
Stellar Blade to Feature Abundance of Fanservice Costumes, Including Bikini Outfits

Shift Up's Stellar Blade is one of the most anticipated games of this month, and new details about its costumes have emerged.

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Crows90112d ago

Good for them man!

Mtx normal...fan service....according to mainstream gaming outlets...insanity.

Sonic1881112d ago

And it will have a 60fps mode

lucian229112d ago

screw the "woke" folk. thank goodness for devs that still have their own minds and make what gamers want. No body wants every character to be a 65 year old jacked woman

Barlos112d ago

If you want a game that doesn't follow the current thing, check out Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.

MrDead112d ago (Edited 112d ago )

Remind me who lost their minds over the song WAP, which state in the US currently has an age verification law on adult sites and who bans books if they show anything deemed sexual?.. I give you a clue it's not the "woke".

ZeekQuattro112d ago

The same people that got mad at the Barbie movie for being on brand or Peach wearing pants for a few minutes in the Mario movie. Oh and she made Mario look bad. Can't have that. 🤣 The Ben Shapiro's of the world. There's a lot of them out there.

StormSnooper112d ago (Edited 112d ago )

Both sides are terrible. Which side is worse? The side trying to detract from real issues more at any given time.

Ex. Mass shootings every other day? Guns not bad, games bad.
Ex. Look how conservative I am, I’m against sexuality.

Ex. Crime rising? blame the games.
Ex. Look how open minded I am, I believe games objectify women.

Both sides have loonies who use us for their political interests. Both sides deflect real issues so they look like they are doing something while doing nothing at all.

FinalFantasyFanatic111d ago

The more important take away is that either extremes of the spectrum is bad, I personally call that extremist territory. Ideally we should be somewhere in the middle, I lean left, but not as far left as these people proposing all the "woke" stuff that most people universally hate (e.g. I like Star Trek, but think most of Star Trek Discovery's run was mediocre to terrible depending on the episode).

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 111d ago
StormSnooper112d ago

Yes and also screw the hardliners.

Fonsecap112d ago

I guess Sweet Baby Inc had nothing to do with this one... If this game ever releases on PC the mods for it will be 👌

blackblades112d ago

There's no point in mods when it already has all the goodness of good outfits.

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Stellar Blade Update 1.006 Brings Summer Suits, Photo Mode & More

Shift Up, the developer behind Stellar Blade, has released a new update, bringing the game to version 1.006.

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CobraKai2h ago

I love this game. It just keeps on giving


Does PlayStation’s Success Set Unrealistic Expectations For Some Exclusives?

Shift Up's recent release, Stellar Blade, proves that not all PlayStation exclusives need huge sales figures to be successful.

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Eonjay29d ago

That impossible to say without knowing each companies individual expectations. For example Arrowhead clearly had a set expectation for Helldivers 2 but the results were far beyond their expectations. Another exclusive for KT (Rise of the Ronin) became their best seller of all time. Was this their expectations? Who knows but I doubt it.

Stellar Blade did very well for a new IP that happened to be exclusive. Did i expect it to do this well? Not sure but what's more important is Shift Up's expectations.

jznrpg29d ago

Every game is different. I definitely recommend Stellar Blade.


Report: Stellar Blade Roadmap Leaks, Mentions Photo Mode for August, DLC and Sequel

It seems the Stellar Blade roadmap has been leaked via an internal presentation. It mentions Photo Mode coming in August and more.

Hugodastrevas29d ago

Great, the more Stellar Blade the better!