
PS5 will see ‘smaller first party games’ this year including Astro Bot claims insider

It’s rumoured that there will be at least some PS5 exclusives released this year from Sony, but it’s still unclear if that includes Concord.

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purple101152d ago
Lightning77152d ago

This is by the legendary leaker Snitch. He has like a 90% accuracy rate.

This bit of news only makes sense. sony won't have any major first party games until next April and beyond. Astro Bot and Silent Hill 2 make sense for release. Still wondering if Concord releases this year.

neutralgamer1992151d ago

Sony said no 1st part existing franchises. There might be 2nd party games and new IP’s. Since this year started Sony has had 4 big blockbuster exclusives which all came from 2nd party studios. They know when they need to give their 1st party more time to rely on 2nd party partners and plan accordingly

Mr Logic151d ago

Absolute rubbish. They said, "No big first party IP on the level of God of War and Horizon." They ABSOLUTELY did not rule out first party games entirely.

Lightning77151d ago

Correct Concord and Fair Games could be slated for this year. silent Hill 2 is this year.

Square is third party but I get what you're sayin.

Cacabunga150d ago

Sony must at least reveal a few..

shinoff2183150d ago

They definitely said existing ip lightning.

Lightning77150d ago (Edited 150d ago )

So you expect new AAA ips releasing from Sony this year?

1Victor135d ago

@Lighting the behind the curtain Sony CEO/CFO have spoken (insert thunder soundtrack here )

In my opinion Sony have a sleeper kids game on Astro Bot and don’t use it 😩as much as they should

Goodguy01152d ago

Asides from Nintendo which are prepping for their next gen hardware, it's been kinda odd for sony and mcsft in terms of first party. 3rd party and indies have been kicking ass though.

Profchaos151d ago

Microsoft is busy trying to buy the industry to have more games while Sony cares more about the quality of the games which means long wait times.

Modern gaming it kind of sucks because it takes years for us to get a release sometimes a decade while back in the day on the ps2 era a game would be done in a year or a huge project may require two.

Nintendo actually have it the best out of all companies as development times for weaker hardware like the switch are far quicker meaning we can see more switch games get pumped out with a high level of polish they may still look like 7th gen games but they still look good really

Sonyslave3151d ago

Lol you do know sony brought 95% of their studioss'.

Nooderus151d ago

Japan Studio used to make quality stuff, otherwise Sony first party games kinda stink man

fr0sty151d ago

Sony didn't buy a single publisher... Sony buys individual studios years after working with them as second party partners and the studio proving they can make system sellers. Microsoft buys entire publishers in an attempt to monopolize the industry.

tay8701151d ago

@nooderus. if you think sonys 1st part stinks, you must think xboxs really sucks. Sonys 1st party trounce xboxs. Xbox has way more studios now but they pale in comparison when it comes to quality. Xbox can only dream of having studios like naughty dog, santa monica, insomniac, guerilla and sucker punch. All of these studios have released games in the last decade that have been nominated for game of thr yr. Naughty dog, santa monica, guerilla , and insomniac all have multiple games nominated in thst time span. ND actually won it twice and Santa Monica won it once. No other publisher has more nominations or wins in the last decade.

fr0sty151d ago

The bots are sore to hear it, but you can't argue with the truth when it has facts to back it up.

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ocelot07151d ago

New astro bot is fine by me. Still go back and play the tech demo every few months.

RNTody151d ago (Edited 151d ago )

Honestly I'd just be happy if we could get a Sony show this year that shows us gameplay for Wolverine, Naughty Dog's new IP and Sucker Punch's game, whether it's a sequel to Ghost of Tsushima or a new IP and Bluepoint's new game. Housemarque released Returnal in 2021 which took a bit over 4 years to develop, so hopefully they'll be ready for an announcement soon of what they're working on. Bungie... we'll see.

However with Helldivers 2, Stellar Blade, Rise of the Ronin and Final Fantasy Rebirth, it hasn't exactly been a quiet or ineffective year while the first party's are keeping things hush.

Profchaos151d ago

Well if you want to see wolverine GamePlay there's a metric ton of it flying around the net

RNTody151d ago

I'm not going to watch leaked alpha footage that the developer never intended to see the light of day. I'm going to watch a proper showcase when it's ready.

