
Assassin's Creed Shadows Is 5 Years Too Late

The Nerd Stash: "Ubisoft is finally bringing players to Japan with Assassin's Creed Shadows, but this samurai/ninja epic might arrive too late."

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-Foxtrot70d ago

More like 12 year...people have been going on about Japan or China since after Assassins Creed 3

Hell I even remember seeing people talk about it before Brotherhood or Revelations came out.

Ubisoft ignored people for over a decade and clearly decided to do it once they saw how successful games like Ghost of Tsushima become.

isarai69d ago (Edited 69d ago )

Well, the funny thing is in the very first game once you unlock the eagle vision outside the Animus, people deciphered the writing on the wall and it gave a lot of hints to China and japan being the next or one of the next locations. And now they only do it when someone else already did it for them, and better imo.

Hell one of the directors literally addressed people's demands to.follow through on the hints the game had, and blatantly said they will never have an AC set in that location.

Me and my friends called it while playing GoT, like "i bet Ubisoft announces an AC game set in China or Japan now" and they announce TWO 🤣

Inverno69d ago

The creators had plans for this series which where put on hold indefinitely for the milking Ubi had planned. Pretty sure they were gonna take this to Japan after 2, but then focused on Ezio. Which is why the modern day stuff fell apart too.

notachance69d ago

They know it was heavily requested so they kept it as a trump card while milking the series until it was dry. GoT finally snapped their eyes open but since you can't just release a game on the spot it takes them this long for a catch up game.

Idk how successful it will be though, with all the controversies surrounding it, either about the race stuff or ubisoft bad practices in general.

-Foxtrot69d ago

Sad thing is rumour has it that the preorder sales are "very strong"

It's like people don't give a shit about Ubisofts shitty anti consumer practices.

notachance69d ago

seriously, with only a CGI trailer?

even the forced online to install from disc stuff didn’t deter people from preordering it? I guess they are comfortable with not owning their games indeed. $70 rental holy sh*t..

victorMaje68d ago

I fear there’s a growing amount of gamers that doesn’t know any better or have been conditioned to not care.
They just want the next toy to fiddle with & stream their playthrough online. I hope I’m wrong.

-Foxtrot68d ago


Yeah I was thinking the same, we've only had a CGI trailer and people have gone to preorder despite all the shit Ubisoft has done over the years along with their out of touch comments.

Even when this was teased and was on the GamingLeaksAndRumours subreddit, if you said anything bad about Ubisoft or the game you're downvoted to oblivion. It's crazy.

Dirtnapstor68d ago (Edited 68d ago )

Such a tired argument imo. This "race stuff"? Because the game is not expected to historically accurate, there are some narrative liberties taken. People need to chill out. Ubi should just amend the character build to allow for a male Japanese character, then the naysayers will be appeased.
Also to those who still cling to "anti-consumer" nonsense... Why won't you just wait it out then? The game will go on sale, then you won't feel like you spent your week's paycheck for 100 hours of entertainment.
People expect everything on the cheap. You may not like Ubisoft as a business, but it's a business. The slight is ridiculous considering what the Devs provide for us.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 68d ago
victorMaje68d ago

Exactly. Ghost of Tsushima scratched that itch & then some.
Thing is Sucker Punch focused on making a great game, Ubisoft’s focus is probably once anything but.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 68d ago
CrimsonWing6969d ago

Better late than never. I haven’t been into an Ass Creed game since Black Flag and I only liked the non-Ass Creed parts of that game. This one will be the first I’ve played since Unity, which killed any interest I had with the series,

jznrpg69d ago (Edited 69d ago )

Black Flag was a lot of fun for half of the game. But they had those stupid follow the guy missions that really broke the flow of the game and the fun. Rayman was a great too. But I haven’t wanted to play an UbiSoft game for many years and they are making it so I don’t

DarXyde68d ago

I gave up after Revelations. You've gotten much deeper into the lore than I have, that's certain. Loved 2, but after Revelations, I wasn't willing to give any new entries since a chance.

They might be good games, but you can't play them all, I guess.

Friendlygamer69d ago (Edited 69d ago )

Nah, tsushima is all countryside and beach and sekiro and nioh are fantasy, a more urban feudal japan setting is fresh. Besides we get a new European medieval game every 10 minutes, why can't multiple companies do Japan ? I would love onimusha, tenchu and way of the samurai to come back.

I hate the idea of a gaming company 'owning' a setting, I want more high budget cowboy games besides red dead !!!!

neutralgamer199269d ago

Ghost of Tsushima has set a high bar for games in the vein of Assassin’s Creed. While having more options is generally beneficial, Ubisoft seems to struggle with their direction, which can sometimes undermine those benefits. If it was not for the success of Tsushima I don’t think we would ever get assassin Creed game in Japan. Even now sucker punch are a much much smarter team of developers that did Tsushima And now we have Ubisoft who have 15 studios helping making one game

Games like Ghost of Tsushima, Nioh, and Sekiro stand out because they focus on gameplay and setting without the burden of microtransactions or mandatory online connections for single-player content. They prioritize quality over quantity, something Ubisoft could learn from.

