
Sea of Thieves Tops PlayStation Pre-Order Charts

Sea of Thieves leads PlayStation pre-orders, highlighting its cross-platform appeal and setting new trends in gaming.

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Snookies12138d ago

Eh, I just don't get it... I was super hyped about this game before it came out. Then, when I actually played it I was really let down. I mean, the gameplay is good, and I love the multiplayer aspect of it. But it just felt pointless once I realized nothing is really saved. I was spending a lot of time piling food and supplies on my ship with my co-op buddy. Then, we quit for the night, came back the next day and realized none of that stuff was even saved. Playing just for the sake of cosmetics just doesn't feel satisfying to me personally.

thorstein138d ago

Are you serious?

I'm playing the pirate game that shall not be named and it allows you to warehouse things because your cargo hold can get full and encumber your ship.

That sucks. What's the point of gathering resources then?

Workshyskiver137d ago

You should only really gather the resources to use on your current game session, it really doesn't take that long to fill your pockets from the barrells next to your ship spawn and thats good enough for 99% of sessions. Its more about the loop of exploring, getting plunder and selling it before someone else takes it off you. Storing resources from session to session just isn't really needed.

slate91138d ago

Its why I could never play it long term. The gameplay loop is great. Its well made and polished. Beautiful game. But I cant just go out and grind for only cosmetics. I get they dont want to create a super hardcore game. But its quite boring without other incentives.

LoveSpuds137d ago

Yaaarrrrrr!! What's all this, it don't save yer swag, why, what kinda stinking bilge rat would play a game wivout having proper swag, raaaarrrrrr!

Kiryu1992137d ago

This is just the beginning and that’s great for us gamers who don’t associate ourselves with a plastic box and instead just want to play games

Kyizen137d ago

This like No Man Sky launched with minimal content and issues but since then on both games they completely over hauled them. 6 years later I'd say Sea of Thieves is worth a shot if you like the core gameplay.

darthv72137d ago

Well... the game releasing now is certainly not like the game that initially released. And i think that is what PS fans are excited to try out. I hope they like it, its definitely better with friends.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 137d ago
Knightofelemia138d ago

I was interested in it at first when it was announced back in the day. They the years dragged on no new info about this game I just lost interest. Then when I saw the game play I knew I was not going to get it.

OneLove138d ago

No new info? I don't play this game either but it has many updates over the years....a lot.

Knightofelemia137d ago

At the time when this game was announced and made there was no info about it.

GhostScholar137d ago

It’s been updated with new content constantly the whole time it’s been out. What are you talking about?

Knightofelemia137d ago

Yes when it came out I am talking when it was made prior to release.

Notellin137d ago

Delete this comment please as it's false.

Andrew336137d ago

"I knew I was never gonna get the game I never planned on getting but here, let me tell you about it."

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 137d ago
derek137d ago

People pay for games over on the playstation side. Must feel good for developers on the xbox side.

Profchaos137d ago

Dev's get paid regardless and they don't get extra for sales or subs most are on a salary or consultant wage so I don't think they would care but they will be happy more people can appreciate their work that's the general viewpoint

Microsoft's bean counters though they care

StoneTitan137d ago

I mean if your game does not sell you gonna be laif off. So of course they care :D
Also did you see capcom increased salaries by 25% for everyone, that can only be done if your game sells well obviously

shinoff2183137d ago

I'm sure seeing the game sell though still gives the team pride(maybe not the right word exactly

Stuart5756137d ago

'I don't think they would care'

Of course they care, if someone is willing to pay for a game on a previously unsupported platform they would be well happy, perhaps even a 'told you so' moment of smugness. Not care? Nah. I'd care.

Tedakin137d ago

Square Enix disagrees. Also Sea of Thieves was the first game Xbox used to advertise Gamepass in a big way. You can't have big sales and tell people to play a game on Gamepass at the same time. Doesn't work that way.

