
Play Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 on Day One with Xbox Game Pass

Xbox Wire: “We're excited to confirm that Game Pass members will be able to jump into Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 on day one.”

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ThinkThink59d ago

Here's hoping for a drop of all 19 of the other cod games on gamepass. That would be a wild trip down memory lane.

1Victor59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

Rip Xbox 😭 this will be the point when you can say it was Microsoft biggest mistake that cost Phil head to roll when the investors expect to see a billion on sale and get 1/3 only from PS.
Anyway congratulations to all those CoD players that have game pass.
Edit: never mind is black ops 6 but if they do this for the main cod it’s goodbye Phil

VenomUK59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

I'm not sure how this move will play out but I do think it could devalue the Call of Duty brand Microsoft paid so much for.

Also, if after the release Microsoft compares sales revenue of the game on Xbox compared to last year, and then logically it will be less as Xbox gamers will be able to get it for 'free'. If it then looks to see if Game Pass new subscriber revenue makes up for the loss profits - if it doesn't It could potentially be the nail in the coffin for the Xbox console business and Game Pass.

crazyCoconuts59d ago

So normally I'd just buy COD every year. Now if they keep the prices the same, I might get PC GamePass. The way I see it, I get GamePass for a difference of $50/year. And they would get $50 from me that maybe I would have otherwise not spent with them. It's not obvious to me whether it's a bad move or not

Cacabunga58d ago

So now Xbox doesn’t even care about the millions of sales the title would generate on Xbox and PC?
Most will sub for a month, play the crap out of it (if it’s any good) and go back to normal.

Do these people even have a brain?

outsider162458d ago

I wanna see how this will fare with ps players. Do they buy the game on console? Will this day 1 GP finally move xbox consoles?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 58d ago
ocelot0759d ago

After being burnt with MW3 (really enjoyed mw2019 and MW2 (2022) as well as cold war). Guess I can give it ago on pc GP for a month. If I like it buy it on PS5 or PC or don't if I don't like it. I may dislike gamepass. But since it's Microsoft who potentially looses out on my money I don't mind.

59d ago
59d ago
Andrew33659d ago

They aren't gonna "loose" out on your money.

darthv7259d ago

There is nothing to dislike about Gamepass. People can dislike the company behind it but fundamentally the service is excellent. I truly do not care about the politics behind it... I just like what it offers.

ocelot0759d ago

That's fair. I just don't like how it's pretty much killed Xbox as a platform. Because of it and in my honest opinion Xbox is now a service rather than a platform. Say what you will about the Xbox one it didn't do as well as the PS4 but before gamepass at least people where paying for the games. Now it's ill just rent on gamepass and if it ain't on gamepass I'll wait untill it's on gamepass.

shinoff218359d ago

It's changed a whole bases buying power. It's not good no matter how you look at it. Sure your looking at it as a consumer but when it goes under, no more consumer

59d ago
ThinkThink59d ago

Should probably just buy it on xbox with the 20% gamepass discount otherwise you'll be giving Microsoft more of your money twice.

ocelot0759d ago

If the game is good then I have no issues paying for it on my preferred platform.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 59d ago
Obscure_Observer59d ago


All those rumors were dead wrong and COD fans will be able to play Black Ops 6 day one on Gamepass!

rippermcrip59d ago

This doesn't prove or disprove anything about the rumors of either a price increase or a new tier.

darthv7259d ago

...true, but those were separate rumors. The one OO is directly referring to was the idea that CoD would be coming to GP as a result of the merger. To which we can put that one to bed now with this news.

VenomUK59d ago

@Obscure_Observer There's nothing wrong with being a consumer and being delighted that you be able to play it for free. But like with the many Xbox YouTubers who celebrated the ABK purchase by Microsoft who didn't consider the possible negative consequences for the console platform they enjoy most, I wonder if you have considered this could be a damaging move for the Xbox ecosystem? It might not be, it might turn out to be a genius move! It could be Phil Spener's last hurrah. Come Christmas when it is bundled free with new Xboxs via a Game Pass trial it will definitely shift units - but will it be enough to move PlayStation-exclusive owners to buy it and significantly boost the Xbox Series S/X market share?

Obscure_Observer59d ago


"This doesn't prove or disprove anything about the rumors of either a price increase or a new tier."

You can ask Geoff Keighley about that:

"Microsoft has confirmed that Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will be playable on Xbox and PC for Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, PC Game Pass, and Xbox Game Pass for Console members.

"BTW per Microsoft, the pricing on tiers is:

Game Pass Ultimate - $16.99 USD/month
Game Pass for Console - $10.99 USD/month
PC Game Pass - $9.99 USD/month
Game Pass Core - $9.99 USD/month OR $59.99/year"


PhillyDonJawn59d ago

I can see gamepass ultimate being $20.99 (the price of core and GP individually together) and GP solo $13.99 GP PC $11.99

Redgrave58d ago

Hey man. Nice to see you, been missing you in the articles about XBOX lately. Nobody quite like you to have discussions about the latest proceedings.

