
Valve's Deadlock Screenshots & Gameplay Details Leaked, Features Bioshock Inspired Floating Rails

The first screenshots & details on gameplay for Valve's new competitive shooter, Deadlock, have leaked ahead of an official announcement.

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PRIMORDUS69d ago (Edited 69d ago )

I play Paladins so this looks interesting. If there will be a beta of it I will definitely sign up and see how it is, though I'm not really a fan of 3rd person shooters, but I'll check it out.

anast69d ago

Looks cheap, but there's probably some entertainment there.

ITPython69d ago (Edited 69d ago )

Deadlock? Sounds suspiciously similar to Dr. Disrespect's game in development, Deadrop. Although gameplay seems to be completely different, so likely just a coincidence in the name. Although depending on when his game releases and this one releases, it could confuse the market with such similar sounding names. Especially as both are competitive online shooters.

Skuletor69d ago

Here I was thinking they might have been talking about another shooter called Deadlink too, lol

-Foxtrot69d ago

So Valve, a company who makes so much money from Steam and the like where they don't need to worry about it decides to finally make a brand new game and instead of a great single player experience or revisiting one of their good multiplayer IPs like L4D or Team Fortress they've decided on following trends by doing a generic sounding hero/class shooter similar to Overwatch....okay...urm....wel l got to ask...why?

Fist4achin68d ago

Now just wait a minute. You're not referring to the HL series for a single player experience are you?! They now seem to piss money on game development in oversaturated types. I've pretty much given up hope on proper justice to the HL franchise.

Amplitude68d ago (Edited 68d ago )

To be fair, they're also a company that made Team Fortress and Counter Strike.
I have no interest in hero shooters but Valve has literally never made a game that isn't insanely good and successful - so one can assume this will be the same.

FinalFantasyFanatic68d ago

I would rather they finished off the Half-Life...

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