
Black Myth: Wukong Will Reportedly Offer New Game Plus At Launch, Features Over 80 Boss Fights

Game Science's upcoming action role-playing  game, Black Myth: Wukong, will reportedly offer a New Game Plus mode at launch, and will feature over 80 boss

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savedsynner66d ago

IIRC I think the game is mostly boss fights, like a boss rush mode or Shadow of the Colossus. I would imagine From could do 80 boss fights in a souls game if 90% of the enemies were bosses lol.

Double_O_Revan65d ago

That's what I felt when I watch the trailers. It will be mostly boss fights or sub boss fights. That's still cool. I love Shadow of the Colossus. I don't need a million little enemies. Just the vide I got from the trailers.

gold_drake67d ago


for some reason, i thought it was out already haha

anast66d ago

You might be thinking about "Wo Long Fallen Dynasty".

Double_O_Revan65d ago

I've made that mistake many times. Almost even bought it when it showed up on sale a few weeks ago. Had to look it up to be sure.

potatoseal66d ago

Wow. This is really shaping up to be a special game. Hope that turns out to be true

ThinkThink52d ago

This game looks gorgeous, day 1 for me as well. Time to brush up on Chinese mythology.

anast52d ago

Sounds like a good idea.

TheProfessional66d ago (Edited 66d ago )

Happy this isn't vaporware! That is a lot of bosses though I wonder if some are randomly generated?

rpvenom66d ago (Edited 66d ago )

It won't be randomly generated. A lot of it is based on chinese mythology.

They probably reduced the cannon fodder enemies and mini-bosses to hit 80+ bosses.. is my assumption.. but I really hope I'm wrong and we get a action rpg masterpiece. Been anticipating this game for a long time.

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Hands-On: Black Myth: Wukong | Vgc

Leave your Soulslike expectations at the door for this journey through Chinese mythology.

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purple10125d ago (Edited 25d ago )

Epic Games VP Engineering Nick Penwarden on ps5 SSD:

"It’s so impactful that we’ve rewritten our core I/O subsystems for Unreal Engine with the PlayStation 5 in mind."

(HINT, did people forget ps5 ssd IS twice, TWICE as fast as xbox, - Also - Nothing on the Series X|S release with no outlet willing to investigate. So much for “journalism”.

Michiel198925d ago

so what? in every gaming article ever journalists now need to mention the ssd is twice as fast? we also gonna mention how new gpu's are twice, TWICE as fast or more than ps5's?

purple10125d ago (Edited 25d ago )

this game is unreal 5, its relevant to state what epic games says about ps5 in this case.

and may be why series s port is taking longer.

you can also feel free to post what you like if its relevant. Im not stopping you. sorry is this is a crap answer, but its late now in uk here..

Michiel198925d ago

it's an article about Wukong, not ps5 vs xbox. Stop trying to push your own bs agenda onto everything and then say boooo journos bad when they don't write how superior sony is to ms in every paragraph. It gets old quick and honestly, no one fucking cares.

Also if you think for a second, it's not like any dev is gonna be open about any sony or ms problems from development before a game releases. Don't shit where you eat.

purple10123d ago (Edited 23d ago )


ravens5223d ago

Burritos 🌯🌯🌯 27791;🌯

Michiel198923d ago

you think that only for the ps5 ssd they modify their engine and that when a new gpu, cpu or ssd releases for pc they just leave it be and hope for the best? ps5 and pc are both just as relevant for UE5 and yes even xbox.

Your quote isn't even from this article and has nothing to do with a preview of this game. This isn't an interview with the dev on how development is going, hell they probably don't even speak english. You expect a journalist to go to a chinese company and ask: how is development for xbox going? mr Y from epic games said 3 years ago the ps5 ssd is twice as fast as xbox ssd, could you please elaborate? gl with that

Michiel198923d ago

did you also really submit this article yourself just to ride around on your high horse talking about how great the ps5 ssd is and to shittalk the author? You sir, reached a new level of pathetic I thought I would never see.