Now, might I ask you, do you believe that the quality of BLOPS 6 will be hindered in any capacity through a day one launch on GP? It's a blockbuster release after all, and MW3 left a long bitter taste in a lot of people's mouths.

Do you think it would be the same game on terms of quality and quantity if they delayed releasing it on Gamepass, by say 3 months or so? Get all those Xmas sales while the piping's hot?

Obscure_Observer58d ago


Hey man, how are doing?

"Now, might I ask you, do you believe that the quality of BLOPS 6 will be hindered in any capacity through a day one launch on GP?"

Not at all. According to Digital Foundry, Hellblade II is the most technical advanced game of the current generation, which is nothing but proof that both Gamepass and Xbox Series S aren´t hindered games development at Xbox Studios at all.

"It's a blockbuster release after all, and MW3 left a long bitter taste in a lot of people's mouths."

All I can say it´s being developed by other/different studios, whether Black Ops 6 will deliver on people´s expectations now they´re under MS, really remains to be seen. You see, I´m not the right person to give you a proper answer regarding COD games quality on a personal level since I´m not a COD fan or player. I can only hope that Treyarch will deliver a good game for you guys.

"Do you think it would be the same game on terms of quality and quantity if they delayed releasing it on Gamepass, by say 3 months or so? Get all those Xmas sales while the piping's hot?"

That would be a great idea and great revenue for MS. On the other hand, it would be against their own policy of *all* Xbox first party games day one on Gamepass.

That said, I got a question for you too: Do you believe that the quality of Gears of War 6 will be hindered in any capacity because of Gamepass?

Obscure_Observer58d ago


Hey VenonUK

"but will it be enough to move PlayStation-exclusive owners to buy it and significantly boost the Xbox Series S/X market share?"

No. I don´t think so. MS is not even making an effort to distinguish the Series X from the Series S despite the gulf in power between the two machines aiming potential customers.

I think MS is fine with that douchebag Aaron Greenberg still running the show when comes to marketing. So it´s their loss.

Einhander197214d ago

This didn't age well.... Oof


"This doesn't prove or disprove anything about the rumors of either a price increase or a new tier."

You can ask Geoff Keighley about that:

"Microsoft has confirmed that Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will be playable on Xbox and PC for Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, PC Game Pass, and Xbox Game Pass for Console members.

"BTW per Microsoft, the pricing on tiers is:

Game Pass Ultimate - $16.99 USD/month
Game Pass for Console - $10.99 USD/month
PC Game Pass - $9.99 USD/month
Game Pass Core - $9.99 USD/month OR $59.99/year"

Obscure_Observer12d ago

"This didn't age well.... Oof"

I said:

"This doesn't *prove* or *disprove* anything"

Still... didn´t aged well regardless. XD

Guilty as charged. ;)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 12d ago
Outside_ofthe_Box59d ago (Edited 59d ago )

So Microsoft is willing to take a financial hit? Could have done that with Tango. This was the correct move. Any other move would have piled on what happened recently whether it be, price increase, new tier, or not releasing it on GP at all.

darthv7259d ago

What happened with Tango, while unfortunate, was done at the discretion of Bethesda. We don't know what the conditions of the MS/Bethesda merger are but can assume there is still some semblance of autonomy where they can make certain decisions without the approval of MS.

On the flip side, its a shame that MS was not inclined to offer TG a place under their own direct management like NT has. As for this CoD deal... that too could be under some special consideration by ABK as part of their merger as well. MS looks to benefit either way due to possible increased subs/sales of GP/XB as well as sales to PC/Ps users.

shinoff218359d ago

Where'd you read that darth

badz14958d ago

"We don't know what the conditions of the MS/Bethesda merger are..."

LOL what merger? MS outright bought them, so MS owns Zenimax, thus, Bethesda as a whole!

Lightning7759d ago

If they grow gamepass because of COD, have Another paid tier and selling the game on PS5 and last gen consoles.

Especially if this COD is the best one in ages, which equals more sales I have a hard time seeing how this game will take any financial hit. Whatever potential loss would pay itself back 10 fold.

Huey_My_D_Long59d ago

Hmmm, I think they will announce a price hike in between now and BO6 coming out.

59d ago
MrDead58d ago

I wonder who's for the chop to pay for this if no price hike? We'll find out on the next quarterly report, Tango was just the beginning.

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Jingsing8d ago

is this the game that requires an online connection to stream textures to your console?

Eonjay8d ago

I would hope not. Why not just, you know, download the textures to the console itself.

Jingsing7d ago

Apparently it is this game. I guess they want next to 0 people buying COD these days.


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