
Stellar Blade Review Embargo Details Revealed

Details regarding the review embargo for Sony Interactive Entertainment and Shift Up's Stellar Blade have been revealed.

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Eonjay106d ago

Two days before launch is fine. Same day as preload and... its only 35 GBs so I don't have to reorganize my who whole library just to fit it on lol.

Tacoboto106d ago

Hopefully the game sticks the landing. Demo was a great time so I'm hoping we're not in for another Hogwarts Legacy type of situation.

By that I mean, its flaws don't get swept under the rug just because of the controversy the game doesnt deserve. HL was a solid game overall but at its core, it was an above-average Ubisoft-like from quest structure to a physical edition with an online installation requirement to being riddled with SJW shoehorning.

If this game gets good reviews that's best, but if it doesn't or is received as mid, I can't imagine the conversation actually focusing on what the reviewers critique but the reviewers themselves.

Cacabunga106d ago

You like the demo?? Buy the game and stop relying on reviews from people you don’t know.. could be review will be done by someone who actually didn’t like the demo..
day one for me regardless of reviews i never consider them


I agree Reviews are one person opinion who cares about them we already played the demo we know its good.

Tacoboto106d ago

I have the game already preordered based on how much I liked the demo, and no where do I say I'm relying on reviews from people I don't know, so I don't know who you're actually talking to there.

I also know a game can demo well in a short slice but fall short in the final product, too.

RNTody106d ago (Edited 106d ago )

I loved the demo, but honestly I hold out for reviews just to make sure the game works and there are no deal breakers and to get some clarity on questions I may have before going in. It's just safer that way in this day and age. Before you Buy is probably my go to series. But I wouldn't say reviews dictate my purchasing or playing decisions, rather help with avoidance or "wait for discount" if warranted, given that time is limited.

I mean I enjoyed games like Alpha Protocol and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed even though they didn't review well, but I wouldn't recommend day one on those titles. Rise of the Ronin is something I'll enjoy too, but reviews helped me with the "wait for discount" decision.

REDGUM105d ago

So true, not necessarily just this game but I decide my games myself from what I've seen of them as opposed to someone else's perspective of their likes and dislikes of that game. I'm the one parting with my money, i'll decide damn it lol.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 105d ago
Psychonaut85106d ago

Not as confident as how far ahead Sony has done on its first party stuff, but at least it’s not this day of bullshit. Cautious confidence lol. I’ll be preordering tomorrow. Demo sold me on it.

Sonic1881106d ago

Is this game going to release on PC in the future?

raWfodog106d ago

Nothing has been announced for PC yet but I wouldn’t be surprised if it comes one day.

CrimsonWing69106d ago

I already know that IGN France is going to be glowing for this game in their review.

Hugodastrevas95d ago

They better after after the clown act they put before!


Stellar Blade Update 1.006 Brings Summer Suits, Photo Mode & More

Shift Up, the developer behind Stellar Blade, has released a new update, bringing the game to version 1.006.

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CobraKai3h ago

I love this game. It just keeps on giving


Does PlayStation’s Success Set Unrealistic Expectations For Some Exclusives?

Shift Up's recent release, Stellar Blade, proves that not all PlayStation exclusives need huge sales figures to be successful.

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Eonjay29d ago

That impossible to say without knowing each companies individual expectations. For example Arrowhead clearly had a set expectation for Helldivers 2 but the results were far beyond their expectations. Another exclusive for KT (Rise of the Ronin) became their best seller of all time. Was this their expectations? Who knows but I doubt it.

Stellar Blade did very well for a new IP that happened to be exclusive. Did i expect it to do this well? Not sure but what's more important is Shift Up's expectations.

jznrpg29d ago

Every game is different. I definitely recommend Stellar Blade.


Report: Stellar Blade Roadmap Leaks, Mentions Photo Mode for August, DLC and Sequel

It seems the Stellar Blade roadmap has been leaked via an internal presentation. It mentions Photo Mode coming in August and more.

Hugodastrevas29d ago

Great, the more Stellar Blade the better!