They also actually gave the exact same answer that you did, that the xbox version is delayed cause of the parity clausule, but all of a sudden it's not good enough now? If they wanted to elaborate on how the xbox development is going, they would have done so when they announced the delay and not when they held their press event to show of the game where they got to talk to a spokesperson, not even a dev. When BG3 got delayed I heard no one crying that they didn't get a ted talk about the exact technical details of why it didn't run as well on xbox.

22d ago
+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 22d ago
Rikimaru-0023d ago

graphics, physics,story, and game play on point. The problem is, all i'm see is boss after boss after boss. Where are the enemies before we get to the boss. this is a boss rush game.

outsider162422d ago

Yeah is there a story to this? Are we getting a stroy trailer?

gold_drake23d ago

i feel like we've never rly see anything outside of the boss battles

OMGitzThatGuy22d ago

Because there will be nothing of significance outside of the boss battle, like alot of Chinese games, this seems to be aiming for style over substance as besides the graphics, there doesn't seem to be much else going on.

truthBombs22d ago (Edited 22d ago )


The best showcase of UE5 to date is still Hellblade 2 and that game is available on both X and S.

I feel sony swooped in and secured timed exclusivity with this Wukong game. This has nothing to so with SSD sauce or any of that mumbo jumbo.


Black Myth Wukong Boss Fight Gameplay Features Red Loong and Guangzhi

Game Science has released new gameplay featuring Black Myth Wukong boss fights! Check out the Red Loong boss, and Guangzhi boss encounters, one even features ray tracing.

roadkillers24d ago

Have we seen anything other than boss fights? Like any traversal, platforming, or smaller enemy battles?

MeatyUrologist24d ago

I was under the impression that was the whole game, just one boss after another. I feel like that what all the souls addicts want right?

Fishy Fingers24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

By all accounts from the hands on previews its more GOW than it is Souls (difficulty wise).

MeatyUrologist24d ago

Fishy: was there a preview in particular that claims that? If so I might actually give it a try. I just don't have the gaming time to fight a single boss for 3 days straight anymore, and prefer games that give difficulty options and respect my time.

Sonic188123d ago

Looks like the game doesn't have a block button. It's all about dodging

ravens5223d ago

Coulda sworn I've seen parrying 🤔. May be mistaken.

Sonic188123d ago (Edited 23d ago )


Maybe I'm blind. If you see it let me know. It looks like the game was designed to dodge 90% of the time. That's cool I have no problem with that.

LoveSpuds23d ago

Cannot wait to play this game, I am gutted that I'll have to wait. I always buy physical so quite why they are launching with a code in the box rather than a disk is baffling, and I'll be waiting for a true physical release.

Popsicle23d ago

Same. Was on my day one list the first time I
Saw footage of the game, but I now I am waiting on a disc.

MeatyUrologist23d ago

Anyone else concerned the combat will get stale being limited to just a stick? I mean everything I have seen so far looks amazing, but the little dodges and stick smacks feel like they will get old after a few hours unless there are other weapons they aren't showing or tons of skill upgrades to keep things fresh.

swedishMeatwad23d ago

There are stances. Quite a while ago they released a demo to the press, and it showed exploration, smaller enemies (though most seem to take at least a bit of a beating before going down), and the stances. I don't remember if it showed all the stances but it will have at the very least two.

I'm looking forward to it, but we'll see how it turns out on release day. I do think it's a victory in itself that it's not vaporware that so many people claimed it was when they were showing early gameplay/tech demos.

Christopher23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

I have no clue what I watched other than a monkey man perfectly dodging some attacks and hitting and maybe a spell was used? This is as helpful as a cinematic scene of combat. I don't know what abilities were used, how attacks were carried out (is there just one attack, combos, various attack styles/stances, etc.). I see zero UI that tells me there was a spell used and what spell. It looks pretty, but it's not telling me anything other than it looks pretty and Monkey Man Never Get Hit.

