
The 2.5D adventure/ARPG "Legends of Dionysos" is coming to PC via Steam in Q2 2024

"The Koblenz-based (Germany) indie games developer TheGamingVan today announced with great happiness and excitement, that their 2.5D adventure/ARPG "Legends of Dionysos" is coming to PC via Steam in Q2 2024. (there is an free PC demo that you could tryout via Steam and itch.io)." - Jonas Ek, TGG.


The 2.5D adventure/ARPG “Legends of Dionysos” is now available for PC via Steam

"The Koblenz-based (Germany) indie games developer TheGamingVan today announced with great joy and thrill , that their 2.5D adventure/ARPG “Legends of Dionysos”, is now available for PC via Steam." - Jonas Ek, TGG.

TheNamelessOne9d ago

Going to be real here; this looks like crap.