
Into The Sandbox: Is Freeform Gameplay Really The Future?


"Complete freedom has always been the holy grail of gaming. Sandbox Gameplay in games such as GTA3 and Crackdown have shown the potential for setting a player loose in a world with nought but their imagination (and usually several dozen guns).

But should we really want our games to tear down their walls and send us out squinting into a blinding world of possibilities?"

gaminoz5707d ago

On one hand you get the great set-pieces and story-telling in more linear corridor shooters, but on the other the freedom you can get in sandbox games makes it so you can make up your own fun!

Hopefully we will have both: COD: WAW worked with its more restrictive play but so did Far Cry 2 with the open style. I'd love to see a blend of something like MOH: Airborne with Brothers In Arms...in other words more freedom and open pathways like in a level like Adanti in Airborne, but more tactical AI and gameplay like BIA.

HighDefinition5707d ago (Edited 5707d ago )

Well that depends on how much space you got to work with.


thats_just_prime5707d ago

In a way sandbox games are still linear. Take GTA 4 no matter how many times you play or what all you do in the game (not like there much to do) you'lll meet the same people and you kill the same guys ( other then a caouple you can choose not to kill) you'll betrayed by the same poeple ans it will alway happen in the same order. So while the game play is non linear story telling will always be linear

Sasanova5707d ago

no its not. its retarded to think that. why? why the fuk would u want that? thats like saying u want to play only RPG games from now on...or just FPS and never play another fighting game again...

u want a freeroam street fighter too? stfu, u dont deserve an opinion

Immortal Kaim5707d ago

reported for being a tool. If you want to get your point across don't speak like an immature child. Hopefully you get a nice long ban

poindat5707d ago (Edited 5707d ago )

Neither is better. Both styles of gameplay each have their own merits and demerits, but the success is really based on the individual games. You wouldn't judge all linear shooters on games such as Haze when there is some great quality out there. Likewise on sandbox games.

REALgamer5707d ago


But if one style pulls in more money I'm sure developers will follow it, and at the moment sequels to many popular series are going free-roaming like Farcry 2 and Prince of Persia because sandbox games are selling really well.

Acj23235707d ago

Well I don’t think it’s the complete future, there will be linier games. But I guess as games are developed the companies who make them have free dome in their mind, because if you compare games from today’s market to games when they were first developed, there is allot more freedom into day’s games and maybe it will always be that way.

Cajun Chicken5707d ago

The worst thing to worry about is the demise of the healthbar (units) all this recharging health gimmick is annoying me. Just stop it, be different. Its like freaking bullet-time all over again.

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Coming to Game Pass July 24

Everything you need to know about Modern Warfare III coming to Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass.

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darthv7263d ago (Edited 63d ago )

Will be interesting to see what sort of numbers GP users draw in come tomorrow. It is believed that this is one many have been waiting for.

63d ago
thesoftware73062d ago


That is not accurate; this game is old, and most people who want it have already bought it. You might get a small number of subs, but we will mostly see a good influx of players(not new subs) from people with Game Pass who will try it, which is what happened with D4.

CoD: BO 6 will be the test for actual sub numbers.

darthv7262d ago

That's fair... seeing as many have been saying they want CoD in GP. My comment was more of , now that its here... what can it do. Im sure there will be other titles in the franchise that will either entice or turn off different users.

Bathyj62d ago

No one's buying a console and signing up for a monthly bill just to get this game to avoid buying it. That's ridiculous. Besides everyone bagged the crap out of this on release for the 4 hour campaign.

andy8562d ago

Sweet. Never got round to it on release. I'll give the campaign a go

chicken_in_the_corn61d ago

Severly underrated game. Big improvement over 2.


Ranking The Coldest, Most Ruthless Protagonists In Gaming

Not all video game protagonists are sweet, jolly, or wholesome. Folks like Agent 47 are cold, ruthless, and reserved and it shows.

cloganart70d ago

I'd like to believe Joel's situation is more about turning into a calloused survivor in a cold-hard world who may have made selfish decisions. Not inherently ruthless.

Armyofdarkness71d ago

Ah, fond memories of strangling all the people in their hotel rooms in Hitman 1

bunt-custardly71d ago

Lara Croft, Nathan Drake etc, cos they pretend to be the good guys but are mass murderers that show no remorse.


6 Fun Games Where You Actually Play As The Bad Guy

While the mainstream media always sees things turning in favor of the hero, here are 6 games that own being a bad guy.

Profchaos152d ago

Pretty much all of these games listed are based around a morality system you don't have to be bad and you don't have to be good.

It seems to have left out some real amazing games like red dead redemption 1/2,ass effect and true crime la/ny

Tacoboto152d ago

Armored Core VI?

Ok, I'm really missing something here. Just beat chapter 3 earlier this evening, unlocked A-rank Arena fights. I'm not seeing or sensing any branching paths or morality system and I've done every side mission and arena fight available to me up to that fight.

Is something big coming soon to branch the story?

banger88152d ago

No mention of Grand Theft Auto? Saints Row (original trilogy), Manhunt? Also The Suffering (depending on the ending you get).

ChasterMies152d ago

Trevor in GTA 6 is a sadist and psychopath who dabbles in cannibalism. Should be top of the list. These game “news” sites should hire people that know games.