Edit: Watched the other video. He got hit once. It did nothing. No flinching, no sign of damage, nothing. I have no clue how to tell when they dodge and why since it's big broad attacks and we just see the success with no logic.


Hotly anticipated 'Black Myth: Wukong' is delayed on Xbox Series X|S

Windows Central writes: "Microsoft has offered a rare statement regarding the delay, adding some mystery to proceedings"

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Lightning7735d ago

Xbox not learning from Baldurs Gate fiasco. I bet they regret making this thing called the S.

I'd also find it funny that Ryan Mccaffrey immediately said "Sony money hatted it! No dummy the S is a trash console, why he never admits it just tells me he's a fanboy. Why he never does these sit downs and says hey Phil, or whoever, the S is holding back Series X gamers what are you gonna do about it? Why haven't you at refreshed the S console at least?

That's MS for ya though. Too cheap and Lazy to do anything about it.

rippermcrip33d ago

MS can't do anything about the S at this time. 75% of the Series sales were the S. They can't abandon it.

VenomUK33d ago

Jez Corden is a useless ‘journalist’ who is so caught up in the format wars he cannot allow himself to believe there is a problem with the production of this graphics intensive game on Xbox Series S. If PlayStation had exclusive marketing rights then it would be doing some exclusive marketing!

The sooner this clown stops spreading his FUD in the industry the better.

Snake Raiser33d ago

This. This generation's Xbox IS the S series. That's the default for most people. Therefore, game developers have to make their games designed with the S in mind...which probably also holds back games on the Series X.

Wintersun61633d ago

Did you just forget which account you're on when writing this comment?

Popsicle33d ago (Edited 33d ago )

Thanks for pointing this out. Now I can ignore the obvious troll account. Same as Obscure.

Abear2133d ago

They tried to appeal to the lowest common denominator of gamer; the flyover State US kid that still screams in the mic. You know the type, you hear the chirp from their smoke alarm that needs its battery changed.

A $200 box has ruined progress this Gen and those who don’t see M$ has done more harm than good this Gen is blind. Not saying I won’t buy an Xbox once it’s final form is revealed this Gen and the games are cheap, but that’s just bc I’m a sucker for ALL the games.

Flawlessmic32d ago

In an FAQ, Game Science confirmed that Black Myth: Wukong's release on Xbox Series X/S would indeed come after its August 20 launch on PlayStation 5 and PC. At the time, Game Science pointed to optimization on the Xbox as the reason for the delay.

"We are currently optimizing the Xbox Series X|S version to meet our quality standards, so it won't release simultaneously with the other platforms," the developer wrote. "We apologize for the delay and aim to minimize the wait for Xbox users. We will announce the release date as soon as it meets our quality standards."

Sooo they have confirmed its due to optimiaztion. The rest is just xbots making up a story.

Lexreborn232d ago

Ryan will make an entire article about how bad psvr2 is. But will never admit the series S is a huge mistake and I think it’s very easy to know why.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 32d ago
CrashMania35d ago (Edited 35d ago )

Yes, Sony must have forgot that they suddenly money hatted the game, that wasn;t at their recent SOP, that they haven't marketed, or talked about any sort of deal in way, shape or form. Deflection from MS and the usual console warrior copium from jez and ryan. The devs have already mentioned it's a technical/optimisation issue, aka another BG3 situation.

romulus2333d ago

If it were a timed exclusive they would say it's exclusive but they are saying it's "delayed" which is not the terminology used when talking about timed exclusivity. I'm sure Jez and Ryan are just fine with PlayStation losing games due to Microsoft's enormously expensive acquisitions but if a game doesn't come to their favorite plastic box they immediately start with the conspiracy theories.

-Foxtrot35d ago

"We can't comment on the deals made by our partners with other platform holders, but we remain focused on making Xbox the best platform for gamers, and great games are at the center of that"

Deals? Are they trying to slyly hint that someone like Sony may have an exclusive deal with them and that's the reason?

