
Is Gran Turismo (PS1) Still Worth Playing in 2024?

Gran Turismo for PlayStation launched a sub-genre and revolutionised console racing - TechStomper asks is it still worth playing in 2024.

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Terry_B106d ago

Well..you can play it completely offline at least ^^

PrimeVinister106d ago

Something we really miss, just turning on the console and having the game start without signing into stuff

Terry_B106d ago

Fully agreed. That and Splitscreen Modes for Racing games.

PrimeVinister106d ago

@Terry_B I miss having people to splitscreen with, but I can't blame anyone for that :-(

Cacabunga106d ago

Not too late.. we can still change that.

PrimeVinister106d ago

@Cacabunga I will let you in, see ya soon compadre :-P

MrBaskerville105d ago

GT7 actually has 4 player splitscreen. Which is wild in this day and age.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 105d ago
TiredGamer106d ago

Good news is that Sony released a final update to Gran Turismo Sport to allow it to function offline. Expecting the same for GT7 at some point in the future.

PrimeVinister106d ago

That is great news, I really liked Sport even if many others did not :-/

Chocoburger106d ago

I'm not big into sim racing, but I got sucked into the hype for this one from magazines back then. I just played arcade mode and that was enough for me to feel like I got my money's worth.

Yeah, it's definitely worth playing today. GT 2 has a few interesting fan made graphical mods when played on an emulator as well.

PrimeVinister106d ago

The arcade mode is underrated, it's a great alternative mode and you can even unlock GT HiFi with it.

Fonsecap106d ago

Cars back then had much more personality then those we see today. Modern cars all about the led lights and the tablet size screens and they all seem alike, back then they could be simpler in design but had tons more personality.

PrimeVinister106d ago

That is something a few people have pointed out - that cars all look the same now. I have to agree that a lot of new vehicles lack personality.

fsfsxii106d ago

You guys are so anti-fun its depressing, like who tf cares about personality of objects like wtf? Just learn to enjoy stuff as is.

PrimeVinister106d ago

It's hardly anti-fun to remark that some objects look nicer than others.

And everyone has their favourite era of cars, I sincerely doubt many will pick the 2020s a few decades from now.

Fonsecap106d ago

Dude, like wft cares about personality of objects? What about art? Paintings are objects and they're considered good or bad if they show or lack personality so I ask, wtf are you talking about? Cars are also considered pieces of art, vintage cars, classic cars, classic bikes and so on. Artists are appreciated by the objects they craft, blacksmiths, painters, engineers, designers, so wtf cares about personality of objects indeed... ( Sorry for my English, it's not my native language)

MrBaskerville105d ago

Talking about cars is fun if you are a car enthusiast. Just saying.

ApocalypseShadow106d ago (Edited 106d ago )

That Corvette Stingray to this day is one of the most ferocious whips ever driven. Overpowered against other cars yes. But to drive it and be that close to losing control, but being in command around those curves, just can't be duplicated.

HiFi mode is also something I miss. There should be a mode in today's GT where it's Mano o Mano and the detail and resolution jump full throttle. In today's games, Max Ray Tracing and lighting and textures to make it look even more real..

PrimeVinister106d ago

A modern HiFi mode would be really cool! It would be really interesting to see how real they could go by stripping it all way back.

And Stingray is a solid choice 👌

TiredGamer106d ago

HiFi mode in GT1 was only a stripped down 60 fps mode for one track. Should have been called "Performance Mode" or "High Frame Rate" mode.

PrimeVinister106d ago

@TiredGamer it was only three tracks, but it was still cool

Petebloodyonion106d ago

Not according to Former Playstation president Jim Ryan for he told Time that he doesn't see why anyone would play old games given the advancements in fidelity achieved today.


PrimeVinister106d ago

I don't agree with him, but he had a few good points.

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gold_drake8h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently


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