
IGN UK: Football Manager Live Review

When Sports Interactive first announced it was working on a massively multiplayer online version of its Football Manager series, the news was met with a mixture of joy and muttered pessimism. While fans of the series have hankered for an MMO spinoff ever since modems became a PC mainstay, the task of creating such a game was laden with pitfalls. How could such a hardcore and slow-paced series be transformed into a mass market, accessible product that would also cater to the high standards of hardened fans? Sports Interactive's answer is Football Manager Live, a game that's enjoyed a lengthy Beta testing period and clearly benefited from it. While the game may not be to everyone's taste, FML does contain a little something for everyone who's ever had an interest in virtual football management.


12 Dead Online Video Games That Should Never Have Ended

The closing of multiplayer services can happen for a number of reasons. Sometimes there just aren’t enough people using a product to justify keeping it running while in others it could be down to complicated legal wrangling, like expiring licensing agreements, or even a desire to bring out a new installment.

One thing is clear though – many of these discontinued games simply don’t deserve to die, to be cut down in their prime leaving players without a viable alternative and waste all that time the audience invested in them. With that in mind, this article will count down the 12 games least deserving of being shut down, the ones that players the world over wished had kept going.

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IncGamers: Football Manager Live Interview

IncGamers' James Chalmers chats to Football Manager Live's game producer Marc Duffy about the MMO's relaunch and whether it was a success, the upcoming 3D match engine patch and what other plans the team have for Football Manager Live. Oh and he also tries to find out whether Football Manager 2011 is in production.

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Dorjan5208d ago

Good choice cutting the price imo, makes it more assessable to the casual gamers.

Chazmers5208d ago (Edited 5208d ago )

yeah its a good price especially for how much you get in the game


New Game Worlds Planned For Football Manager Live

Sports Interactive has confirmed to IncGamers it will be opening more game worlds for Football Manager Live.

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