
Black Ops 6 Last-Gen Version Seemingly Confirmed via GameStop Listing

It looks like Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is also coming to last-gen consoles (PS4, Xbox One), if a recent GameStop listing is to be believed.


Why CoD Black Ops 6’s New Omnidirectional Movement is Bound to Fail

When we saw the reveal of the new “Omnidirectional” movement mechanic during the Black Ops 6 showcase, it seemed like another advance that would be reverted.

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boing12d ago

Bollocks. People will love it.

crazyCoconuts1d 18h ago

I'm glad they're innovating and trying something new.
Might be one of those things that we'll get used to and every FPS will emulate.

RedDeadLB1d 23h ago

Honestly it looked a whole lot like Max Payne 3 movement and I honest to god hope it is here to stay and is adapted elsewhere.

SoloGamer11d 20h ago

and you know this for a FACT!? OBJECTION! *phoenix wright voice* 🙄

smolinsk1d 19h ago

The movement looked good. What's the problem?

crazyCoconuts1d 18h ago

The author speculates that this will increase the skill gap. I think it's too early to tell.

CrimsonWing691d 19h ago

This is the first time since the original MW2 on the 360 that I’m looking forward to coming back to COD.

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Black Ops 6 Forcing Always-Online To Minimize Size Doesn't Exactly Sound Convincing

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 plans to go always-online to minimize the file size, but the question is, is that really the only reason?

XiNatsuDragnel3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

It's bs either way because go multiple discs, go f2p, or you know what Don't go always online.

gold_drake3d ago

the real question we should ask is, why is it so big?
is it bad optimisation?

cause warzone was also huge in filesize for no good reason.

Inverno2d ago

The problem, and personally I see it as a problem, is that devs refuse to make things like high rez textures and dubs an optional download. Since I've switched to DECK I've held back from buying or downloading any game that requires to download a full 60+ gigs. I still remember those BF3 update sizes on PS3, for content i wasn't going to even bother accessing.

gold_drake2d ago

i dont know if thats essentially more work than anyone wants to put in quite honestly.

isarai2d ago

They seem to just not bother with compression very much if at all, evident by the fact that nearly every other game out there has a smaller file size on PS5 using the Kraken compression system. But never COD

gold_drake2d ago

it is so odd ha.

who wants a 300gig game on their system ha let alone on pc.

Tankbusta402d ago

The always online will be for ads. Its plain and simple...this is the first COD on gamepass so its no wonder that this version mysteriously needs an online connection for single player. One month after the game comes out the ads will start and they will be very intrusive...it has nothing to do with file size. The ads wont be in the review copies but they are coming

Inverno2d ago

for texture streaming? Just gimme lower Rez textures then.

MisterWoogie2d ago

Do people really still care about this 'always online' stuff?

ocelot072d ago

As someone who had just a internet outage for a few days and only access to 4g on my phone.

If I had just spent £70 on a game that has a single player mode. I would fully expect to be able to access that single player mode while my internet is down.

MisterWoogie2d ago

You're right there mate. For single player campaigns I don't get why it can't be offline.

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Xbox Game Pass is about to get an influx of players once Black Ops 6 launches

Activision's day-one launch of Black Ops 6 on Game Pass means the subscription service is about to get a massive influx of players.

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gold_drake4d ago

i wouldnt be so sure of that. it will definitely see a spike.

Sonic18814d ago (Edited 4d ago )

I believe it will see a spike, but I also believe it's going to lose a lot of profit and sells as well because it's on gamepass, at least for short-term. In long-term it might do well if subscribers stay with gamepass

crazyCoconuts4d ago

There are so many different scenarios to model to figure out what the net impact will be. Without the details that only MS has access to, it's impossible to know the net impact of this. Intuitively I want to say they need to raise the price of GamePass but I'm not sure even about that.

VenomUK4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

For this gamble to work, meaning putting Call of Duty on Game Pass and new subs profits outweighing lost retail sales, Microsoft will have to attract PlayStation owners to buying an Xbox and then get them to subscribe to Game Pass. I doubt this will happen to any meaningful degree, I just think the move will kill all the Call of Duty Xbox retail revenue and hastened Microsoft valuing third party console profits most.

just_looken4d ago

You forgot the real money buying this game is nothing to the money they will make on microtransactions.

You can spend well over a grand like nothing on current cod titles.

Sonic18814d ago


That's why I said long-term. Microtransactions is the key but COD is still a stale franchise

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4d ago
Eonjay4d ago

It better. For GP to work for day and tate releases they need to increase those subs. I feel like this is their best chance. They also HAVE to find a way to get those console sales up if they want a massive sub boost. So I'm a lot apprehensive about that part.

jeromeface4d ago

They've given up on their console division if you haven't noticed... they are gonna prob go for the hand held market next and release a mobile device that plays most game pass games.

