
PS3evolved.net review: Castlevania Chronicles (PS3/PSP)

PS3evolved.net writes: "Let me start off this review with this statement: I am a huge fan of the Castlevania series. With that said, you can probably imagine the smile on my face when I heard that this title was coming to the PSN for only $5.99. A classic that had never seen the North American shores in its originality until a small release in 2001 on the PlayStation one, was finally getting the attention it deserved.

You play as fan favorite Simon Belmont, a descendant of the legendary family of vampire hunters. He is, of course, equipped with none other than the Vampire Killer, the famous holy whip passed down from generation to generation to keep Count Dracula and his minions at bay. The year is 1691 and the Count is back with a vengeance and he's got some help from hell's own lieutenants. It's up to Simon to destroy Dracula's castle and save Transylvania from destruction."

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Castlevania Chronicles Turns 15 Years Old on Playstation

Carl Williams writes, "Retro gaming fans that were gaming on the Nintendo Entertainment System surely remember the first Castlevania game. Konami was in rare form with this release and gamers showed their appreciation with each new release by buying the sequels and giving free word of mouth advertising. In 2001 Konami brought over to North American Playstation owners a little title called Castlevania Chronicles. This was originally a Sharp X68000 release (see our second issue for more information on this gaming computer). What was Castlevania Chronicles anyhow?"

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Castlevania's Vampire Killer beats - Exploring the music of Konami's iconic series

"Castlevania is a series with heritage. Since its introduction in 1986 it's rarely skipped a year, with 40 released titles spanning consoles, PC's and arcades. Over nearly 30 years, the backbone remains the same. The plot is an eternal repetition of the need for the Belmont clan (and occasional affiliates) to destroy Dracula who, against all odds, keeps getting resurrected in all manner of bizarre circumstances. Features and details may change, or occasionally be absent, but they're indelible parts of the series, always remembered, always returning.

Perhaps Castlevania's most polished and revered trait is its music. Stylistically phenomenal from the very beginning, nearly every title in the 28 year history is an aural delight. When Konami released an 18 CD soundtrack set in 2010, it didn't even have room for every great piece that's graced the series. Behind these iconic tracks is the work of some talented composers. "

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Castlevania Chronicles: We've Been Killing Dracula for 25 Years

1UP - Twenty-five years ago, on September 26, 1986, Konami launched a brand new game in Japan that would go on to become one of the longest continuously running franchises in the medium's history. Akumajou Dracula -- roughly translating to "Demon Castle Dracula," which became "Castlevania" in the West in accordance with Konami's weird obsession with pun-laden localization in the '80s -- was actually two different games on two different platforms.

Number_134644d ago

Is that so? Well I have a new assignment for you, his name is Edward