The upcoming Assassin’s Creed game will inevitably be compared to its predecessors and other high-quality titles. It needs to meet or exceed these quality standards. We don’t need another 80-100 hour marathon; we need content that offers a compelling and engaging experience.

Instead of criticizing other companies for excelling, we should encourage Ubisoft to elevate their standards. No single company owns a setting or genre, but the quality of some releases naturally sets a benchmark for others. Let’s push for better quality from Ubisoft rather than lowering our expectations

Good-Smurf69d ago

Pretty much, I hate that if its western devs ARPG they either go middle ages knights and dragons castle town brown looking or its in sci-fi soap opera.
Please branch out for once ffs.

chicken_in_the_corn69d ago

Why release it at a time when the setting is so common? Releasing it now lets it stand out more.

69d ago
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Ubisoft Publishes Letter to Placate Japanese Community Concerned By Assassin’s Creed Shadows

TNS: "Ubisoft issued a statement regarding Yasuke in Assassin's Creed Shadows and apologized to the Japanese community."

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Berenger1d 14h ago

So....."The Tyranny of George Washington" wasn't a problem....but Yasuke is? Gotcha

-Foxtrot1d 13h ago

Wasn’t that a vision made by the Apple of Eden to show a possible future?

Washington rejects it once he’s free of the vision, claiming he never wanted it then tells his men to dump it into the sea.

Profchaos1d 12h ago

I don't think the Japanese population really cares about how Ubisoft decides to represent Washington this is a letter addressed to their Japanese player base directly and government

anast1d 14h ago

They are only apologizing because they don't want to lose money.

Tankbusta401d 12h ago

Sad thing is DEI makes money...Ubisoft knows this a small apology letter means nothing to them.

Gameseeker_Frampt1d 11h ago

Will we also be getting an apology from Japan and Platinum Games for their map of the United States in Bayonetta? The Shaft and Joe Pesci stereotypes were one thing, but they couldn't even get the map correct and had most of New England as part of Canada. It looked like something a kindergartner would draw.

Profchaos1d 3h ago

Nope Japanese culture don't play these pander games that everyone else will. You get what you get and don't get upset there

1d 9h ago
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Assassin's Creed Shadows Is Shaping Up To Be Another Hard-Hitting Classic - The Koalition

Richard Bailey of The Koalition writes: Assassin’s Creed Shadows was revealed as a cinematic world premiere trailer on May 15th. Set within feudal Japan and fixated on two playable protagonists in Naoe and Yasuke, I fully expected Shadows to be another typical Assassin’s Creed game with only a few key changes to enhance the overall experience.

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rbailey18d ago

This game definitely looks great so far and will satisfy those who have been waiting for an Assassin's Creed game set within Feudal Japan.

meganick18d ago

In case you don’t believe me, check out its comment history. Then it’ll be more obvious.

Dirty_Lemons17d ago

Yeah definitely a bit to be fair.

Ninver17d ago


Good spot. It's comments are robotic to no end.

Leeroyw17d ago

There are so many of these accounts:

"can't wait for this title"
"gonna pre order this one".
"day one"

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 17d ago
Obscure_Observer18d ago

Hope so.

Definitely like what I have seen so far.

Sashamaz17d ago

Apparently, it's not acceptable to like assassins creed right now. Fortunately, the loud minority does not represent most buyers.

Shane Kim18d ago

Looks like the best one for a long time.

ravens5217d ago (Edited 17d ago )

So many upset racist dummies. Lol @ y'all 🤡and I hope the game does great 😉.

17d ago
EternalTitan17d ago

Oh no! Where is the 'racist'?

Levii_9218d ago

Another? Lol look i have nothing against Shadows unlike lot of other people but when the f was AC a hard hitting classic? 16 years ago? 😂

anast18d ago

I would say 16 is about right.

Vits17d ago

A Ubisoft game being a hard-hitting classic is already pretty much impossible. And an Assassin's Creed game being one? Come on, it's going to be the same wishy-washy open world with a ton of the same old objectives as the last games. The only difference is the coat of paint.

Like, don't get me wrong. Their games aren't necessarily bad, but they are so absurdly formulaic that I wouldn't be surprised if some sports games ended up with more variation between releases than Ubisoft franchises.

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Assassin's Creed Shadows' Spy Network is Just What the Franchise's Stealth Needs

Assassin's Creed Shadows is introducing a new Spy Network feature, and it could offer something the franchise's stealth has been sorely missing.

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