JackBNimble3d ago

I don't see sales going up as long as games keep going to ps5. It just doesn't make sense in my opinion to buy an xbox even if there's a year delay for certain games.

DOMination-3d ago

"They've given up on their console division if you haven't noticed"

I wouldn't be so sure. Sarah Bond seemed to suggest at the Xbox showcase that they were hard at work on next generation. I get the impression we may see it announced as early as next June if they are willing to acknowledge it already.

Cacabunga4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

…for a month… first month is like 1$.

just_looken4d ago

If this was the old cod i can see massive but with unlocks going game to game in some titles ps players with stick with ps versions to a point.

Now on the microsoft side there might be a influx of those like me that are like hey its free i will try it then might not play it after week 2.

I say give it a month or so let the number's show more stability to see if the game pass move worked out.

Also to all those on the pc side if you purchase the Microsoft controller bundle that comes with the pc adapter you get 30days of gamepass.

The adapter runs on a different frequency than bluetooth because i went from blutooth to this years ago it stopped all my controller issues. Just this month i tossed this bundle to someone i know for free for there pc they got there gamepass card for cod 2024 and the controller synced up 0 issues fighting there blutooth.

10/10 great adapter oh like a xbox console that adapter cant store/run up to 8 gamepads

DarXyde4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

It's too early to know, honestly. You do have people who buy a few games annually and play them for the year. Those people lose money by subbing to XGP, and they have access as long as they continue to pay.

I'm also not so sure people are willing to keep paying subscriptions because it can honestly be difficult to keep track of. Between basic utilities, internet, the various subs you need for different programs (Netflix, Hulu, Paramount, etc), and even game specific subs like FFXIV, it's a lot to keep track of on a monthly basis. You might get those periodic drop-in and dropout users, but I don't see much retention.

Finally, because the games are rented, I would be very surprised to see engagement with microtransactions remain high. For those who do utilize XGP for CoD, would you really see them buying them?

A lot of unknowns.

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Einhander19724d ago

That's what I was told over and over and over again about Starfield...

Xbox is running out of ways to pad out the numbers, can't make games with gold = game pass twice..

Though I'm sure they'll give out game pass with tacos, burgers, shirts, farts and toilet paper in order to make a press release...

D4Damager4d ago

I dont think its fair to compare Starfield, a brand new IP (although a well advertised one) to the CoD franchise. The CoD franchise is valued at over 31billion dollars with almost half a billion copies sold. It has an existing cult following. Its a huge part of pop culture.
I wouldnt be surprised to see a 'massive' spike, but only time well tell I guess.
That being said, for a PC gamer i still see a lot of value in the game pass personally.

Einhander19724d ago

Give me a break, every website and every fanboy on the internet was saying the same type of thing about what Starfield was going to do for game pass.

It didn't happen.

And it doesn't matter, the number of subscribers it would need to gain to offset the loss in sales will never be achieved.

Who's the next studio on the chopping block?

jeromeface4d ago

Was supposed to be "game of a generation" ala cyberpunk... that's all that needs to be said. Two biggest flops of a generation more like.

Rude-ro3d ago

It is a game that is full of microtransactions and season passes….
Do you really think anyone should “subscribe” to game full of content you lose access to if your subscription runs out?
Said people also only play cod. $170 a year plus seasons plus microtransactions would be THE most idiotic choice for consumers to ever happen.
Supporting this would bring so much harm to gaming against the consumer.

rlow14d ago

Have you’ve heard about the number of players playing Starfield? Tod Howard was just interviewed and said they had 25 million with an average play time of 40 hrs.

Not such the wasteland your implying.

IRetrouk3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

It was 14 million not 25, and its played not playing....

rlow13d ago

Played is past tense. Todd indicated present, so playing is correct. Unless I heard wrong.

My bad, didn’t mean to embellish.

Outside_ofthe_Box4d ago

We'll see. This is what Microsoft is hoping for. But they will need a significant amount of new subs to make up for those that would have paid full price for it anyway.

ocelot074d ago

Everyone gets their one month codes in cheap now and use a day before release.

Giga_Gaia4d ago

It won't get any increase at all. The people who play CoD likely already have a sub mostly, so it's barely going to increase. All this is going to do is make Microsoft lose money on full price sales they won't get.

jeromeface4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

putting cod on the pass is desperation, its their biggest IP which is sad

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