
Are Games Too Realistic?

This is a relatively new game debate that has sparked a lot of controversy and fierce arguments among a lot of industry analysts and experts. On one side, games aim to deliver a more lifelike experience so that players would be able to identify themselves with the characters they are controlling. Things like realistic clothes or environments all become one single experience that needs to be as similar to real life as possible, think a lot of game developers and publishers.

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uie4rhig5615d ago

as long as there aren't any idiots that think it's real life.. who cares if they are realistic?
i'd rather have a realistic game over a unrealistic game..

Tomdc5615d ago

meh its ok, depends what you like don't it. hardly cause for a big debate making this a stupid article. Its like making one about RPG v. FPS, people like both a debate won't change anything, don't bother...

pain777pas5615d ago

Depends on the game but if you adjust the difficulty in Fallout or Oblivion the games are just like yesteryear everything goes boom in a shot or two.

ThanatosDMC5614d ago

I'm not gonna click the link since i dont want to support stupidity but are they gonna argue that zombies are realistic???

qface645615d ago

i honestly prefer unrealistic games realism is so boring if you ask me if i want realism id just step outside the door

omodis4205615d ago

I hear what you are saying. However with sports games the realisim that we are starting to see this generation is very much appreciated. Honestly I like games that look as realistic as possible. But they need to have a good story to suck me in. So far I can honestly say my favorite game this gen is still The Darkness.

ape0075615d ago

the right way is to make graphics better or more realistic,while IMPROVING GAMEPLAY INSTEAD OF MAKING IT REALISTIC

good examples:mgs 4,gears 2,cod 4,etc....

bad example:GTA IV,they made gameplay realistic,which is wrong

I want amazing graphics and awesome gameplay

WaR_HaWk5615d ago

gears 2??? lol, thats one of the most unrealistic games ever.

micro_invader5615d ago (Edited 5615d ago )

In what way? He said that GeOW 2 looks realistic but plays like a game should do and I agree with him.

ChampIDC5615d ago (Edited 5615d ago )

I think we're at the point where focusing on improving graphics is hitting a peak. I don't think we really need to get much better than we are now. Just look at games like Killzone 2. Pretty soon, gameplay will be in much greater focus (it really should be the main focus, but it seems to take a backseat sometimes sadly), and graphics will need hardly any work at all. These are games after all. They don't need to be photorealistic.

I think the only thing that needs work in graphics is expanding the capabilities by doing thing such as eliminating pop-in, improve draw distance, and more going on at one time on the screen. Such things could do wonders to immerse a gamer into the game instead of focusing on every detail of a character's face.

The Wii had the right idea on focusing on gameplay instead of graphics, but I think they jumped to it a generation too soon, as many of their games look pretty choppy. I'll still take a regular controller any day, though.

SAiOSiN5615d ago

I like my games very realistic, especially online. Yet I enjoy a much more creative and sci-fi-ish experience. I hate when people complain that games aren't realistic (shooters in particular). If people care so much about shooters being realistic, then go join the army or something. Pretty much guaranteed it's nothing like a game. All this realistic game talk makes me wanna get Kizzy 2 even more! Agree if it's a day one purchase for you!!!

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Huey_My_D_Long2h ago

Like the competition, I just hope there's enough to go around. Seems to be alot of survival games already this year.
This one does look cool. Reminds me of Zeno Clash


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