
Sony CEO says although AI "has been used for creation," it's "not a substitute for human creativity"

"AI is not a substitute for human creativity. We position it as a technology that supports creativity. Creativity resides in people. We will continue to contribute to people's creativity through technology," the CEO said.

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1nsomniac123d ago (Edited 123d ago )

...not yet but 100% within the next 10 years!

..Then Sony will use it like the drop of a hat. They're no different to the others.

isarai123d ago (Edited 123d ago )

They used to be 😞 sure it was always a business, and money's always the priority, but they used to have a very strong stance on supporting artists and creativity. "Dont f#@k with the artist" was a phrase they touted a few times back in the ps1-ps3 era, a philosophy carried over from their music branch PlayStation was created from. It's not COMPLETELY gone, but it's barely there compared to what it was back then, i just want them to return to that.

Eonjay122d ago (Edited 122d ago )

I am highly encouraged by their statement about human creativity. "Dont f#@k with the artist" is exactly what they are saying. But at the same time, I don't think people understand that Sony is a corporation. If they don't realize growth, they don't get to exist. When you say 'Sony', you are talking about a bunch of investors. To speak about them any other way is a illogical and incorrect. They haven't changed. They have been a group of investors since they became a public business.

isarai122d ago

Ugh, i really wish people would stop gambling people's livelihoods by turning a project/game into their political soapbox. Im all for statements and having your own opinion, but there's more people working on this than just druckman, ham fisting your political beliefs onto just seems inconsiderate for everyone elses job security when it can result in a failure due to people avoiding it for that reason.

I play games for escape, im so tired of nearly every AAA game blatantly dragging real world issues to shove in my face when I'm trying to take a break from it all. They don't even bother to be subtle about it, quite the opposite, it's blasted and force fed to you and it's just getting exhausting

Einhander1972122d ago

People are taking a whole interview and cutting it down to clips that make him look bad and take what he actually was saying out of context. For example he also said things like this AI has "ethical issues we need to address"

-Foxtrot122d ago


Why defend him at this point?

It’s not taking things out of context, he said what he said.

Old ND would never talk about soulless AI taking over so many creative things they are well known for. The whole “ethical issues” is just a good PR spin people who push this crap fall back on to make their statements not seem as bad. So many AI lovers do this.

AI has no place is so many creative based things.

Einhander1972122d ago

Well yeah, because everyone else is using it so they need to stay competitive. It's the same as paid online, they didn't want to go that route but their competition was making so much money they needed to add paid online just to keep up.

RaiderNation122d ago (Edited 122d ago )

AI will never replace humans in game development in terms of conceptualizing new games. Humans still need to come up with the ideas and what they want to implement. However much of the day to day menial coding could be AI driven to reduce production time and team size. I could also see AI being used for bug testing/optimization that could lead to better quality games at launch. I'm actually very optimistic about how AI can positively impact game development.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 122d ago
XiNatsuDragnel123d ago

Good statement but hopefully this holds up

NotoriousWhiz122d ago

People that aren't software developers just don't understand the benefits of AI. People who's only exposure to A.I is the Terminator movie and other related sci fi films won't understand the benefits it provides.

It's not about replacing human labor. It's about making human labor easier.

Many years ago, I had laser eye surgery done. It was performed by a robot. The doctor took my measurements and calibrated the machine to make sure it would do what needed be done. And then the robot corrected my vision in 10 seconds.

15 years later and I still have 20/20 vision.

Eonjay122d ago

AI in and of itself is not a 'bad'. Money is bad. Money is evil, and corporations will do whatever they can to get more of it. They will find ways to implement AI to replace as may jobs as possible. This isn't even up for debate. It is the charge of the corporation to maximize returns for the investors. They have no choice. I'm a developer and I know that my job will absolutely be replaced. Therefore, I have decided to become an AI dev. AI has a lot of potential to help us solve problem on a scale most can't even imagine. The issue, as ever is that our monetary system only ever allows us to focus on greed and fiscal growth.

But I am a pragmatist. Perhaps an AI model can be built to help protect us from our most dangerous instincts and habits. And perhaps Congress can pass laws to protect us from people who would use AI to manipulate and control us (spoiler: they wont).

RaiderNation121d ago (Edited 121d ago )

Progress is inevitable. Nobody driving cars today is complaining that the horse and buggy is no longer around. Yes, some jobs will be lost but guess what? With innovation comes new job opportunities. It's how the cycle of the job market works.


