
Demons of Asteborg Review | TheXboxHub

Paul writes - If you fancy a retro styled action platformer, you’re not short of choice and Demons of Asteborg should be another to add to the list

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Straight out of the 16-bit era, Demons of Asteborg releases on Xbox

On Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S, Demons of Asteborg allows you to play as Gareth; a knight of the royal guard intent on taking down all evil.

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The John Linneman Collection: Digital Foundry's Best Games of 2021

Digital Foundry : As an incredible 2021 reaches its conclusion, the Digital Foundry team present their favorite games of the year. Kicking off with an exhaustive list of modern, retro and retro-modern titles, it's none other than John Linneman!

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darthv72998d ago

Some good games on his personal list. I really need to get Returnal. I hear so many good things about it. Psychonauts 2 is such a great game, I only wish it had a physical release. But like cuphead... I have to settle for digital (for now at least)


Not getting Psychonauts 2 until the physical release comes out. Microsoft is a trillion dollar company. There's no reason why they can't give us a cool physical release with a poster, stickers etc.

Bronxs15998d ago

In the flip side of you. Would never purchase this game. But as it was on Gamepass, i set it to download, made dinner, and by the time I finished eating it was ready to play. It ended up being one of my favourite gaming experiences of the year too, like John. It wasn’t a game I was interested in and I’d never played the first and the art style put me off. But having it easily available to me digitally in Gamepass made me give it a try. Very glad I did.

waverider998d ago

Returnal its a great game. Not that easy. But a very cool experience.

Richhard1998d ago

Hopeful that linneman can get his teeth done soon.

IanTH998d ago

That's a weird thing to hope for lol

998d ago
ANIALATOR136997d ago

Not everybody has perfect Hollywood teeth. You need to get out more.

Vanfernal997d ago

There's nothing wrong with his teeth... That soul patch on the other hand...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 997d ago
Rocosaurus998d ago

Psychonauts 2 is amazing. The story, characters and settings are all wonderful.

hoangcuc998d ago

Psychonauts 2 tuyệt vời

998d ago Replies(1)
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