
IGN: Coraline Review

If your only goal in this life is to worship the Coraline franchise in all forms, you might find some redeeming value in D3 Publisher's videogame adaptations. But if you value quality software, whether designed for adults or for kids, this title is your mortal enemy. It reeks of dated gameplay design ideals, loses nearly all the substance and style of the book and movie respectively, is too difficult at points for kids, and is too short for your money.

Presentation - 3.0
Graphics - 3.0
Sound - 4.0
Gameplay - 2.0
Lasting Appeal - 1.0
Overall -


GamesRadar: Coraline Review

Like a lot of licensed stuff, this largely coasts by on inherited elements from the movie. Fans will doubtless gain some satisfaction out of simply being in the world, but, as usual, Coraline isn't very good at being a game. If the developers had been brave enough to explore the darkness of the film, this could have stood tall among the other uninspired licensed dross. They haven't, so it remains firmly and indistinguishably in the murk, destined to be forgotten with all of those other ill-conceived movie tie-in games.

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GamesRadar: Coraline Review

Like a lot of licensed stuff, this largely coasts by on inherited elements from the movie. Fans will doubtless gain some satisfaction out of simply being in the world, but, as usual, Coraline isn't very good at being a game. If the developers had been brave enough to explore the darkness of the film, this could have stood tall among the other uninspired licensed dross. They haven't, so it remains firmly and indistinguishably in the murk, destined to be forgotten with all of those other ill-conceived movie tie-in games.

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Guardian: Coraline Review

Guardian writes: "With the movie just out, Coraline the game is more a case of disappointment than delight. Visually striking and with atmospheric sound, once you get down to gameplay things head downhill at a frightening pace."

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