
Streamer Claims DICE Paid Over 60 Content Creators for Battlefield 2042 Feedback, Then Ignored It

Streamer Shroud says that DICE paid 60 to a hundred content creators to help develop Battlefield 2042, but ignored every single advice.

GoodGuy09122d ago

No wonder the game ended up the way it did
What they should've done was ask BF fans. Most general content creators typically go for the trend and the top creators stream games like LOL, fortnite, dota, gtaV, battle royale etc.

_SilverHawk_121d ago

A lot of times people want a game to be something else and I'd probably guess a lot of people wanted call of duty or a lot of it's features.

Bf2042 is amazing now but was not so much at launch. A lot of improvements made the game an amazing game with its own identity. I'm hoping the new battlefield game coming next year improves upon everything in bf2042 and is more akin to bf3 and bf4.

Gamingsince1981121d ago

I want them to do a new bad company instead

DustMan120d ago

A ton of people have written the game off now. Which is unfortunate because I find it to be one of the best multiplayer shooters available now. I've been aware that a Battlefield game has not launched in a good condition since....I don't remember. So I never played at launch due to the horror stories, but it seems to have pulled a Battlefield 4 and really turned itself around. Good stuff. Love getting 4 kills on an apc with a well placed RPG, or Stinger to a loaded chopper lol. No other game has given me that kind of joy. lol.

Kornholic121d ago

To be fair, I would not listen to content creators/influencers either.


Look, I wouldn't pee on an influencer if they were on fire, but why pay for their feedback only to ignore it?

Kornholic120d ago

I don't know. Maybe they thought it was a good idea at first but eventually found out that it was best to ignore influencers' opinions?

jznrpg121d ago

I’ll give some advice and take money for it. You can use it or not use it just make sure to pay me

badboyz09121d ago

who would've thought🤷‍♀️

Yi-Long120d ago (Edited 120d ago )

Battlefield fans just want Battlefield to be Battlefield. Which means a focus on Conquest-mode (5/6 flags), some gorgeous and fun maps to play on, 4 balanced classes, and that's it.

The suits keep wanting to turn Battlefield into everything else BUT Battlefield, so first they wanted BF to be more like Call of Duty, so they copied a bunch of stuff from CoD. Then they wanted to take advantage of the Battle Royale stuff, so they went after that crowd. Then they saw the heroes stuff in Overwatch and so they brought in specialists. Etc.

Guys, we just want Battlefield. Not every games has to be everything to all people. Specialize in what makes (made) your series great, which is large(r) maps (appropriate size for the amount of players, which IMO should be 24-32 max, so not just big for bragging brights), integrating vehicle-combat, and just allowing the freedom and flow which made those matches in older Battlefield games so special at times.

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Tankbusta4012d ago

Damn does that grant me the keys to any city???


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Psychonaut8521d ago

This is like when Ubisoft put Sam Fisher in Ghost Recon. Like breh. Not what we want, give us an actual fucking game.

TheNamelessOne21d ago

Will get a handful of new people to give the game a shot via gamepass. Little else will come of this.

TheColbertinator21d ago (Edited 21d ago )

Battlefield Zombies? DICE can't even come up with original ideas anymore. They should have created that dinosaur mode fans asked for years ago.

Mroc1321d ago

They are just doing the bare minimum at this point


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