They don't outright say it but the way they've chosen their words here try and make out they are hinting the delay is because of exclusive deals in place

Could it be true or is it Microsofts way to shift blame away from the Series S

Lightning7734d ago (Edited 34d ago )

@Fox From reddit.


Its also in this article but Jez says this.

"I became aware of whispers and rumors while out in LA for the Xbox Showcase 2024 that, despite the optimization assertions, Game Science had actually taken some form of exclusivity deal with PlayStation for Black Myth: Wukong."

On top MS saying there's some exclusive deal going on. Where's there's smoke there's fire. If Sony paid GS to delay it on Xbox is a very, very, VERY new low from Sony. You also gotta remember they cancelled Stellar Blade on Xbox so Sony does seem really sus here big time. Gotta call it down the line here.

Its rare that I might of overreacted on this but the S has been sucking more and more lately though.

ApocalypseShadow33d ago

Surely wouldn't be as low as spending almost 80 billion buying up publishers and developers if it were true. Not even close. That was the lowest of the low from Microsoft.

kayoss33d ago (Edited 33d ago )

Maybe you should read up some facts first before you claim Sony made stellar blade exclusive to the PS5. Here is the interview with the developer of Stellar blade and his decisions to go exclusive. Yes, money was probably involved but he had other reasons. plus isnt wukong still coming out for Xbox One?

"In an interview with the Japanese publication Famitsu (translated by Gematsu), the project leads discussed the reasons they decided to launch the game on PlayStation 5, beyond a third-party agreement with Sony.

"I felt that I wanted to release a high-quality game on a single platform. And then, when it came time to decide on the platform, I determined that PlayStation 5 would offer the most optimal gaming experience," commented Kim Hyung-tae.""

shinoff218333d ago

Ms just bought two of the biggest publishers in gaming. And sonys suspect. Lol. To funny

Aussiesummer33d ago

The only smoke coming from a fire is the one blazing out of series s trying to run wukong.

AsimLionheart32d ago

First, I do not think that this rumor is true because there has been no indication by Sony or Game Science. In addition, the game was absent from State of Play which was criticized by many for being sparse in content. They would have gladly shown Black Myth at SoP if they had secured some form of exclusivity. Secondly, even IF the rumors turn out to be true, MS and Xbox fans have no right to call it low or slimy after buying up 2 huge publishers and several studios for nearly $80 billion.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 32d ago
rippermcrip33d ago

Devs already said it was due to Xbox limitations.

Jez tried to pull the same bogus shit about BG3. He was wrong.

I doubt Sony finds any need the last few years to buy an exclusivity. Microsoft already dug its own grave.

Lightning7733d ago

He did? Couldn't find anything about where's your source?

InUrFoxHole33d ago

Can you link the article where the devs say it's because of the xbox limitations? That would be a great help in putting this to bed

Reaper22_32d ago

That's not true. The devs never stated what you claim. They just said they are still optimizing. It's probably true that Sony did some sort of deal for exclusivity. You guys are just in serious denial if you think microsoft is the only one that do these types of deal. Sony has been doing this crap since the ps1 era. As long as rhe game comes to xbox I'm cool with it.

rippermcrip32d ago


Whenever said Sony doesn't do those kind of deals? No one did. Yes, Sony has done it quite often. They've bragged about it when they've done it. Sony hasn't said anything yet.

Devs said it was delayed for Xbox (they wouldn't say delay if it was due to exclusive). They said it was due to optimization. Did they say it was due to limitation? No. But it is obvious why.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 32d ago
Lightning7733d ago

@Shadow they own those franchises and Ip's and are still putting those games on other platforms.

Yeah no it's not even close.

