233d ago

This game is pure unadulterated fun and should be played by all. If you can sport the cash, get it, it is a blast and you won't regret it.

Blaster_Master5233d ago

Ive bought this game new 2 times and download once. Its not a bad game, and the driving is excellent. Customization, cokpit view, good story and setting and this game could have even out done midnight club LA. They put the game out too soon, but they ended up reaping the rewards for being one of the better racers out with online for the ps3 at the time. Good for Criterion. I know the new NFS is gonna be fine in their hands.

ThanatosDMC5233d ago

Hmmm... good thing i waited this long. Damn, i got so many games to play and so little time.

TheDudeAbides5233d ago

is there >non-platinum< PS3 edition with all DLC?

Megaton5232d ago

I talked so many of my friends into getting this game back in the day. We'd spend hours and hours online. One of my favorite games this gen.

FamilyGuy5232d ago

but most people who stopped playing this aren't going back, especially to the online. All I want from this pack is the two player mode/split screen that was $10 by itself, has that seen a price reduction?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5232d ago
Disccordia5233d ago

You can buy the ultimate box in game for £9.99 new.

iBoReD5233d ago

the ultimate box; does that include every bit of dlc?

Adolph Fitler5233d ago

I really wish they would take this series back to it's linear routes. I'm not for open world Burnout. I would love to see both Burnout and SSX new versions that harked back to there humble beginnings. SSX1 & Tricky had the best track designs of any racing/extreme sport game to date, they were awesome, yet EA have turned both there own original IP (in SSX) and Criterions game into open world type affairs.

Let the next need 4 speed go for open world structure, and after you finish that Criterion, bring me back the Burnout of the 1st 3 games.

Jdoki5233d ago

I'd like to see the best of both worlds! Some Grand Prix / proper circuits / linear type of events, AND the sandbox city.

I'd also love to be able to tweak settings so that I could dial the game back to the older versions - before Traffic Checking etc were introduced and the game was far less forgiving! :)

And a proper Crash Mode.

The Great Melon5233d ago

I never really cared for the old burnout games because they were linear. Burnout Paradise pulled me in because of the lack of constraints.

The Great Melon5233d ago

Well shoot, I normally don't like buying DLC, but I might just buy all of this considering the amount that they made and how much support they gave this game after it was released.

ReBurn5233d ago

That's a lot of content for $20. I'm sorely tempted.

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PlayStation Store Global Update 02/11/2010

Want to see which region got what content? Look no further, as PlayStation LifeStyle has done the searching for you and compiled a list of what's new in this week's PlayStation Store Update, for all regions across the globe.

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ftwrthtx5238d ago

is a ground breaking piece of work

LtSkittles5238d ago

I thought it was cool if you lose the fight he limps at the end.

A Cupcake for Gabe5238d ago

I waited about a minute before going back in the room and oh boy how bad that dude bruised the girl's face. I kind of felt really bad waiting..Damn you David Cage! Making me feel and sh1t!!!!!!!!!

frankymv5238d ago


T3mpr1x5238d ago

...really? You're going to bring that up? Hahaha.

life doomer5238d ago

omg when is legend of dragoon coming out!

BigPete79785238d ago

Meh. Nothing really peaks my interest. I may pick up some of the free content (who doesn't love free?), but I'm not sure I'll buy anything this week. Disc based games have broken my bank account over the past 2 months. So many good games, so little time.

ftwrthtx5238d ago

I ended up renting Dante's Inferno

The story was short though, so renting it seems like a good move

duplissi5238d ago

ya i know what you mean, im wondering whether or not i should get heavy rain this month. im so tempted, but money... :(

Lifewish5238d ago

some cool bundles but nothing for me really this week

T3mpr1x5238d ago

Definitely some cool bundles, I'm tempted to get the Crazy Taxi/Full Auto PSP bundle...

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PlayStation Store Global Update 12/22/09

Special Holiday Note: This is the last update for 2009

Want to see which region got what content? Look no further, as PlayStation LifeStyle has done the searching for you and compiled a list of what's new in this week's PlayStation Store Update, for all regions across the globe.

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T3mpr1x5289d ago

I can't believe I paid for a premium avatar hahaha...

DJ5289d ago

Looks like Europe got all the good pricing deals, though. =/

we won5289d ago

Going to try the Mag beta right now just DL it 20 minutes ago.

Neo Nugget5288d ago

I heard it's not playable until the 4th.

5289d ago
5288d ago