
Nobody Wants To Die Is 2024’s Max Payne

Critical Hit Games has announced their 2024 game Nobody Wants to Die with a cinematic announcement trailer, which is absolutely gorgeous. Fans are comparing it to a modern Max Payne game.

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MeatyUrologist122d ago

Look really interesting! Could be a huge surprise hit or a Day Before style scam, but excited to see more!

Murdability122d ago

Dude it’s a cinematic. No one knows what this is until we have actual gameplay

RaidenBlack122d ago

I got more Bioshock vibes from it, tbh

Skuletor121d ago

Was replaying Max Payne 3 the other day, it still looks great even today.
Wonder if this will release around the same time as Remedy's remake of Max Payne 1 & 2

isarai121d ago

The fact that we've never gotten a remaster is a shame.

thesoftware730121d ago

That would be a mistake, and kill a lot potential sales if they dropped around the same time as the remakes.

isarai121d ago

You gotta show more than a CGI cinematic trailer to make that claim. Im still looking at "Untitled FPS Game" from Vreski studio for my max payne fix besides the remakes.

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Nobody Wants to Die Review - The Future Looks Bleak | COGconnected

Nobody Wants to Die is a new first person action game, combining retro-future and noire elements with a thrilling detective story.

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Nobody Wants to Die review - the roaring (23)20s | Video Gamer

Nobody Wants to Die brings detective fiction to the futuristic art deco world of 2300s New York, but does it pay off?

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Nobody Wants to Die Review - Death Comes at a Price - MonsterVine

MonsterVine: "A thought-provoking experience that had me questioning the reality Karra was living in throughout most of the game, Nobody Wants to Die is a must for mystery, adventure, and noir fans."

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