
Ereban: Shadow Legacy Review | PC | NoobFeed

NoobFeed editor Mariella Deadman writes - Ereban: Shadow Legacy is a great addition to the stealth genre. Subverting expectations with a well-lit area being the most dangerous possible. The story is engaging and works as an excellent backdrop to the great gameplay. The movement is swift and exciting, and the combat is really well implemented.

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coolbeans101d ago

-"Subverting expectations with a well-lit area being the most dangerous possible."

Maybe I'm just misinterpreting the intention here, but well-lit areas being the most dangerous is a basic building block for many stealth games (old and new).


Review: Ereban: Shadow Legacy is a solid, if unsurprising stealth game - Entertainium

For aficionados of stealth platformers, Ereban: Shadow Legacy is certainly easy to recommend.

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How Ereban: Shadow Legacy Gives Back to the Stealth Genre

In a Game Rant interview, Ereban: Shadow Legacy creative director Alex Márquez talks about giving back to the beloved stealth genre.

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The story-driven stealth platformer “Ereban: Shadow Legacy” is now available for PC via Steam

"The Barcelona-based (Spain) indie games developer Baby Robot Games are today very glad and excited to announce that their story-driven stealth platformer “Ereban: Shadow Legacy“, is now available for PC via Steam." - Jonas Ek, TGG.