
Square Enix Already "Hard At Work" On Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3

Development on the next game in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake trilogy might be further ahead than we thought. In a video discussing the series, the project leads say they are "hard at work" on the finale, right after launching Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

This comment was made by Remake and Rebirth director Tetsuya Nomura, who says that he and the scenario writer Kazushige Nojima are already working on the next game. Better yet, composer Nobuo Uematsu says that he'd be "honoured" to return for the finale, despite previously fearing that he doesn't have the "strength" for another game.

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just_looken116d ago

So i take it they won't be fixing there last game with the visual/movement problems.

Just keep tossing them out

Barlos115d ago

Nothing worse than a grammar nazi

_Decadent_Descent115d ago


Nothing worse than those that let others keep on making a fool of themselves and say nothing to correct them. That's why they continue to keep making those mistakes.

Pyrofire95115d ago

I appreciate that many more people are agreeing with the grammar correction and disagreeing with Barlos.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 115d ago
garos82115d ago

yikes talk about nit picking and strawmanning

roadkillers115d ago

This is something most crtics bring up... but they still gave the game 9+ score. As big of a deal as you are making it, a VAST majority of players were just fine with the graphics compared to waht they got with Rebirth

DarXyde114d ago

Dude complains about everything.

I haven't finished the game yet, but I'm having a blast.

Just negative for the sake of being negative.

dumahim115d ago

While I'd guess they're probably not going to do much else about it at this point, just because they're working on the sequel doesn't mean they can't have someone working on the visual issues for Rebirth. Likewise, it also doesn't mean they're not working on a DLC for it either.
Either way, I'd put money on it that they'll update the game for PS5 Pro.

Exvalos115d ago

Keep up the hatred fanboy, and we will keep playing great games

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GoodGuy09116d ago

Sweet....and hopefully can actually answer all the wtfs rather than giving us more questions that has been happening in these games lol. And I hope they just end the game properly instead of trying to milk VII even more. I'd very much like to see remakes of other FF titles on the same level.

-Foxtrot116d ago

God I hope this is it for VII

They’ve milked it far too much over the years, I mean Wikipedia has its own VII specific page because there’s so much media for it

It’s time for other FF games to get some love

gold_drake115d ago

im all for it, remake and rebirth were fantastic, especially rebirth, my god wat a brilliant game.

i mean, we had 16 and 14 still be a thing.
and 9 is getting a remake too, apparently

FinalFantasyFanatic115d ago

As much as I love FF7, they have really milked it to death, 2 compilations of FF7 which includes novels, games, mobile games, movies and animation...

They really need to put more effort into newer FF games.

-Foxtrot115d ago


Yeah I mean look at it man, why does anyone want it milked even more when other FF games are starving for attention.


Furesis116d ago

Well when you have Tetsuya Nomura hands on something, that is what you get. Whether you like it or not that's another thing.
I don't think they should make remakes like this anymore, and they won't that's what they said also. It takes too long and it just fragments the game too much for my taste. And i'd prefer a more 1 to 1 remake with maybe a slightly smaller budget so that it would actually be made in a reasonable time rather than these 10+ year projects.

gold_drake115d ago

nomura doesnt ely that much of a role in the trilogy, its Nojima u need to blame ha.

as for the og, there are mods u can use for that.

we'll never get an updated og game. it would take them years to finish it, even if its 1:1

fr0sty115d ago (Edited 115d ago )

nobody will buy a 1:1 remake, they already know what is going to happen exactly... and you can't properly remake a 20+ year old game 1:1 anyway, so much needs to be done to bring it to modern standards, that you have to change some things.

Michiel1989115d ago

@frosty that's the same thing the execs at blizzard said about WoW classic and here we are. You think you do, but you don't

dumahim115d ago

They did a Remaster for Crisis Core, which seemed near impossible due to a licensing issue not too long ago. I wouldn't be surprised if they do the same for Dirge of Cerberus before part 3.

I do worry what they'll do with part 3 though. They're not just going to abandon the nonsense. Rebirth was like 98% fantastic, but those whispers moments and their take on what is one of the most iconic scenes in video games ever just upsets me.