MrNinosan137d ago

SquareEnix doesn't disagree. The games they've released on Playstation has sold well enough, except Forspoken. It's the mobile division, and non Playstation games that is losing money.

GhostScholar137d ago

Funny it’s the top preorder when all Sony fans have done is make fun of it since day 1. My only issue with the game is not allowing you to customize your look. You have to just refresh random looks until you find something that look half way decent.

137d ago Replies(2)
Deeeeznuuuts137d ago

I'm a huge Sony fan and always thought it's looked interesting, glad Xbox are bringing games over to playstation, hoping for Master Chief Collection at some point and Gears

GhostScholar137d ago

Just be glad if mcc does come
It’s in the shape it is now and now how it was when it dropped lol

Obscure_Observer137d ago


"Funny it’s the top preorder when all Sony fans have done is make fun of it since day 1."


But we know for a long time that those diehard don´t speak for actual Playstation gamers.

137d ago
Einhander1972137d ago

And now we see how quickly all the people who were in tears and boycotting Microsoft about putting games on PlayStation were humbled enough to brag about actual sales on PlayStation.

Barlos137d ago

I thought it looked shit on Xbox, and now it's coming to PlayStation, guess what...

I still think it looks shit.

GhostScholar137d ago

I want to believe you, but if they are rhe vocal minority they are very loud.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 137d ago
137d ago Replies(1)
outsider1624137d ago

All sony fans? Lol..thats like saying all xbox fans only play shooters.

Anyway i remember seeing a kraken that wasnt even rendered fully..you're bound to be made fun of it.

redknight80137d ago

You are correct, ALL of us made fun of it, haha...maybe folks on here that are absolute fanboys but the general population? Nah...it has always been an interesting title, but definitely not something I am massively interested in but I would certainly like to try it somewhere down the road.

shinoff2183137d ago (Edited 137d ago )

Some will some won't. I've still got no interest in it. I'll be getting hi fi and grounded though physically for ps5. Since ms is trying to kill of physical so damn bad ill buy their games on ps5 physically

thesoftware730137d ago

So MS is trying to kill off physical games yet is releasing physical games for you to buy. lol.

ocelot07137d ago

Well for starters. A few comments on here or X don't count for playstation owners. Also I hated it on release gameplay was good. Everything else was empty and boring. A year later it was still boring and empty. Around the 3rd year mark it started to have a bit of meat to it. Much like no man's sky. So fair play to rare for sticking with the game.

BrettAwesome137d ago

Funny how xbox fans don't buy xbox games, so they need to sell games to PlayStation fans instead. Seems like Xbox fans prefer to shit talk PS games instead of playing Xbox games 🤷‍♀️
Don't be a bitch because you shit on games and we play them

Asplundh137d ago

They're still playing them without buying them though, GamePass is the reason it isn't selling. Can't really blame Xbox gamers for poorly supporting 1st party Xbox games when the GamePass route is what MS has been pushing for.

Eonjay137d ago

It was the top preorder for like a few hours when preorders went live. This whole store is overblown. Imagine if we go an article every hour every time a new game tops preorders. Right now MLB and Dragon's Dogma 2 are ahead. Where are the articles?

InUrFoxHole137d ago

In their defense it wasn't that great day 1.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 137d ago
Deeeeznuuuts137d ago

I'm interested in it and so is a friend of mine but not paying £40, gunna wait for a sail...get it, anyway 😂 yeah, gunna wait til it's about £20-£25

Bathyj137d ago

I should keel haul you for that

LoveSpuds137d ago

If you wait till black Friday, it'll be in the mainsail👀

thorstein137d ago

That reminds me of the time I was tending bar in this seaside town. A pirate walks into the bar with a shiny silver belt buckle shaped like a ship steering wheel.

He sits down at the bar and says, "Arrrggghhh, gimmie a beer."

So, I gave him a beer, and started shining glasses.