BlackTar18724d ago

Lmao you guys are hilarious

romulus2333d ago

Gonna go with shift blame away from the S.

shinoff218333d ago

I think it's Ms trying to shift blame. If Sony had any kinda deal I'm certain it would be advertised as some form of exclusive

InUrFoxHole33d ago

Yeah some Podcasters are saying there might be an exclusivity deal. There's really only 2 ways to know for sure. Sony denies it or the devs do

32d ago
InUrFoxHole32d ago

This is the problem these companies and devs have caused. That quote doesn't lead to believe it's specifically because of optimization problems. This is what happens when they spend years using word play to skew issues. Now I'm more inclined to believe it's an issue with optimization and I've said before it's MS fault if the S isn't easy to work with. I'll be buying this day 1 on ps5. Wanted the CE till I saw the $.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 24d ago
XiNatsuDragnel35d ago

Microsoft just made oops with S that's it man no agendas here

Einhander197235d ago

Microsoft is so incredibly dishonest, this reminds me of when Redfall failed then one of the lead developers from Arkane spoke out and Microsoft released a statement the next day basically calling him a liar when what he had said was OBVIOUSLY true. Then they shut down the studio...

I can't even understand why people buy their stuff... like seriously, how many times can they lie to you before it's too much...

They are so obviously the wrong choice, there is no way that a company that is this dishonest is ever going to be better for anyone... They have no problems ruining the gaming industry, they will burn it all down before they let anyone be happy.

Lightning7734d ago

Naw, It looks like Sony paid to temporarily keep the game off Xbox. I don't wanna hear anything about dishonesty and deceit here. Spare me all that BS.

I dunno if I ever seen a 3rd party game get announced for both machines, just to get release on one console while the other is delayed. That's just crazy. It's a little similar to the Stellar Blade situation except not as bad.

I have no idea what anti consumer desperation Sony is trying to pull its beyond messed up at this point. You're gonna make extreme excuses for Sony because a mega corporation is your whole identity and personality, therefore they're completely innocent in your eyes right?

Now cue the crappy excuses I know you got all million of them.

Einhander197234d ago

Let me fix that for you:

"I don't wanna hear anything about dishonesty and deceit here, unless it's from the company I support."

romulus2333d ago

"I'd also find it funny that Ryan Mccaffrey immediately said "Sony money hatted it! No dummy the S is a trash console,"

"It looks like Sony paid to temporarily keep the game off Xbox."

So which one is it and if it's becasue Sony paid for exclusivity wheres your proof? Post facts to back up your claim.

AsimLionheart32d ago (Edited 32d ago )

Cool your jets. This is the statement by Game Science

“We are currently optimizing the Xbox Series X|S version to meet our quality standards, so it won't release simultaneously with the other platforms. We apologize for the delay and aim to minimize the wait for Xbox users. We will announce the release date as soon as it meets our quality standards."

No mention of any exclusivity deal with Sony. Do you think the developers are openly lying? Baldur's Gate 3 got delayed on Xbox after the announcement so it is not unprecedented. You guys tried the same blame game and BS with BG3 and were proven wrong in the end.

Lightning7734d ago

That's a way to dodge a question. You're funny guy did I not just blast MS on the top of the page almost unfairly? I don't have issues like you do. My personality, identity isn't tied to a billion trillion dollar corporations. I don't suffer like you do. I don't make a goofy choice like you. You think Sony is your best friend, that's weird.

So what no excuses. No extreme defense? Or you couldn't think of any?You are on a right site where Sony can get away with murder and everyone will look the other way, make excuses or tell everyone how said murder was good.

So what's your spin on this and how is Sony righteous in this whole thing? I know you got something, the master of spin.

Just know I don't have the same problems like you, not even freakin close.

Einhander197234d ago (Edited 34d ago )

"You're funny guy did I not just blast MS on the top of the page almost unfairly? I don't have issues like you do. My personality, identity isn't tied to a billion trillion dollar corporations. I don't suffer like you do. I don't make a goofy choice like you. You think Sony is your best friend, that's weird."

As usual just a string of insults...

"So what no excuses. No extreme defense? Or you couldn't think of any?"

I can rattle off a list of things Microsoft has said that has been proven to be untrue over the course of two decades, even including proof in the form of legal documents.

