
Family Friendly Gaming Review: Elebits The Adventures of Kai and Zero

FFG writes: "Elebits on the Wii was received really well here at Family Friendly Gaming. A continuation of the story on the Nintendo DS piqued our curiosity, and I got to review this hand held action adventure title. Kai and Zero run across a bus that has a secret and they find themselves on another world. Kai has to collect Elebits, and Omegas (like Zero) to try and find a way back home. Early on Kai is concerned that his parents will get worried since he has gone missing. Children should think of ways to honor their parents and this lesson stuck out with me. The touch screen of the Nintendo DS is used to tap Elebits (which freezes them for a short time), and then tap the Omega out at the time. Each Omega has a different power that can be used to progress through certain areas."

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Holiday Shopping Guide 2009: Hand-held Gaming Best Bets

From Atlanta Video Game News Examiner:

"Halloween is past and Thanksgiving is fast approaching. That means it is time to start planning for your holiday shopping. One of the biggest problems when shopping for gamers is making sure that you buy a quality game that they will enjoy. There's nothing worse than getting a game for someone and finding out that it is buggy, has bad controls, or just isn't fun at all. So, we've come up with the best bets of recent releases for the two major hand-held platforms (Nintendo DS and the Sony PSP) for the 2009 holiday shopping season. We've broken it down not just by hand-helds but by genres as well. So click through on the links below for the hand-held and genre you'll be shopping for this year."

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DIG: Elebits: The Adventures of Kai and Zero Review

The first Elebits games was one of those odd, experimental things on the Wii. You know, the kind of thing people refer to as a "tech demo" just as much as they refer to as a "game". It basically used the Wii remote's motion-sensing abilities for a sort of virtual reality hide-and-seek. And… well, gameplay-wise, it really has little to do with its first sequel, The Adventures of Kai and Zero. Rather, the DS follow-up takes a somewhat more traditional path, opting to follow in the action-adventure footsteps of games like The Legend of Zelda.


NL: Elebits: The Adventures of Kai and Zero Review

Nintendo Life writes: "The original Elebits is one of the most enjoyable games we've played in a long time and Elebits: The Adventures of Kai and Zero is a similar story. The vibrant and childish graphics accompanied by the game's simple difficulty may point to the game being suited for younger audiences, but anyone can love The Adventures of Kai and Zero. If you never had the opportunity to play the original, do yourself a favor and pick up its sequel".

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