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Sonic18817h ago

Hopefully not a lot of remasters

Eonjay6h ago

Agreed, but if I could pick one game to remaster first it would be Killzone 2. If you had to pick one which would it be?

Mr_cheese6h ago

I know it's not the same but I'd love a reboot of resistance or warhawk

u-bEttA-rUn6h ago

If they announce Kill Zone 2 remake or resistance 2 that multiplayer would be crazy. But Warhawk I would cry like a 2 year old 😂😂😂 give me bloody roar

ravens526h ago

God of War 1-3, Ascension, Ghost of Sparta and Chains of Olympus all in One.

RaiderNation6h ago

I love Killzone, but I would prefer a complete reboot of the franchise, using the newest version of the Decima engine, rather than simply a remaster of part 2.

SimpleDad5h ago

Sony will not do Killzone 2 or any Killzone because they don't have plans for it in the future... No TV shows, no sequel, no Lego game, no multiplayer...

This is dead for Herman... Only Aloy.
And that's sad.

Zero hype for tomorrow.

Kingrizzy905h ago

legacy of kane, resistance, or just something totally new that hasnt been already done

Cacabunga4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Hopefully zero gaas, will show that they’re starting to reason!!!
And yeah the remaster trend must also stop.
PS5 exclusives or nothing go home

A new Killzone, Uncharted, Tsushima, inFamous, Resistance, Wolverine or something original single player.

CobraKai3h ago

Killzone 1. In think that needs a retelling

Profchaos2h ago

I either want something from the infamous franchise or the cheeky answer is being lemmings back as that's now Sony

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2h ago
IAMRealHooman6h ago

only remasters, even remasters of games that aren't even out yet

DodoDojo6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Wrong, there will also be a 2 minute snippet of Lego Horizon.

bloop4h ago

If they don't show something from a couple of their big studios after the absolute disaster they've had with Concord then I'll lose all hope. This generation has been a complete letdown so far and there's very little to look forward to at the moment.

RaidenBlack6h ago

Pretty sure : RE9, Days Gone Remaster, HZD Remaster, 1 last SH2 trailer, Wolverine trailer, Until Dawn trailer
Maybe(s) : GoT 2 announcement, DS2 (but already happening@ TGS), Pragmata, TLOU2 or SpiderMan 2 PC announcement,
Wishlist : Santa Monica & Naughty Dog's new project tease, Marathon gameplay trailer
Don't Want : Any AC Shadows trailer, Any more remasters other than the ones leaked

Eonjay6h ago

You really think that other remaster is Days Gone? And my God what happened to Pragmata?!?

seanpitt236h ago

It’s 30 minutes, I think you’re being optimistic there, don’t have high expectations, I know mine are the lowest they have ever been since what i have witnessed these past 4 years!

Christopher6h ago

Only 5 remasters. They had to cut back to squeeze in 1 new announcement. They will have another SoP next month to cover the other 12 remasters.

-Foxtrot5h ago

*monkey paw curls*

Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered

Gravity Rush 1 & 2 Remastered

Until Dawn Remastered

potatoseal5h ago

I'm presonally looking forward to a Days Gone one. Would love any excuse to play that game again. I loved it

darthv7243m ago

Why wait for an excuse... just go play it now.

CobraKai3h ago

Im thinking showcasing Pro versions of existing games.

neutralgamer19923h ago(Edited 3h ago)

They could do a lot right by simply announcing a blood-borne remastered so many people have been waiting for it and they should not only bring it to PlayStation 5 but also PC

If they are all intent on doing a lot of remasters, how about doing some of the remasters from the games during the PlayStation 2 and three generation instead of PlayStation 4 games?

Can we get infamous collection? Can we please get Socom from the PlayStation 2 generation? Uncharted trilogy God of war trilogy twisted metal collection, kill zone trilogy, resistance trilogy some of these games they can simply just unlock online multiplayer. They’re only one need to do a lot of work and people would enjoy them

But instead, let’s just remastered the last of us horizon zero down the God of war 2018 this PlayStation Sony executive bosses are some of the most idiotic in the past 10 years

PlayStation has such a long history. They can simply do a lot of fun service and get so much positive PR but they keep making the same mistake again and again and again.

Rimeskeem28m ago

I would honestly prefer remasters/remakes/reboots of games than GaaS they have tried to push.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 28m ago
7h agoReplies(2)
Relientk777h ago

Hopefully there's good games, but we'll see. Going in with low hype, and I hope to be pleasantly surprised.

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