Nooderus151d ago

"I'm going to watch a proper showcase when it's ready" shut up tod

RNTody151d ago

@Nooderus Forgive me, nii-san.

Profchaos151d ago (Edited 151d ago )

Astrobot to me that's huge I hope it's both a flatscreen game and a VR game like gt7.

One of my favourite gaming experiences last gen was astro bot resuce mission on psvr it's almost criminal that more people never got a chance to experience the game it was one VR game that actually could have been ported to a flat screen experience with some minor control tweaks.

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Astro Bot - Speedrun and Special Bots Add-On Trailer

Coming this Fall.

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Community1d 11h ago
fr0sty1d 10h ago

And it's free! Team Asobi FTW

darthv721d 9h ago

...the remaster wont be though. $9.99 for a PS6 upgrade.

Levii_921d 9h ago

For me the most exciting thing in the new state of play was Nicolas Doucet saying they have a few more things up their sleeve regarding Astro Bot.


Astro Bot Week 1 Sales Are "Really Strong" In Europe

Europe's first week sales numbers for Sony and Team Asobi's 3D platformer, Astro Bot, are "really strong", based on the latest information.

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Community1d 20h ago
CrimsonWing691d 17h ago

I thought sales were bad. Which is it?

NotoriousWhiz1d 15h ago

Last I heard , physical sales were low but digital was much higher for Europe.

sagapo1d 15h ago

I bought the dics version last week tho. Awesome game.

1nsomniac1d 15h ago (Edited 1d 15h ago )

It was a marketing ploy to boost sales further… and it worked because it had the Sony fanboys tearing people apart for not buying it straight away because they’re “damaging the industry” for not celebrating a good release.

Levii_921d 14h ago

No sales are not bad, they were underwhelming at first but then it picked up after that simply becase of word of mouth and now it probably will continue to do very good.

Demetrius1d 8h ago

I been playing this for the 1st time today, definitely a 10 for me, such charm and creativity. Made me think of days playing my nintendo 64 in the early 2000s on a pretty day with the fan on just for some extra breeze lol


Games Media Personnel Debunk Claims of Concord's $400 Million Budget

The rumor of Concord's budget was at $400M has been debunked by games media personnel, as the game didn't even get above-the-line marketing.

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Community4d ago
_SilverHawk_5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

People will continue to make up absurd things about concord just like i predicted. I didn't believe that game costs anywhere close to half a billion dollars but people will continue to pile on because they were truly hurt by the production of this game that I thought was a good game. The developers had the audacity to make a good game semi-similar to other games with character models not seen before with gender pronouns.

Levii_924d ago

What excuse me? Gender pronouns? How dare you? How dare you even suggest that this game failed because of it's beautiful appealing character design and modern politics and just being.. good. What are you some sort of right wing biggot!?

This was a totally original idea for a game never been done before and Sony made the best decision to invest millions in it! And then it had to fail because of people like you pfff. Meanwhile boring games like Astro Mario succeed. Unbelievable.

DazaMc3d ago

I think you need a /s at the end of that.

Killer2020UK3d ago

Sarcasm lost on most people then...says a lot

Michiel19894d ago

the game gave us no reason to play Concord instead of Overwatch or Valorant but then you combine it with awful character design and nonsene agendapushing, then my friend you get a dumpsterfire. It was 8 years in development, who thought it was a good idea to hold a beta 1 month before release? It wasn't a beta, it was a failed attempt at marketing, cause fuck all can get changed in that time.

Einhander19724d ago

The studio was formed in 2018...

Michiel19894d ago

overwatch released in 2016, they had the blueprint.

Einhander19724d ago

The game couldn't have possibly been in development for 8 years when the studio didn't even exist for 8 years.

The game failed, that is a fact, but a lot of what is being said about it is clearly untrue.

Michiel19894d ago

it says 8 years everywhere. It could have been in preproduction somewhere and later created a new studio for it, wouldn't have been the first time and won't be the last. I think Sony even said it themselves

Einhander19724d ago

I don't care what it says everywhere, that is how the internet is. Just because a lot of people say something doesn't make it true.

