
Marvel’s Spider-Man 3 Has a Crucial Boss Fight Dilemma to Solve

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 nearly perfected its boss fight formula and one refinement could make it even more fluid and immersive in a third main entry.

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DivineHand12560d ago

Spoiler thumbnail lol. I don't mind the dialogue in the boss fights as long as it is not cringy. Let the interaction between spiderman and the bosses be meaningful.

jambola60d ago

I'd be happy if they just didn't repeat the whole thing If you die

jambola60d ago

I hope it can solve the annoying boss issue of them never shutting TF up
Forcing a hint every time you get hit
And repeating dialogue every time you die

TheGamingHounds60d ago

It reminds me of how tiring it was to hear "I am Malenia, Blade of Miquella" over and over again but then again, it was a skippable cutscene

Big agree though. The dialogue should be a first try thing

jambola60d ago

MJ boss fight still haunts me

XBManiac60d ago

The big dilemma for Spider-Man 3 is to lower the 385 millions cost of Spider-Man 2. I has to go down to the 200 millions budget, 50+ millions of marketing included and continue being as good as the two before. Sony and Insomniac need to work hard on this.

purple10160d ago

Well it’s like films, they don’t care how many millions to make cos’ they get their money back within 2 days on the box office

The problem comes, they when the film is crap and flops

So as long as they keep producing 9/10 games, they can spend what they like and always make it back + profits

Yi-Long60d ago

Honestly, I just want them to include the option for Japanese voices in there ...

fsfsxii60d ago

N4G's biggest weeaboo and complainer

Yi-Long59d ago

Maybe, but how hard is it for a multi-billion company to simply include such options for everyone, regardless of where you happen to live and buy/play your games?
A Japanese audio-track exists, so why not just offer us the option to download it and enjoy the game (perhaps on a 2nd or 3rd run) with a different language audio-track (and English subs).

Instead, they have gone out of their way to making it impossible to play these games in Japanese with English subs, even when you buy the Japanese copy.

jznrpg41d ago

More options is always good


Here's your first look at Insomniac's Marvel's Spider-Man 3

The modding team behind the unofficial PC port of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has managed to run an early build of Marvel's Spider-Man 3 on PC.

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OtterX41d ago

They should focus their efforts on Spooderman, you know the one we've all been waiting for, but Insomniac will never make.

OtterX41d ago

I should have added the /s lol

CrimsonWing6940d ago (Edited 40d ago )

Just for the record I knew what you were saying and it made me laugh.

Some N4G users have no sense of humor or haven’t watched Spooder-Man vids because if they have there’s no way you’d get downvotes, lol.

OtterX40d ago

Thanks CrimsonWing69

The downvotes are reflective of Spooderman's core belief: He is not the hero the world wants, and he's not the hero the world needs, but he is the hero that the world gets.

just_looken41d ago (Edited 41d ago )

Or go crazy and not make another game in the same city same move set's same characters same side activities and no doubt more esg story bs.

$5 we get a spider woman of there own design approved by a board of people that have 0 clue what a comic is.

gwen/anya/mattie etc na we will get sarah a bi trans spider woman bitten by a spider while she was protesting oscrops uses of gender based clothing.

get the web shooter to be organic so a power attack would be crotch webs hey there you go a new spider power.

just_looken40d ago


Could you imagine unziping to tie up the bad guys J jona would have afield day.

GamerRN40d ago

Another cash in sequel that uses the same assets and doesn't do much else that's new.

I think this series needs a break already.

I would love a new Uncharted with some updated tech. It's been a while. Let's bring back Drake!

just_looken40d ago

Thank you for saying that i mentioned in another article with that ransomware attack we saw the upcoming marvel games like you said take a break do something else.

A new uncharted game without the new nd devs would be a great idea make nathen drake the new sully his kid the new explorer.

porkChop41d ago

How is it misleading? It's our first look at the game. The title doesn't say it's the first *official* look.

Mr Logic40d ago

But it is implied. The point is that a game would never be shown in this state for a "first look".

Babadook740d ago

Agreed. The tile should be explicit in that this is unofficial, hacked etc.

BlackTar18741d ago (Edited 41d ago )

They really shouldn’t make another Spider-Man for like 10 years

jwillj2k441d ago

Said the same thing about horizon, last of us and god of war. No creativity need competition.

41d ago
Moegooner41d ago

If you think Ragnarok wasn't creative, then you are a tool. Try again.

VenomUK41d ago (Edited 41d ago )

@jwillj2k4 How about God of War or the Last of Us Lego Adventures? They would be perfect for that younger Switch demographic Sony is going for.

