
The most anticipated games of 2009

Gamer Limit writes "With many other gaming sites just covering a few games for each platform, it's hard to tell what is really coming out in 2009. 2009 is a rather odd year for exclusives, as the Playstation 3 and 360 are sharing a lot of big titles. This also looks like it's going to be a big year for the Wii, with a few blockbuster mature titles sneaking in with some dynamite casual games."

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Ziriux5731d ago

Great article. All the games will bring something good to the gaming industry.

Hagaf225731d ago

well killzone will atleast :D why so short 360 list?

5731d ago
5731d ago
Willio5731d ago

360 has Syphoon Filter i think coming out. It could be good and recivew similiar reception as Ninja Gaiden 2.

Jake the Muss5731d ago (Edited 5731d ago )

You don't mean Syphon Filter (for the 360) do you? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty confident Syphon Filter is a exclusive franchise owned and developed by Sony's first party studios - I'm looking at Syphon Filter Dark Mirror on my PSP right now.

In addition, Syphon Filter (at least the newer PSP versions) is a 3rd person Stealth action game, while Ninja Gaiden 2 is a "Hack & Slash" game...

EDIT: @ Queers of War:

The newer versions of Syphon Filter on the PSP are actually pretty decent. Dark Mirror received a 9.3 from IGN while Logan's Shadow received a 9.5. Smooth combat flow, 3rd person shooting from cover, stealth mechanics that work and impressive graphics (for the PSP). If you have a PSP, you can download the demo for Logan's Shadow from the PSP store.

Queers of War5731d ago

yeah, syphon filter is owned by sony. i dont know what that series is like nowadays, havnt played since the 3rd one

5731d ago
badz1495731d ago

as for me, Uncharted 2 is my most anticipated title followed closely by KZ2 and then maybe the new R&C from Insomniac! then I'm also looking forward for inFamous! as for GoW3, will it be this year? I'll be a very happy gamer this year! (if only I have more time to play them all!)

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5731d ago
MURKERR5731d ago (Edited 5731d ago )

at its original cost, 360 list if honest was pitiful im sure theres more than that? alanwake i hope it makes 2009 id like to see whats the better game that or heavyrain like the article implies

L Ronald Hubbard5731d ago (Edited 5731d ago )


But Microsoft might have unannounced games?!1one!



Joking aside...

2009 is another great year for everyone.

JOEdANGEL5731d ago

Who really cares? I hope they're both good.

Aclay5731d ago

My top 3 PS3 titles from that PS3 exclusive list is: KZ2, Uncharted 2, and God of War 3 hands down. It was hard to choose my top 3 because I'm looking forward to Heavy Rain and GT5 (if it comes out in 2009) just as equally.

At GDC or E3 this year, I hope that Sony at least gives some confirmation whether or not God of War 3 will even be coming out in 2009 for sure because so far all we have to go by is a rumored Dec. 2009 release. Even if God of War 3 doesn't come out in 09', I'll gladly take a March 2010 release though.

Helghast Slayer5731d ago (Edited 5731d ago )

Man the ps3's line up is stellar. If i may say so, the rest of the list is absolutely laughable. From a hardcore gamer to another that is a truly pathetic line up for the wii and 360 hornestly.

Asurastrike5731d ago

I'm going to assume (and hope) that Microsoft has some unannounced games. Otherwise it looks like my PS3 will be the only system I play this year.

POGfinder5731d ago

same goes to SONY

They will also announce some more games to their already stellar 2009 lineup

MS has closed most of their gaming studios which isnt a good thing to do

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Gamer buys 4,000 copies of Alan Wake, none of them work

Alan Wake, from Max Payne and Control creator Remedy, is a horror classic, prompting one player to buy 4,000 copies that don’t even work.

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roadkillers160d ago

Kind of a goody story...

On a serious note, that is why I try activating gift cards asap. It's happened to me where the store didnt scan it right where the card was unusuable. Happened at Wally World.

gigoran8160d ago

wait, that place is real? national lampoon wasn't kidding?