I have zero reason to think that the developers of Black Myth WuKong would lie. They have zero incentive to lie, if they did have a deal with Sony they would just admit it like every other developer. And we also have heard reports from a multitude of developers over the course of the generation that the series s has caused problems and been the cause of delays..

You in your original comment factually gave a good reason why the game was delayed.

Let's Sherlock this... there is only one party here who would gain from either of these "statements", that's Microsoft deflecting the blame from themselves onto a rival.

So we have a group that has been caught lying many many times and has something to gain.

And this is the exact same type of thing they did when the developer from Redfall came out and talked about having trouble with the development on Microsoft consoles then Microsoft immediately put out a press release calling him a liar in order to protect their own image. (then closed the studio after repeatedly saying they wouldn't, like Phil "saying bad games need to be made")

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and reeks like a duck, it's a duck.

And the last time you tried to drag me into an argument like this I brought up how you're just instigating.

"So what no excuses. No extreme defense? Or you couldn't think of any?" "So what's your spin on this and how is Sony righteous in this whole thing? I know you got something, the master of spin."

Seriously, how desperate are you to get a reply from me...

Lightning7734d ago

"As usual just a string of insults..."

Hey, truth hurts. You did this to yourself I'm just pointing it out.

"I can rattle off a list of things Microsoft has said that has been proven to be untrue over the course of two decades, even including proof in the form of legal documents."

Cool now so show me a game that was announced as multiplatform only to skip one platform and release only on one platform, temporarily? While the other has ro wait due to some anti consumer money hat? Let's stay on topic I'll wait.

"I have zero reason to think that the developers of Black Myth WuKong would lie. They have zero incentive to lie, if they did have a deal with Sony they would just admit it like every other developer."

If something is timed exclusive developers don't talk about them back room dealings. The dealings always leak themselves or it's something that's obviously. No they wouldn't outright tell us yeah Sony paid us to keep our game off Xbox. I'm glad some digging was done here.

"Let's Sherlock this... there is only one party here who would gain from either of these "statements", that's Microsoft deflecting the blame from themselves onto a rival."

You're right let's Sherlock this. Xbox themselves last year sent help to Larian Studios to help them with the S version. There was no back room money hats that happened here (or else they would of mentioned it like they did here,) it was the just the S sucks. Again Sony did something similar to Stellar Blade also.

"Seriously, how desperate are you to get a reply from me..."

Again you are the master of spin, so that means you have nothing then. I'm surprised, this is hard one to spin or turn it into a good thing. Just what whataboutisms that have nothing to do with this topic at hand, deflection after deflection that means. Nothing. So Sony in this case is doing an anti consumer move. What reassurance do we have they won't do it again?

Einhander197233d ago

You are calling the games developers lairs even though they have no reason to lie, or specifically implicate development issues as the reason the game is going to be late, they didn't even need to make a public statement.

Keep in mind it doesn't even have to be due to series s it could be any number of developmental issues. And again this has been an ongoing problem for Microsoft with numerous developers saying they have had issues with xbox development and specifically getting games to run on series s it's not just Baldur's Gate.

Remedy Entertainment: The developers behind Control and Alan Wake expressed concerns about the Series S's limited RAM hindering game performance and development

Larian Studios: Creators of Baldur's Gate 3, they acknowledged the Series S holding back the potential of the game on Xbox

Rocksteady Studios: A senior artist from Rocksteady chimed in, calling the Series S "not much better than a last-gen" console

The Coalition: Developers behind the Gears of War franchise. While not directly criticizing the Series S, they've acknowledged the development challenges of targeting multiple hardware specs

Ubisoft: Though not a specific developer, Ubisoft has hinted at the Series S's impact on development. They've mentioned the need for "clever optimization" to achieve their desired visuals across Xbox platforms

Multiple anonymous developers: Several developers have anonymously expressed concerns about the Series S's limitations on forums and interviews. These concerns often center around limitations in RAM, storage, and overall processing power compared to the Series X

Saber Interactive: Developers behind the reboot of Saints Row. They've mentioned needing to be "resourceful" to ensure the game runs well on the Series S, hinting at the limitations it presents

Nightdive Studios: Creators of acclaimed remakes like System Shock Enhanced. They've expressed concerns about the Series S's impact on texture resolution and visual fidelity, especially for games with high-resolution assets.