"I read it on the internet it must be true" LoL

Michiel19894d ago

ok 6 years then, still abysmal development if this is all they could come up with. If i believed everyting said I would have said it would have cost them 400m. 2 levels and 2.5 characters per year for a 150+ man team. That screams massive problems and a money pit.

Einhander19724d ago (Edited 4d ago )

I mean, you are determined to say the longest possible amount of time you can get away with... No matter how unrealistic that may be...

Chevalier4d ago

Wait so let me get this straight. The Last of Us 2 apparently cost about $220 million to make and had 2000+ people working on it.

But you think that Concord which topped out at 150 employees cost $400 million to make?! Please explain the logic here.

DodoDojo4d ago


If it wasn't in development for 8 years, why do the developers say it was?


JackBNimble4d ago

The market just said they don't want this crap, how hard is that to believe?

Ubisoft is another one who is watching the market say fuck off with the bullshit. Soon to be EA... can't we just have games without the live service's and insane agendas?

thorstein4d ago

Do you believe a developer founded in 2018 was working on a game in 2016?

If not, do you believe the people that reported that may have lied about other things or that a studio with no games behind it was able to amass half a billion dollars to make this game on their own? And who would pay them to do this? Probably Monsters Inc. who owned Firewalk and owns other studios was founded in 2016 with 250 million.

Sony bought Firewalk in April 2023.

DodoDojo4d ago

The 8 years development time claim came from the developers themselves. Firewalk Studios Lead Gameplay Designer Claude Jerome and Lead Character Designer Jon Weisnewski went on the official PlayStation Blog and said they've been working on it for 10 years but it only had 8 years of actual development.

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thorstein4d ago

Reminds me of when users on here claimed that 193 - 73 = 180.

babadivad4d ago

This article said little and less. On top of that, it didn't debunk anything.

Chevalier4d ago

"The Acolyte cost 180 million dollars"

Yeah, but, Star Wars shows have hundreds more staff. But my point is that TLOU 2 had over 2000 people work on it and cost $220 million. But you want me to believe a game that had 150 people making it cost more than double that with 1/10 of the staff.

Notellin4d ago

Tell us how much it cost to acquire Firewalk and also to publish the game if you know so much. Your experience as a Wal-Mart cashier should come in handy for your analysis.

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isarai5d ago

Thought so, that was an absurd cost for ANY game let alone a MP only game

excaliburps4d ago

Yep, but you had people believing that crap. I mean, websites ran that. I don't think they believed it themselves, but the urge of Concord, bait and traffic seemed too good to pass up.

Mr_cheese4d ago

People believed it because they wanted to. It was an extreme figure which made sony and concord look even worse than before.

Chevalier4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

This is how absurd that number is. The Last of Us 2 cost $220 million to make and had 2100+ people work on the game.

But this media and certain people here think that Concord which topped out at 150 people working on the game cost $400 million to make.

Grand Theft Auto 5 apparently cost $265 million to make too which at the time was the most expensive entertainment product ever made even considering other media like movies.

babadivad4d ago

Mismanagement causes budgets to balloon. The Acolyte cost 180 million dollars but the end product doesn't reflect a budget that large. Especially for only 8 roughly half hour episodes.

It's the unseen cost of incompetence.

Notellin4d ago

Concord did not have only 150 people work on it. Sony brought in multiple support studios over the last 18 months which is mentioned all over the place. The credits are 3 hours long and mention significantly more names than 150.

Every game has consultants, voice actors, etc.

Ignoring the facts doesn't make you correct it makes you ignorant.

4d ago Replies(3)
purple1014d ago

Films like Avatar cost 300 million

This is a game with 12 small levels and 16 characters
No way their small cut scenes added 300 mill to the price .

Michiel19894d ago

the question should be how did they manage to only make that in 8 years, that already shows there are massive problems there, which often lead to loads of money lost. We will never know the number but I wouldn't be surprised if its pretty far over 200m.

purple1014d ago

Yes I suppose if they brought the property offices, all the tech and any debt owed, it could rack up! Got to pay those bonuses we keep hearing about too ! Haha

Notellin4d ago

What a terrible comparison.

An extremely experienced film maker and studio creates a movie against a brand new video game studio making their first game.

Completely useless comment.

Chocoburger4d ago ShowReplies(2)
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