
Gears 6 Could Be Shown This Year, But 'People Aren't Ready'

It has been claimed that Gears 6 could be revealed this year at the Xbox Summer Showcase, thanks to recent rumours.

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Obscure_Observer113d ago

I´m ready! O.o

I just need to see a cardiologist first. XD

Cacabunga112d ago ShowReplies(8)
peppeaccardo111d ago (Edited 111d ago )

Looking forward to have it on my ps5 running at 4k 60fps.

Ironmike111d ago

Just looking to cause an argument

TosseSWE111d ago

Hahahaha more like 720p 22 fps hahaha

Barlos111d ago

Ready for what? You know nothing about it yet.

Obscure_Observer111d ago

Ready for what? You know nothing about it yet.

What I know is that The Coalition are masters at Unreal Engine.

So I know I´m not exaggerating when I say that we´ll getting another technical marvel in Gears 6.

TheEroica111d ago

Port begging ps5 owners want it so bad in this thread! They must be getting tired of all the remakes and last of us gouging.... Nobody gets milked harder than a Playstation fan.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 111d ago
Crows90112d ago

Oh sure! Let's hype up a game without seeing anything as usual.

Sitdown112d ago

You mean simply having gaming conversation?

thesoftware730112d ago (Edited 112d ago )


Isn't that what gamers do? The game is from a known series, so you can almost know what to expect.

I can't wait for the next Bioshock game, and I'm also hotly anticipating Metroid Prime 4 and, Division 3.

Besides, the hype is coming from the rumors of people who supposedly saw it. Maybe it's BS, but hype/conversation is a direct effect of rumors in gaming very often.

Michiel1989112d ago

there's a new bioschock coming? or do you mean Judas?

Crows90112d ago

Regardless of what some individuals do and whatever rumors go around it is a stupid thing to do without showing something.

Those is common sense across all industries. You can avoid a lot of negative press by letting what you show do the talking. Hyping never leads to anything good....especially when you have nothing to actually show.

thesoftware730112d ago


2K announced it about 4 years ago; they apparently started development, stopped, and then got a new studio to develop, so it is being developed.


Skuletor112d ago

Bioshock without Levine would seem like fan fiction

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 112d ago
thesoftware730112d ago (Edited 112d ago )


***"Regardless of what some individuals do and whatever rumors go around it is a stupid thing to do without showing something.

Those is common sense across all industries. You can avoid a lot of negative press by letting what you show do the talking. Hyping never leads to anything good....especially when you have nothing to actually show."***

Huh? So people shouldn't look forward to or be hyped for games that they know are in development because they haven't been shown yet? What kinda shit is that?

For example, we all were hyped for the new Wolverine game even before the leaks happened, and we had no gameplay. Fans and people are pumped to see what the new Metroid Prime will be like. I'm hyped for Division 3 to be shown. As a matter of fact, a lot of people are always hyped for Naughty Dogs and Kojima's next games even when we know very little about them. How is that stupid?

You say every industry? Dude, people get hyped all the time when their favorite musician announces a new album, and before hearing the whole thing, or any of it, go out and buy it. Movies are similar; fans of a series or a particular director get hyped when they announce a new movie, even without a preview.

You may be speaking personally about how you operate, but don't knock others for something entirely understandable and, quite frankly, normal.

Lightning77112d ago

That's why it's called s rumor.

No intelligent life anywhere on here...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 112d ago
Reaper22_112d ago

Bring it on! I've always liked this franchise. Definitely one of the best shooters in gaming.

CrimsonWing69112d ago

Man, I hope it brings it back to the 1-3 games. 4 and 5 have not even come close to those earlier games. Honestly, 1-3 are some of my all time favorite games. Back when Xbox actually could release bangers and not the dribble they’re doing now.

Obscure_Observer112d ago

4 is not that good, but 5 definitely put the franchise back on track and it´s awesome!

DivineHand125112d ago

I really need to catch up on Gears of War. I played the first game but didn't get a chance to play the others.

babadivad111d ago

Should be on Gamepass. Dive in.

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Gears Of War: E-Day Is Exactly What The Franchise Needs

Shaz from GL: “Gears of War: E-Day is the perfect way to re-introduce this iconic world to both new and old players; bringing new life to a franchise before Gears 6.”

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just_looken38d ago

I wonder what weapons we will have i just went through the games and will miss the mech/gernade launcher the new combat flow they might keep hard to say.

But i agree if they are still doing gear's 6 then eday is a great idea heck i wonder who will be in the game so many gear 1-3/4/5 characters we around for that day the pool is large.

XtraTrstrL38d ago

They could make a few games continuing off the E-Day timeline. It's 14 years before Gears 1, and takes place over a few days. A 2nd game could overlap Gears Tactics timeline, which is 12 years before Gears 1. And so on. They can still continue whenever off the other side of the timeline with Gears 6+.


Xbox Showcase 2024: 7 Things We Want

Kevin writes: "The upcoming Xbox Showcase 2024 is going to be important for the future of Xbox consoles and Game Pass, and here's 7 things we want to see."

rlow184d ago

Perfect Dark would be cool but I’m hoping for Fable. I’m really interested where they’ve taken the game.

Tacoboto84d ago

Looking ahead now, I'd say Avowed is what I'm looking forward to most in the fall. Obsidian's been nothing but quality and consistency so I can't wait to see what they've been cooking


Gears 6 Should Feature Both Kait Diaz and Marcus Fenix as Playable Protagonists

The next Gears game, whenever it happens, should see the return of Marcus Fenix as a playable character.

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-Foxtrot490d ago

I'm kind of gutted we'll never get to see an older Marcus and Anya fight side by side


I hated how they killed Anya off screen "just because", really bad story telling when they do that because they don't know what to do with a character.

giovonni490d ago

I mean, you have to create some form of tragedy so it’s understood

-Foxtrot490d ago

Create it, the show it, not an off screen death

Would have been better if Gears 4 had you play as them and then she died at the end to set the next games up

giovonni489d ago


Naw I don’t agree with that I think it was perfectly done. I’m excited to see where it goes from here.