
Can Sony really breathe fresh life into the PSP?

A bullish interview in MCV has seen Sony declaring a fresh push for the PSP in 2009. But how much trouble is it in, and can Sony really wake up its software sales?

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Chris3995602d ago

say an emphatic "yes".

It was never dead in the first place, it just had piracy issues. The latest mobo seems to have fixed this.

I've been playing excellent software on the system for over 2 years now. It's shipped/ sold 50 million units world-wide; it's the ONLY competitor that has ever proven it's mettle against Nintendo's domination of the hand-held sector.. We shouldn't be questioning it's success anymore.

Doppy5602d ago

The PSP is a great system, and I hope they can. The problem with the PSP is that it doesn't have an expansive library of games, and that could easily be fixed by adding PSN support to the PSP, and letting you play games like Flower, Calling all Cars, and all the other PSN games on your PSP. That's the first step Sony needs to take. A Price drop would help, and more original titles would help. I'm sure it's easier to develop from the PSP rather than the PS3 so why not try very creative and imaginative games on the PSP, and later make a PS3 version since the PSP is more affordable and has a larger install base than the PS3, and hopefully more people will buy a PS3 down the road once a couple of their favorite PSP games get PS3 counterparts.

Cajun Chicken5602d ago

WITH GAAAAAAAAMMMMMEEEEEESSSS!!!! More than one decent title a year!!!

(Not RPGs!!!)

/Rant over/

Chris3995602d ago (Edited 5602d ago )

- Resistance PSP
- Patapon 2
- Tenchu PSP
- New Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce game (actually looks good and I hate the series).
- MLB: The Show
- Samurai Showdown Anthology (getting this for sure)

Prinny and Ghosts and Goblins (PSN Store) are really excellent platformers if you're into the genre, as well. Quite a variety, as you can see. All are non-JRPGs and are being released within the next couple of months or are out presently.

If none of those titles take your fancy, I don't know what to say :)

Cajun Chicken5602d ago (Edited 5602d ago )

R:R is on my list, depends how Tenchu works out, that series went downhill fast.

Call me impatient but I'm just personally expecting more like Daxter, R&C:SM and Medievil Reserrection and GoW:CoO, GTA Stories series, games that really excersise the PSP. Call me spoilt, but those games were ammmmmazing for handheld games, I want me more of that.

Seems a bit of a waste that theres a lack of full 3D games being made the last few years and focusing on RPGs, it makes you wonder why Sony even bothered with the hardware in the PSP if thats what was going to happen.

I own quite a lot of PSP games, I think I pretty much bought all the good ones over the years.
I could do with more classic anthologies though, Sega Mega Drive Collection and Metal Slug Anthology is great, as are the Capcom anthologies.

I really want more PSone games up on PSN, having Wild 9 on PSP would be awesome.

EDIT: I did not know about Samurai Showdown Anthology...hmm, deeply consider that.

ThanatosDMC5602d ago

Give us monster hunters... then we're good... i bought all of them and even imported MHP2G.

JsonHenry5602d ago

The PSP is the one console platform I can see that does not seem outdated graphically right now. Even though it took a while for some decent games to ship for it I think that Sony really hit the nail on the head with the PSP in terms of what a handheld should look like and the features it has.

Just like the PS3 - the only thing it needs are top rated games more often.

Gue15602d ago

After playing a couple of games on the iPhone now I'm convinced that the PsP's dead. The PsP needs some fancy feature to keep competing... It needs something like touch screen.

lokiroo4205602d ago

Your so wrong its funny, iphone games are mediocre to say the least.

cryymoar5602d ago

i enjoy the PSP as a media hub. Some games are good, Socom, syphon filter, lumines.

likedamaster5602d ago

I disagree wiimaniac. What the psp needs is more 1st party titles and more "relevant" 3rd parties. the PSP is a very capable handheld, sony just needs to stop revising it and start dropping the price on it.

KrazyFace5602d ago

I do like my PSP but it unfortunatly isn't getting the attention it deserves from me in the games department. I like the connectivity between it and my PS3 though, because of that, I use my PSP as a TV nite-lite every night.

Come on Sony, get some life blood into it!

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Elden Ring's manga paused so the author can play the DLC instead

Elden Ring's manga has been put on hiatus so that the artist can play the DLC.

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phoenixwing13h ago(Edited 13h ago)

Well 6 month hiatus it is. If not longer lol


PlayStation’s Most Underrated Franchise Is All Playable On PS5

Fans who pine for the days of Naughty Dog’s Jak and Daxter are in for some good news, as the complete series is now playable on PS5 with trophy support. This isn’t just the trilogy either, as the PSP games and Jak X are also available, so hardcore Jak fans can now relive these great titles.

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isarai3d ago

Underrated? J&D was one of the most popular IPs at the time, quite literally the face of the ps2 beside God of War

Outside_ofthe_Box3d ago

Would love to see a open world Jak 4 on the PS5, would be amazing, but I know ND said they'd never do it.

purple1013d ago (Edited 3d ago )

apparently there is a movie being made. I just cant get my head around what Sony is doing recently,

In regards to cancelling twisted metal game, when they push ahead with series 2 of the tv show, surely she show is meant to promote the game, where the real profits can be made.

Now we hear of a Jan and daxter film, (an old ps2 game) but NO new game to go with it,

mind boggles:

Sony Pictures, PlayStation Productions Releases & In Production:

• TV Shows:

-HBO: The Last Of Us Season 1
-Peacock: Twisted Metal Season 1
-HBO: The Last Of Us Season 2 & 3
-Netflix: Horizon
-Peacock: Twisted Metal Season 2
-Amazon Prime: God Of War
-Disney+: Films/TV Shows
-Hulu: Films/TV Shows

• Movies:

-Gran Turismo
-Ghost Of Tsushima
-Jak And Daxter
-Gravity Rush
-Until Dawn
-Uncharted 2

Master-Tonberry2d ago

I wasn't aware that ND said they'd never do it...

I know they said it would difficult for them to go back to it after doing super high fidelity, gritty, realistic stuff like Last of Us but I didn't think they'd ruled it out completely.

Outside_ofthe_Box2d ago

They didn't say never, but was basically what they said. They actually tried making a new Jak, but what they were making was straying far from it's roots so they canned it. They're just in a different mindset when it comes to developing games compared to when they made Jak.

XiNatsuDragnel2d ago

Jak and dexter is known franchise Sly Cooper was more hidden one tbh.

darthv722d ago

...and he was trying to stay hidden because he was a thievius racoon.

Demetrius2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Seeing jak&d left in the past like that really makes me appreciate nintendo even more for atleast keeping mario, zelda, metroid, and others around while making em still feel fresh, Playstation should have another gem besides astroboy and ratchet&clank

gold_drake2d ago

i wouldnt call jack and daxter underrated.

its a beloved franchise that pretty much was one of the biggest games on the ps2 and psp


Games To Play If You Love Persona

If you're looking for something that will scratch that Persona itch, these games have got you covered!

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jznrpg6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Persona and SMT , duh

Yui_Suzumiya6d ago

Eternights, Noctuary, SMT, Soul Hackers, Tokyo Mirage Sessions

Pyrofire955d ago

If you like Persona but hate yourself then play Conception.
"The player's goal is to charm girls from National Star God Academy, raise their affection for Itsuki, then produce and take the Star Children to explore dungeons and battle Impurities"
Hit on girls then put your "energy" into them and they'll "produce" "Star Children"
Then you send your children into dungeons or something. IDK.