Tacoboto159d ago

I just bought two of the MonsterVerse Godzilla movies on 4K - both had digital copies expiring in 2023. Both were actually expired.

I'd be surprised but it's WB, of course they'd actually expire them

Knightofelemia160d ago

Usually most of those redemption card have an expiry date on them. If they expired all buyer did was buy recycled paper. And some of those codes are country locked to certain countries. I buy a card from the States I can't use it in Canada.

Chocoburger160d ago

Dumb and silly story. She wasted her money for no reason.

Is it really that hard to go to Steam or GOG. She spent $240, when its currently 70% off on GOG, and only costs $4.49.

Gee, I wonder, should I spend $240 on eBay, or $4.49 on GOG? 🙄

Rynxie159d ago

Most likely she wanted to resell a few or most of them. However, it was a too good to be true situation.

160d ago
Profchaos159d ago

So in short she paid $240.00 assuming usd for a bunch on unactivated game codes.

I still don't understand why I guess cause there's not a physical version and she wanted something for a collection or art project.

Rynxie159d ago

No, most likely to resell. However, she ended up getting screwed.

Asplundh159d ago

This is Alan Wake 1, it had physical copies.

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The Best Video Game Opening Levels In Gaming History

The Opening Levels that hooked gamers from the outset.

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PlayStation 3 Games That Desperately Need a PS5 Remaster

The PlayStation 3 may not have been the strongest generation for Sony, but there were still some diamonds in the rough that deserve a revisit as PS5 remasters.

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OtterX198d ago (Edited 198d ago )

Even if they could just remaster and put on PSVR2, some would still look great as VR titles and could do a whole lot to bolster the headset w these exclusives! I'd imagine the investment of reworking these titles into VR would be way less than building new games from the ground up, and they could be amazing experiences, and VR often makes flat games feel fresh again. The Resistance and Killzone games are particularly what I want to see!!

Rude-ro198d ago

I played killzone 3 in 3d and it really changed the game per being immersive.
In vr, that would be even more awesome.

darthv72198d ago

Funny you mention that... my son wanted to play some PS3 games in 3d on my PS tv and he was blown away by how good KZ3 was. It really was a great addition to the game. Im surprised there have not been more 3d games from that era being ported to the PSVR/VR2.

_SilverHawk_198d ago

resistance 1-3, killzone 1-3, uncharted 1-3, uncharted golden abyss, folklore, socom 4 , motorstorm, twisted metal, MAG, heavenly sword

Cacabunga198d ago

Killzone 2+3
Sly Thieves in Time
Crack in Time
God of War Ascension
Modnation racer
Infamous 1+2

Profchaos198d ago (Edited 198d ago )

Killzone trilogy in VR would be amazing bonus points if they offer shadow fall.

There was a psvr1 Killzone project that supermassive was working on at one stage which wasn't up to scratch and Sony brand it back in house I was hoping we would see that on psvr2 eventually.

Personally I'd love to see some more love or acknowledgement of psvr2 from Sony in general it was a expensive headset and Sony barely acknowledge it's existence

seanpitt23198d ago

The amount of work needed to remaster these games wouldn't be beneficial on a financial and business sense.. MGS4 would probably be the best bet as it would need the least amount of work!

Iceball2000198d ago

YEAAASSSSS! I miss this franchise and wanna play it so bad again.

Father__Merrin198d ago

The time is perfect for a resistance fall of man game campaign coop multiplayer

InUrFoxHole198d ago

The resistance series is str8 trash to me. Socom 3 I would welcome. Or killzone MP.

Marcus Fenix198d ago

A Resistance reboot will be awesome

Michiel1989198d ago

That's what Bungie should make, Ill keep saying it until it happens

1Victor198d ago (Edited 198d ago )

Resistance was ok but Warhawk and Starhawk was better and kept me coming back for almost a decade of fun and petty revenge on the loud mouth unskilled players 🤣
Edit I loved capture the flag dropping the pot on the flag carrier was extremely satisfying as well as transforming your plane in bot form and stumping them to death 😱

198d ago
Michiel1989198d ago

Resistance was the best co-op fps I ever played after L4D2

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