Mid-sized and Indie Developers: While not specific names, reports suggest that many smaller studios struggle with the additional optimization tasks required for the Series S. This can strain resources and potentially limit the features or graphical quality achievable on the platform

There are two parties here, one who has nothing to gain by lying and one who has continually shown dishonesty. It's as simple as that.

And let me point something else out, Microsoft said they don't comment on other companies deals, not that Sony actually made a deal, because if they said Sony had a deal Sony could take them to court if there is no deal.

So instead of saying "there is a deal" they make a vague statement to a site they "control" with a "journalist" who will then disseminate what Microsoft wants them to say without them being legally bound by a false statement.

"Hey, truth hurts. You did this to yourself I'm just pointing it out."

I mean, maybe it's you... I am not here insulting you...

Insulting me is not going to make me stop having opinions.

I am at least attempting to have a civil debate but all you do is insult me and put words in my mouth and gaslight me.

Lightning7733d ago

A wall of off topic S stuff That has nothing to do do with Sony and this topic. I only bought that up as an example only. More and more dodging. So I guess dodging and deflecting going off topic is what we're doing I guess.

"I mean, maybe it's you... I am not here insulting you..."

Me what? I'm not the Corporate shill here. That title belongs to you.

"I am at least attempting to have a civil debate but all you do is insult me and put words in my mouth and gaslight me."

Dodge and more dodge. Again without the pointless off topic nonesense. I'm asking a question How is sony good for this? This story probably wouldn't mean much but they took Stellar Blade off of Xbox, plus I've seen several reports on Twitter taking them to task and rightfully so. Taking a game off another platform temporarily is wild. Or are they wrong to do so? Insider information plus this MS statement.

I promise you Sony or any Corporation doesn't cares about you. They only care about your wallet, that's it.

Einhander197233d ago (Edited 33d ago )

Microsoft is lying about Sony's involvement because they don't want admit that developers are having problems making games for their console that are causing delays for their games.

"Dodge and more dodge."

In every reply I am telling you exactly what I think and why.

"Again without the pointless off topic nonsense."

Are you serious? You're insulting me in every comment... How is any of that on topic???

You are putting words in my mouth, gaslighting me and being ridiculously hypocritical about the whole thing.

outsider162433d ago

"A wall of off topic S stuff That has nothing to do do with Sony and this topic."

Er, bro...he just showed the points to the reason why the S is actually holding the X back.

Chevalier33d ago ShowReplies(2)
Lightning7733d ago (Edited 33d ago )

You can't even answer a simple question.

I'll ask again.

"Cool now so show me a game that was announced as multiplatform only to skip one platform and release only on one platform, temporarily? While the other has to wait due to some anti consumer money hat? Let's stay on topic I'll wait."

What hypocrisy? Anyway There's no gas lighting that you're whining about just answer the question, it's easy.

"Er, bro...he just showed the points to the reason why the S is actually holding the X back."

Yeah that's not what we're taking about here. It's about Sony paying to temporarily take a game off another platform.

Einhander197233d ago

Cool now so show me a game that was announced as multiplatform only to skip one platform and release only on one platform, temporarily?

Baldur's Gate 3

Outside_ofthe_Box33d ago

Oof. I would call it quits if I were you lightning.

Einhander197233d ago


He didn't quit, he sent me a PM...

OlderGamer1732d ago

Please stop your ranting and your false aquisitions lightning77, your been proving wrong, you are cleary defending Xbox while keep deniyng that you are. Your but but,Sony proofs clear what your intensions are. You lost, you got roosted, and you still keep coming. I know its hard to admite you lost your disscusion, be a man take your lost and move on....

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 32d ago
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