
I beat the Stellar Blade demo boss over 20 times so this action RPG is doing something right - GR

So far, Stellar Blade shines in the boss battles. It's got the action down for the most part, which is half the battle. Here's hoping the full game improves as it goes along.

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anast120d ago

Another PS5 exclusive banger. This makes 6 already this generation. Sony is on pace to out do their previous gen.

CrimsonWing69120d ago (Edited 120d ago )

What’s the total from last-gen? I’ve felt this gen to be realllly slow with finally “getting into” the generation and I feel like we have, what, 2 or 3 years maybe left until PS6?

Charlieboy333120d ago

People seem to forget that most of PS4's greatest exclusives came out during the last 3 years ( 2018 - 2020 ).

I expect 2025 - 2027 to be the same for PS5. Not sure where all the doubt and doom and gloom is coming from.

Things are tracking exactly the same as last gen.

repsahj120d ago

Nice! Sure buy! I dont need to play the demo.

sushimama120d ago

Yes I haven't played the demo yet either. But I'm buying


Does PlayStation’s Success Set Unrealistic Expectations For Some Exclusives?

Shift Up's recent release, Stellar Blade, proves that not all PlayStation exclusives need huge sales figures to be successful.

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Eonjay29d ago

That impossible to say without knowing each companies individual expectations. For example Arrowhead clearly had a set expectation for Helldivers 2 but the results were far beyond their expectations. Another exclusive for KT (Rise of the Ronin) became their best seller of all time. Was this their expectations? Who knows but I doubt it.

Stellar Blade did very well for a new IP that happened to be exclusive. Did i expect it to do this well? Not sure but what's more important is Shift Up's expectations.

jznrpg29d ago

Every game is different. I definitely recommend Stellar Blade.


Report: Stellar Blade Roadmap Leaks, Mentions Photo Mode for August, DLC and Sequel

It seems the Stellar Blade roadmap has been leaked via an internal presentation. It mentions Photo Mode coming in August and more.

Hugodastrevas29d ago

Great, the more Stellar Blade the better!


PS5 Fan Favourite Stellar Blade Sold Over 1 Million Copies, Dev Estimates

Stellar Blade studio Shift Up has shared it estimates the PS5 exclusive has now sold more than one million units since its release in late April. The game has consistently ranked high in sales charts across the UK, USA, and Japan after the launch, which has resulted in today's milestone. In a press briefing, CFO Ahn Jae-woo said:

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Abnor_Mal31d ago

Cool, I still need to pick this game up at some point.

Kurisu31d ago

Same here, enjoyed the demo but just haven't got around to buying the game yet.

Abnor_Mal31d ago

You’re better than me, I downloaded the demo but never got around to playing.

neutralgamer199231d ago

Sony has found a wealth of these outside studios who have all made awesome games wile they are going through a drought 1st party wise

MrNinosan31d ago

Like they've done since 1993. Nothing new.
Sony Microsoft, Valve, Epic all rely on third party games.

Einhander197231d ago

This is very very true.

People don't realize (or purposely forget) that many of the games they think of when they think PlayStation were 2'nd party games published by PlayStation. Insomniac only recently became a PlayStation 1'st party for example, as well as early Naughty Dog games ect.

2'nd and 3'rd party games have always been the backbone of every single console generation.

Aphrodia31d ago

What's new is that this is the longest drought of 1st party >quality< banger games.

neutralgamer199231d ago

Yes they all rely on 3rd party deals the difference is sony does it to give mies time to their 1st party studios. MS did it once during 360 and that was their most successful generation.


Onpy during 360/ps3 exclusive battle became mainstream. That's these companies went out of their way to mention the word exclusive

31d ago
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