
The Finals prepares for a full “reboot” in mysterious Season 3 teaser

The hype train The Finals Season 3 departs now from Embark Studios’ station, as the first teaser alludes to a major game show overhaul.

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The Finals devs are "super sorry for lengthy delay" as fans blame Microsoft

The Finals received a massive update last week that was easily the biggest since the launch of Season 3. However, while this patch was released on both PS5 and PC, the unfortunate news is that Xbox players were left out.

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jznrpg10d ago

They aren’t the first devs to have issues with Xbox this gen and they won’t be the last. Series S is doodoo

TheNamelessOne10d ago

There is nothing in the article that says anything about the Series S being the problem. If the base game runs just fine on the Series S, there's no reason to believe this patch somehow would tank the game's performance.

OtterX10d ago

While it's doable, it still takes more effort to get a game running on lower specs, and running well. It still causes a holdup in the process.

Einhander197210d ago

Imagine you started your games development 5 years ago thinking xbox was going to be relevant only to then release a game on a console that doesn't sell (esp. in Asia) where 75% of the users are S owners who only bought the thing for game pass. S owners have categorically got to be the lowest average spenders.

It's no wonder things keep getting delayed for xbox, why put any effort into a platform that's never going to return it's investment. We saw the sales chart with breakdowns today with xbox selling only accounting for 5% of the the number one selling game Hogwarts Legacy and sales with other games having similarly disastrous numbers.

I mean, xbox has games now because games take so long to develop that games today were started before people realized what a disaster xbox was going to be this gen. I think going forward with games started today you'll see a lot less games on xbox, especially now that they have positioned themselves as a rival to the other developers and publishers. It's not surprising we keep hearing that developers are skipping xbox even major publishers.

It's just a waste of resources to build for xbox especially when you have to have two separate builds with one console that is basically a last gen console with an SSD.

neutralgamer199210d ago

It's really frustrating that XSS have held this generation back big time. The parity clause is just nonsense but vast majority of Xbox fanbase is series s so ms really can't bcak out

XiNatsuDragnel10d ago

It's unfortunate that xbox is at the source of these delays

gold_drake10d ago

it probably doesnt help that they essentially have to consider the S for it too.

S2Killinit10d ago

Well it makes sense because there aren't too many of them.

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There’s only one FPS I want on the Nintendo Switch 2, and it isn’t COD

The Nintendo Switch 2 may be a turning point for handheld FPS games, and it needs Embark Studios' The Finals to get on its roster before COD does.

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Lexreborn211d ago

The switch 2 is likely to be possibly no more powerful then a ps4 maybe a ps4 pro. And, if it’s a portable you can pretty much say an Xbox one. I wish nintendo would just make a console to compete with Sony and MS just one more time.

I would love to see a super high fidelity next gen version of Mario, Zelda, kid Icarus, etc. but hey people happy with 13 year old tech condensed and redistributed for 6-10 years i guess it is what it is.

ChasterMies11d ago

Bad if true. An iPhone is already more powerful than a PS4 Pro.

Elronza11d ago

The original Steam Deck, which I own is already as powerful as a PS4 Pro. I also own a Nintendo Switch OLED, which to me beyond double the storage; isn't better than the Switch V2. If the Switch 2, has less than 16 gb's of ram, and 320 gb's of storage, and is capable of 1440p+ when docked; I want no parts of it.

Chocoburger11d ago

You are absolutely not getting that much RAM or storage. It will likely meet the Steam deck in terms of power and have 64 or 128 GB built in memory.

Four years into its lifespan Nintendo will 'generously' double its internal storage to 128 or 256 GB.


The Finals’ new Game Boy backpack is playable and has a leaderboard

Forget trying to steal the Cash Out in The Finals, this new Game Boy style backpack is functional and Embark's even made a leaderboard.

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BlackDoomAx19d ago

They're the best at cosmetics.