
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Review - A JRPG Masterpiece - Lords of Gaming

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes trancends the bridge between JRPGs of old and present day providing a overall masterclass JRPG experience.

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jjb198195d ago

I'm definitely having a blast. This game makes it feel like this is how Suikoden really looked when I first played it. I'm loving the art style. Hopefully they're getting a good deal by putting it on Game Pass. I've been following this project and backing it since 2020 and the developers are a group of amazing people.

Michiel198995d ago

sad how effective paying 40 bucks for 2 days of early access is.

shinoff218395d ago

I mean your absolutely right. Here's an idea that isn't greed fueled. Drop it early if it's ready. At the same time I could see this as a way for an indie to make a couple extra bucks but not a aaa dev/publishers

jjb198195d ago

Not really sure what you mean. I backed it in 2020 when it was on Kickstarter, I paid $26 and was given early access. Who hurt you?

Michiel198995d ago

@jjb my bad I didn't realize the early access was included with that. I just hate the practice of this early access bs, it's even coming to single player games now.

OG_TK_Cole95d ago

No disrespect, but some of us didnt pay $40.00 for Early Access. Some of us supported the Kickstarter in 2020. I gave money for the things that I wanted to purchase.

FinalFantasyFanatic95d ago

I paid for the Kickstarter, getting to play slightly earlier is a perk for supporting the game.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 95d ago
jznrpg95d ago (Edited 95d ago )

Instead of hoping they got a good deal maybe consider buying the game and own it and then you know they made your $ ? Just a suggestion to whoever rents it and doesn’t buy it as it’s better to support devs who make games you enjoy with a purchase instead of a rental.

These are the type of games I like to own anyway. You definitely won’t be able to use all 100 heroes for very long if at all. It invites multiple play throughs. I still go back and play the older Suikodens as I own them all because it’s a great series. 1 and mainly 2 get all of the love but I like the other games as well

jjb198195d ago

I totally get it. I prefer to "own" the digital license than to rent it through Game Pass but it was their choice and that's why I hope it works out for them and they make a profit. They constantly updated all of us throughout the development time which was awesome. I did buy EC Rising to support them even though it was on Game Pass.

Crows9095d ago (Edited 95d ago )

Not playing through Gamepass. The best way to support these devs is probably to purchase it somewhere else...they likely were given a lump sum just to put it on there...in order to maximize on that it's best to play elsewhere.

Pay for what you like...subs suck.

kythlyn95d ago

I don't mind if the game isn't perfect. I backed it so that I and other Suikoden fans could simply have more Suikoden, and this seems to be precisely that.

Ninver95d ago

Backlog is crazy but I'm interested in trying this out. Hope it sells well.


Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes review - ChristCenteredGamer

CCG writes - "Overall, Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is a good game with a fun story, great music, and lovely backgrounds; though it definitely could use a bit more fine tuning in my opinion. But if what I wrote does not dissuade you (it didn't dissuade me, just some minor annoyances) and you enjoy JRPGs, this game is definitely worth checking out!"

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Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Receives Another Switch Update, Here Are The Full Patch Notes

Addressing performance mode issues and more.

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Dwarrior19d ago

I'd like to buy on PS5, but it's not 4K.


Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Top 5 Favorite Heroes After Completion

With the release of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes I wanted to talk about my Top 5 Favorite characters after the games completion.

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