
Blood Bowl Trailer Series Three

GamingShogun writes, "In this third installment of the four-trailer series being released by Focus Home Interactive and Cyanide Studios, you can see the Skraven Team face off against the Lizardmen Team in their upcoming Fantasy-realm football title, Blood Bowl. You can..."

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BlackIceJoe5614d ago

Blood Bowl looks pretty cool. It reminds me of Mutant League Football. If it is any thing like that game this will be a sweet game.

JelalTrueshot5614d ago

I just hope it releases here in the US as well as Europe. They have yet to announce a US publisher.


Blood Bowl: A Riveting Fusion of Fantasy and Football

Games Workshops' Blood Bowl debuted in 1986, and since has seen numerous updates, re-releases and video game spin-offs.


Third Blood Bowl 3 closed beta now live

Nacon and Cyanide Studio are running their third closed beta for Blood Bowl 3. This latest PC closed beta coincides with the ongoing Warhammer Skulls event, and will run until June 12th. Blood Bowl 3‘s third beta includes some new teams and mechanics. This time around, players can also choose to coach the Chaos Renegades and Old World Alliance teams.

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