
Helldivers 2 players share tips everyone should know but many don't

Helldivers 2 can take a long time to figure out every mechanic in the game, so Reddit users have shared their most helpful tips.

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LG_Fox_Brazil70d ago

The main tip that I would tell a new player is: know how and when to pick your fights. Sometimes it's better to avoid a skirmish altogether and focus on the missions. And if you are indeed starting a fight, try to end is as soon as possible and focus on the smallers enemies first, because if you get rid of all those bastards then they won't call for backup and you'll have time to finish the bigger threats

DustMan66d ago

I got 2 tips. Don't throw a 380 barrage without announcing it. I don't mind the occasional lol team kill, or accidental. Getting stuck in the middle of a 380 you had no idea was inbound is another story lol. Also, Don't sleep and the disposable Anti-Tank. It cools down every 70 seconds, and if haven't had to use one you'll have 3 high power shots you can dish out in short order. Great on defense missions when you can literally just fill the extraction zone with 6 or 7 pods of heavy busters. Can't stress that 70 second cool down enough is clutch.


"Can we get a redeploy option? Or a killzone?" Helldivers 2 players want this change

After being forced under the map with no way to escape, Helldivers 2 was an option added to force respawn so they can get back to action.

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Helldivers 2’s biggest update yet, Escalation of Freedom, drops August 6

Arrowhead Game Studios writes: "Our community continues to show us how strong we all are when united against the mindless Automatons and the scourge of the Terminid. As we stand here, on the eve of the Escalation of Freedom, we reflect on the 6 months since launch. We could never have predicted how far this game would go and how many Citizens would answer Super Earth’s call to arms!"

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S2Killinit2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I love that the devs talk about the game in character. Lol

On topic:
New mission types, new enemies, and new DIFFICULTY… sounds good.


The Most Ridiculous Deaths in Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 players share their strangest deaths, some of them are hilarious. What is the most unusual way you died?