
Review - Braid: Anniversary Edition (Switch) | WayTooManyGames

WTMG's Leo Faria: "I still think it’s not the single greatest indie of all time, but there’s no denying there’s a lot to like about Braid, especially if you decide to pick up this Anniversary edition. Having this on the Switch, with downright gorgeous visuals, a neat screen resolution, and so many additional levels, is just a no-brainer. Even if you don’t consider it to be the big daddy of the indie scene, it’s an important title, and it’s worth checking out, at the very least, for you to learn a bit more about the history of gaming, and how this little piece of software changed the world without even trying that hard."

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Braid, Anniversary Edition Review | TheXboxHub

Dave writes - "This is a victory lap for one of Xbox’s most significant games"

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Braid Anniversary Edition Review - Revisiting the Past | MP1st

Braid Anniversary Edition Review - Braid was easily one of the most acclaimed indie games from the Xbox 360 and now it's been fully remade.