
Rebellion wanted to up PS2 Battlefront III to 360 and PS3 versions

According to UK development sources, Rebellion proposed to LucasArts that its PlayStation 2 version of Star Wars Battlefront III could form the basis for both 360 and PS3 versions of the game.

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slugg5625d ago

If the retail version of Star Wars Battlefront 3 doesn't look as good as what Free Radical had designed, gamers and media will crucify the game and it wont sell worth cr@p. Unfortunately, this "how can we do it for less money" attitude with publishers will continue to rear its ugly head. I call it the "Wii Effect" why make good, quality, hi-def, AAA titles when you can just push out shovelware that will make more money. Hell, even Nintendo does it now (Wii Music, anyone?)

Pixel_Addict5625d ago (Edited 5625d ago )

I'd rather they'd release BF3 and get criticism, then release such boring dribble. That game was a pathetic attempt at beating the halo-clone cash cow, and it failed miserably. Fracture was a waste of resources and man-power, just like the remake (butchering) of Star Wars episodes IV-VI

GiantEnemyLobster5625d ago

Well so much for a true next-gen Battlefront if this is true. the PS2 version ported to the 360/PS3 would just be SWBF2.5 with pretty graphics.

Pixel_Addict5625d ago (Edited 5625d ago )

Instead of releasing guaranteed hit like Battlefront 3, the geniuses at Lucas Arts released Fracture? Some one put this company out of its misery.

Kushan5625d ago

They also released The Force Unleashed.
Fracture was rubbish, but back in the day Lucasarts were famous for great games that had nothing to do with Star Wars, so rather than blaming them for not just doing the "sure hit" thing (like they have been for ohhhh, I don't know, the last 15 years?), give them credit for not just milking the Star Wars universe.
Hopefully, fracture wont put them off and they'll actually make a decent game next time. One that isn't star wars.

xc7x5625d ago

nobody seems to know lol

El_Colombiano5625d ago

So a PS2 port....to next gen consoles? EPIC FAIL if true.

Pixel_Addict5625d ago

I am sure the developer would have moved some assets from the PS2 project and just built upon it. Not just move the exact game over to the PS3/360... I think people are just trying to make this out to be something it isn't.

Mozilla895625d ago

It seems like the game is going to land back at Pandemic where it started. This is of course rumors, but I'd rather they do it than Rebellion. Ideally the group that left Free Radical would continue to work on it but thats not gonnna happen so Pandemic is the next best thing.

El_Colombiano5625d ago

Rebellion made Rouge Squadron for PSP. SUCH a let down. I pray they do not get their hands on SW:BF3. I know Pandemic can bring the magic back.

Kushan5625d ago

They never said port, they said basis. Just because it was on PS2 doesn't mean that some gameplay aspects weren't good or anything.

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Star Wars Battlefront 3: Is There Still Hope For A New Game?

Is Star Wars Battlefront 3 coming? Well, the correct answer is yes, no and maybe. It’s been six years since the second instalment, and fans are still waiting for confirmation of another sequel.

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anast184d ago

Game companies are not mature enough to handle this concept without turning it into a casino.

shadowknight203184d ago

The remakes of battlefront should have been more simular to the originals. CoD/battlefield reskinned as Star Wars was not the anwser.


Canceled Star Wars Battlefront III for PSP Images Leaked

Someone has just revealed images proving that there was supposed to be a Star Wars Battlefront III for PSP.

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Duke19771d ago

"Images of Gameplay" noted in the article.

Proceeds to only show Menu screens

GoodGuy09771d ago

Oh yea battlefront games were on the psp weren't they? And force unleashed as well. Great "handheld" versions those were.

plmkoh770d ago

Battlefront III in PSP is just Elite Squadron, was never cancelled. The start up menu is even the same same with X1 and X2.


Battlefront 3's Opening Leaked - Star Wars Fans At It Again

Clever Star Wars fans have uncovered yet another piece of Free Radical's Star Wars: Battlefront 3, exploring the game's tutorial level.

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Urrakia34868d ago

After all these years, Free Radical's SWBF2 is still the best overall Star Wars game to me. It had everything you could want in big fun team battles, Jedi vs Sith and the space battles were extremely well done giving you the ability to land inside a capital ship's hangar to sabotage and take it down from within.

Sciurus_vulgaris868d ago

Free Radical didn’t make Star Wars Battlefront 2. The long defunct Pandemic Games developed the original Battlefront 2.

Urrakia34868d ago

Thank you sir, I appreciate the correction. Pandemic also developed Mercenaries I believe, right? That game too is a classic!

Sciurus_vulgaris868d ago

Yes, Pandemic did indeed develop Mercenaries.

ZeekQuattro868d ago

I wish that IP would make a return. The original was better but its the second one had its moments. You could pretty much level anything in those games if you had the right armaments.

868d ago
plmkoh867d ago

This is just Battlefront Elite Squadron. Cancelling it was the right move, very few changes to Battlefront 3 except for a new forgettable campaign.