
Medieval Games Announced by Vir2L Studios

Vir2L Studios, a ZeniMax Media company (parent company of Bethesda – the team responsible for last year's magnificent FallOut 3), announced today Medieval Games for the Wii. Medieval Games allows you to experience the excitement of days of old with up to three of your friends.

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Your Local Guardian: Medieval Games Review

YLG writes: "FANCY having a knight in? Joust mad about computer games? Life dragon you down? Then Vir2L Studios' Medieval Games for the Wii could be the thing to get you all a-quiver.

As a gamer of a certain age – Binatone football anyone? Youngsters go Google! – I quite like odd games and this has a great deal of appeal for me."

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Everyeye.it Review: Medieval Games

Everyeye.it: The public instruction insisted that with the WII have fun with friends, but the party game that actually provide hours of laughter with friends and relatives are now rare, surrounded by a sea of mediocre products that the Great wink to the market but the cork nose in front of quality.

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Game: Medieval Games Review

With Wii Sports Resort and Rabbids Go Home providing mini-game mayhem this season, there is still hope for the humble Wii, though titles such as Medieval Games are quickly becoming the rule, rather than the exception. Accept no substitutes for your stocking this Christmas and let King Falderol sort out his own mess.