
Double Dragon Gaiden Now Has Online Co-op and 'Sacred Reunion' Update

"When Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons arrived in July of last year, we were blown away by its exceptional stage design, fast and simple gameplay, and large array of unlockable characters. The only thing it really lacked was online co-op, but that has now been rectified. Today's "Sacred Reunion" DLC adds online co-op, Survival and Versus modes, and three new unlockable characters. It's a big update, and it's free, baby," says Co-Optimus.

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Is Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons' Online Worth Return For?

When Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons originally released players were disappointed to see online was not present. It was among a number of unfortunate choices that negatively impacted reception. Surprisingly, Secret Base released a free update that addressed criticism, most notably by adding online, along with new characters, and modes. - IS

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Double Dragon Gaiden Free DLC Goes Live

Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons has today received a free DLC pack, adding new characters and gameplay modes.


Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons Adds Online Co-Op and More Next Month

Maximum Entertainment revealed Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons will receive a free DLC called Sacred Reunion on Apr. 4. - IS

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Deathdeliverer190d ago

Why do they take so long to add stuff like this?

MWeaver589190d ago

While I wouldn't say it's so long (it will release about nine months after release), they do it to basically cause a second boom in sales.

If they just implemented online like three months after release it might get a small resurgence in interest, whereas new modes, characters, and so forth encourages more people to hopefully populate the online.

QuantumMechanic190d ago

This kind of drip-fed content is a great way to get me not to buy the game until years later (generally when it's discounted and unlikely to make a positive financial impact on their bottom line). I reward physical releases of complete games.