Redemption-6441d ago

You people are something else. No creativity? Let's try something, why don't you tell us the games you think are creative? Also, it is in Sony's benefit to outright ignore you people like you

Crows9040d ago

Funny how you don't mention uncharted...you seem dishonest dude. Or heck...even Killzone. You only mentioned 1 IP that's been long running
..the other 2 only have 2 iterations. It's about as fresh as an IP can be.

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Demetrius41d ago (Edited 41d ago )

I agree atleast in another 5 years release something I don't want the last of us, spiderman, horizon series to all get milked lol

-Foxtrot41d ago

Yeah going back to New York is going to be hard, it's going to get samey eventually.

They can add a new area again but I can't really see anything big that would really make it feel fresh as setting it in a new location might cause uproar because Spiderman is a New York based superhero, unless they put Miles in a new city and switch between them through different instalments.

Also you know they are going to do a Venom game with the same setting

Crows9040d ago

The same setting isn't the issue. It's the level of detail in gameplay variation within that setting. They could really add much more depth to side content and handcraft the majority of missions.

Dramatically improving interactions with the world is what they need to focus on.

thejigisup41d ago

They could 100% reboot resistance, make wolverine sequel, and a sunset overdrive sequel before coming back to spiderman amd it would lessen the spiderman burnout by a lot.

Stanlittle41d ago (Edited 41d ago )

Sony is in the comfort zone and lost the spark this generation

Last of us > Last of US 2 (I know a PS4 game)
Horizon Zero Dawn > HFW
God of War > God of War Ragnarok
Spiderman >>>>>>> Spiderman 2

PS5 had been a dud and it seems like a copy of PS4 gen buy just worse. The better graphics don't make up for the creative and new feeling of the games that came out with PS4

PS4 > PS5

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth > FF7 remake though

thejigisup40d ago

After the Microsoft showcase I can 100% confirm they are not in a comfortable position anymore. They cant top what we just saw. I'd love them to prove me wrong but I just for the first time thought to myself in going to buy an Xbox and get gamepass.

Mr Logic40d ago


You realize that unlike MS, Sony no longer shows or announces their games years ahead of time, right?

Before PS6 we will get a games from Sucker Punch, Naughty Dog, Haven, Firewalk, Insomniac, Guerilla, Santa Monica, Bluepoint, etc. They just aren't going to show a cinematic in 2021 to re-reveal the game in 2024 and not even put a year on it.

fr0sty40d ago

X-actly... Showing games is worthless when a quarter of them won't even come out, the rest will be delayed for years, and will end up being underwhelming when they finally do drop.

Amplitude40d ago

My current tier list as far as how much fun you can have with them in 2024 is

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Inverno41d ago

Surprising comments in here. Thought y'all wanted more sequels?

Rebel_Scum41d ago

lol no, they’d rather all their old games remade or remastered.

Inverno41d ago

Gotta get that 10 dollar upgrade fix somehow.

40d ago
TheEroica40d ago (Edited 40d ago )

Nahhh... Just less mediocre games. One sequel is nice and then let's move on to some new ip. Being drunk on sequels and remakes is the worst. It's how Naughty Dog fans feel. Eww.

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Marvel’s Spider-Man 3 is Ready for New York City-Wide Catastrophe

Insomniac has become more comfortable with open-world devastation in Marvel's Spider-Man and the third installment could take the cake.

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Marvel's Spider-Man 3 Leak Reveals First Look At A Major Villain

Marvel's Spider-Man 3 might feature a major villain that has been leaked recently through concept art.

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Cacabunga134d ago

So 1st party studios are working on single player games! Good news!

TheEroica134d ago

More Spiderman... Pass. Another 350 million dollar albatross.

DefenderOfDoom2134d ago

So I guess that means , INSOMNIAC is not working on a new single player campaign for RESITISTANCE or a new IP .

Zeke68134d ago

They have 3 teams. It's still possible someone over there are working on a RESISTANCE game, we can hope. :)

purple101134d ago

We can hope, and pray I suppose, but their roadmap was leaked, and unfortunately no resistance.

Wolverine yes
Spider-Man yes
ratchet and clank yes
Xmen game yes

CantThinkOfAUsername133d ago

Their leaked roadmap was all Marvel games.

SDuck134d ago

How is Insomniac still getting all these leaks? That studio is great, it certainly doesn't deserve this sh*t. Hope they get this sorted out soon

isarai134d ago

It's all from the same link, it's just people still finding new things as they're digging

Hofstaderman134d ago (Edited 134d ago )

This particular antagonist? Yes please.

MIDGETonSTILTS17134d ago

Anybody who has paid attention to the story at all knew this was coming.

Hardly a leak.

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