
Metal Gear Solid Delta Remake Character Models Face Mixed Reception In Comparison To Original

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater is facing mixed reception over its character models in comparison to the original MGS3.

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on_line_forever46d ago (Edited 46d ago )

I prefer the original face of boss and snake

Also the yellow filter in the original is work great with story time of the game

Eonjay46d ago

The new faces are better. The original ones are simply lacking complexity and definition so our brains fill in the rest. But that's true of all older games. There is definitely something to be said for preference and nostalgia... also looking more real isn't always better.

But for those still on the fence, compare the texture work of everything else to the original. It's clearly preferable in the remake.

on_line_forever46d ago (Edited 46d ago )

Sorry but you are wrong the original one is developed with passion and love and concentrat on every details to make the game looks good with weak hardware and That my friend is the different .

Anyway in my opinion the remake looks good but need some fixes

Cacabunga46d ago (Edited 46d ago )

I prefer Snake’s new realistic face as well.. but the old one had some living in it, shows Naked snake was a man of experience..

The Boss face however it’s not that I don’t like it but looks too soft for the legend she is.. looks like The Joy’s first day on the job.. she’s the founder of the Cobra unit Konami!!!!!!

Eonjay46d ago


I'm not sure you understand me. The original is in my top 3 game I have ever played. It's a masterpiece... but we can't let our love for the original stop us from acknowledging the benefits afforded by 2 decades of improved tech. That would be dumb.

Lets evaluate the models as if we never played the original and don't have nostalgic bias.

on_line_forever46d ago


Every gamer love to see new tech in his favorite game BUT how the developers use these new tech with games is another story

porkChop46d ago


I think you're missing the point. Yes the new faces are better in terms of textures and graphical tech. That doesn't change the fact that they look like different people. The new face doesn't look like The Boss. It's just some other woman's face with fancier graphics. Even Snake doesn't look quite right, though he obviously looks much closer than The Boss does.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 46d ago
Name Last Name46d ago

As for the yellow filter, they did say they're gonna have it as an option.

KwietStorm_BLM46d ago

"Sorry but you are wrong.."
"Anyway in my opinion..."

Lmao foh

neutralgamer199245d ago

There is an option to turn on or off the old tone filter. I personally like the new ones better but it's a preference and I am glad gamers are given the option

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 45d ago
Dandizzle46d ago

Yeah the new look feels like its lacking the character of the originals. Feels like an AI generated upscale image, not created by hand.
Is it me or is there an undefined soulless feeling I was getting form these new character models.

Eonjay46d ago

Totally disagree. Look at the two images of the boss. What emotion are you getting from the left image? You don't have any definition on her facial details. Her eyes are lifeless in comparison. The strand system on the hair is night and day. There is no sub surface scattering on her skin in the original. I feel like I can see the sorrow in her face in the new one. She looks tougher in the original because the geometry is in fact more rigid lol.

I'm on the fence with Snake and I admit this has more to do with my own bias from being a fan of the original (number 2 favorite game of all time) but The Boss came out very well IMO.

KwietStorm_BLM46d ago

Super dramatic for absolutely no reason

Zenzuu46d ago

They're still much better than the models of the Silent Hill 2 remake.

purple10146d ago

nit picking- if I ever seen it, these new models are great, simply perfect actually,

Chocoburger46d ago

Yeah the faces look different, its bound to happen since its been a 20 year gap now. I prefer the original more, but the good news is that the 20 year old voice tracks will be back, so at the very least the voice acting won't be any different, the one thing we won't have to complain about.

The original soundtrack needs to return as well, I'm also okay with a modernized soundtrack, as long as its an option, and the original is still available.

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Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Seems To Lack Something And It's Hideo Kojima

Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater is the remake of the original title, which covers the origins of the Metal Gear Series.


Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Fans Attempt To "Fix" The Boss Character Model

Fans of the upcoming remake of MGS3, titled Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, have attempted to "fix" the character model for The Boss.

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got_dam29d ago

Not sure what the issue is, personally. She looks more age appropriate now.

Wintersun61629d ago

Am I the only one bothered because they literally made her a man? It's way too masculine compared to the original.

29d ago
cloganart29d ago

Sounds like you've never seen a man or a woman in your life. Wouldn't hurt to leave the house.

isarai29d ago

It quite literally follows every feature from her ps2 model, prominent cheekbones, square jaw, strong chin, flat brow, i don't know wtf you're looking at

SimpleSlave29d ago

Sadly, you are not alone. Many incels suffer from "Not meeting another real person in real life" syndrome which is very prevalent in your circles. And this inevitably leads to "Every 'real' women actually look like anime gurlz" mental health issues.

My advice to you is to unplug, go outside, get another hobby and sick help immediately. Before you become a lost cause.

Wintersun61629d ago

Looks like I hit some sensitive spots there. Don't worry cloganart and SimpleSlave. It's 2024. It's completely normal to like women that look like men. I don't judge.

SimpleSlave29d ago

Seems like you're the one whining and moaning and bitching about it. It's 2024 and it's still not completely normal to dislike women this much and then go online and judge every single piece of art that reminds you of this.

I get it, they look at you and they say the quiet parts out loud. It probably hurt. But if you clean your room and go seek help, you might actually get to touch, consensually of course, another real human being other than yourself.

You got this, champ. Don't quit now.

DarXyde28d ago


I mean this lady gave birth on the battlefield via an improvised C-section during WWII and killed the father by shooting him through the eye at the requirement of the US government that one of them die. It doesn't help that she was asked to betray her country, FOR her country, BY her country.

You say masculine. She really just looks like she's been through some serious shit.

Kaze8828d ago

Never knew that depression or being in war shapes your jawline 🥸 She ain't really bad, new perfect dark joannas buzz lightyear jaw was bad 😂

H928d ago

The "you haven't seen a woman before" argument is the undisputed worst argument of all time, I know how low someone's confidence in their opinion right away when they use it

VincentVanBro28d ago

Am I the only one bothered by the overuse of the word “literally” to the extent that it’s lost all meaning?

Zeref28d ago

She looks the same except more realistic. Her facial features are almost 1:1.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 28d ago
KwietStorm_BLM29d ago

I'm glad "fix" is in quotes. There's nothing wrong with her.

Valkyrye29d ago

they just wanted to feel better about themselves

CrimsonWing6929d ago

Fan fix looks odd to me. The design they went with is just fine…

Friendlygamer29d ago

Boss design is fine, she's a soldier at the end of her life. Now, if they mess up eva then people will have a decent reason to be annoyed

Flewid63829d ago

The Down-Bads are at it again.

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MGS Delta: Snake Eater Release Date Still Undecided, Voice Performances Re-Recorded As Needed

The release date for Konami's upcoming remake of Metal Gear Solid 3, titled Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, remains undecided.

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CobraKai42d ago (Edited 42d ago )

The only line i wanted re-recorded, “Vol-jin?” - Volgin. He couldn’t say his own name right 🤣