Hofstaderman115d ago

80 hours into rebirth and loving it. Bring it on Square.

gold_drake115d ago

i had 118h at the end. with everything done minues the queens blood stuff. and i absolutely loved every minute of it

Hofstaderman115d ago

I just want to say bugger mog house level 6. Will return to that later

Shiro173115d ago

Only one thing I hated it and it was the relic hunt for the sand spot next to the flying saucer. I hated that mini game for the relic. Killing those cactus with Aerith was annoying.

fr0sty115d ago

I like the remakes better than the original that I grew up playing back in the 90s... they are doing it right. And that soundtrack... I still jam the Gongaga theme all the time.

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Nyxus541d ago

Can't wait for FF7 Rebirth!


Final Fantasy 7 original is about to become fully voice-acted

Final Fantasy 7 original is about to get full voice acting, as a mod for the Square Enix RPG game adds VO for Cloud Strife, Sephiroth, and the whole FF7 cast

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deleted566d ago

Especially since its said here that they're also working on FF8 & 9.

I'm not holding my breath on high quality, but maybe they'll surprise us.

gold_drake566d ago

nice, i hope its good haha.

thats gonna he aaaalot of work, but it will be worth it. i hope

Pedantic91566d ago (Edited 566d ago )

Sounds very ambitious. Unfortunately, i feel if the VOs they've gathered and hired are not close to the ones who originally voiced these in past compilations and in the remake it might break the immersion. But still, thumbs up.

Nebaku566d ago

Yeah. They should have brought back Lance Bass as Sephiroth. Cloud should have been done by Timberlake. Huge mistep for Square Enix.

Gardenia566d ago

You know, maybe we someday get a true FFVII remake that gamers wanted. It will be made by the community and fans.

jambola566d ago

and by "true remake" of course you mean a remake you personally are happy with

wiegraf566d ago

A remake that is faithful to the original, as it should be.

Gardenia566d ago

A remake that is done as it should be. Good examples are the Shadow of the Colossus, Resident Evil 2 and Demon Souls remake.

The Final Fantasy remake is just a different game that takes important parts out of the game and put in things that makes it worse.

MadLad566d ago

They mean not rebooting the entire thing, changing the gameplay, rewriting the story etc.

You know, the remake people were expecting since the PS3 teaser.

jambola566d ago

Just because you barely change gameplay and update visuals
Doesn't make it a remake

MadLad566d ago

Recreating a past title, typically in a more recent engine, patching up rough spots And maybe adding some extra content, and overall modernizing the title visually, and adding quality of life improvements is pretty much what a remake is.
A remaster is cleaning up the visuals using the same engine. Maybe reworking the audio. Better textures and framerate, but that's about it.

And a reboot is fundamentally changing something and making it different. It's a complete reimagining of an existing IP either new or old.

The 7 remake definitely most falls into the last of the 3.

jambola565d ago

Sounds like your definition of a remaster and remake and incredibly similar and way too open to interpretation

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Syphos566d ago

I love how everyone always speaks for an entire community, speak for yourself I enjoyed the Remake (but to me OG FF7 will remain the GOAT) also the name alludes to something different (Remake, it's not literally a Remake it's a sequel and the title instead refers to something else which is spoiler territory, also the 2nd part will be named Rebirth, it is all named for a different reason, otherwise we'd have gotten Remake 2, not Rebirth.)

You could easily have found this out before buying the game because the developers have mentioned it not being a 1:1 Remake since way before it was released.

I guess people just still need to vent their frustration that they didn't get what they demand and thus it has to be known by everyone who doesn't care for your entitled opinions, just enjoy it for what it is, you'd do yourself a favor by doing so :).

I_am_Batman566d ago (Edited 566d ago )

To each their own. I've never really understood why people wanted a remake in the first place. The original is a masterpiece and it is still perfectly playable and enjoyable in my opinion.

When FF7 Remake came out it completely blew my mind. A 1:1 remake would've felt like just another playthrough of the game I already know. This felt new and exciting and brought me back to the way I felt when I first played the original.

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