I looked down at the steering wheel shaped belt buckle and I said, "Excuse me, Mr. Pirate, I couldn't help but notice that your belt buckle is shaped like a ship steering wheel."

The pirate looks down and says, "Arrrggghhh, and it's driving me nuts."

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Sea of Thieves lost 58% of its PS5 player base in a single month

Sea of Thieves seems to be experiencing a significant PS5 player count drop with over 50% of the Microsoft live-service game's player base no longer playing.

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shinoff218342d ago

Couple things with this. I'm sure it's fairly common even on online games. My second point. Summer just started so alot of people getting outside, family trips, etc.

LoveSpuds42d ago

Bit early to suggest it's summer/holiday season for the likes of UK, Europe etc. July and August maybe, but not quite yet.

shinoff218341d ago

From my perspective(u.s.) it's definitely summer and I imagine that's where a majority of players are. I know Europe and the UK ain't no punks and they game to though.

Kornholic41d ago

That's BS. June, July and August are the months for summer holidays.

-Foxtrot42d ago (Edited 42d ago )

Yeah...in the UK once we get a single ray of sunshine or get some warm weather we are out there to the beer garden like there's no tomorrow. We cherish the sun we get XD

Still early days though, it won't probably pick up until mid July at this rate.

Rainbowcookie41d ago

Where in the UK do you live Foxtrot?

-Foxtrot41d ago

Newcastle....so faaaaaar North


LucasRuinedChildhood42d ago (Edited 42d ago )

Yeah. Most people will buy a game, play it for a bit and then put it down for good or come back later. It's completely normal.

And most people don't even finish games (most teams would be quite happy with a 35-40% completion rate).

I'm personally not interested in Sea Of Thieves but it's important to be objective. The game is currently the #11 best selling game on the PS Store and was in the top 5 for weeks.

porkChop41d ago

This happens with literally every online game. They always see a significant drop in players after a few weeks. I don't understand why it keeps getting reported every time like it's some random occurrence. People constantly move from one game to the next. It isn't a new concept.

Rainbowcookie41d ago

Also many have a backlog of good games waiting in the wings. Time for the hard workers are limited, so you have to prioritize

Hotpot41d ago

The woe of GaaS, they have to fight for playtime against literally every other activity people do on their free time. With non GaaS you can just enjoy what they have to offer, whenever you want to, and move on.

Abear2141d ago

Kids don’t go outside in the US so that’s no excuse here. You see the news out here? Plus they can’t talk to people, maybe that’s the problem w Sea of Thieves, it requires human interaction lol

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 41d ago
CrimsonWing6942d ago

I don’t know how they expect to flood the market with these GaaS games and expect them to be successful. This seems to be the case, it’s rare for player engagement to be consistent like a Fortnite.

GamerRN41d ago

Didn't HellDivers lose a fair percentage of players? They only benefitted from the slow burn and show growth. Sea of Thieves didn't sneak up on anyone, and probably got a large Flux of players and 50 percent staying around is a pretty good number if you ask me

Tedakin41d ago

Helldivers is down 400 thousand players on Steam since launch. It's been dropping fast since the PSN debacle.

Zeke6841d ago (Edited 41d ago )

Stop lying.
"According to Steamdb, on June 12th, before the 01.000.400 update, Helldivers 2 peaked at just 49,125 players on PC, one of the lowest peaks ever seen in the game’s history. However, on June 13th following the most recent update, the PC player count increased by over 86%, peaking at 91,692 players. "

Zeref41d ago (Edited 41d ago )

Sea of Thieves is very successful. It probably lost that many because it just released and blew up on playstation and most people won't play it long term. Same thing happened with Helldivers 2. It had almost 500 thousand consecutive players at release and then shortly after it lost half of that. It's normal.

CrimsonWing6941d ago

Isn’t the point of GaaS to, like Y’know, keep people playing it consistently while generating recurring revenue through microtransactions designed around walls of progression and battle passes?

How does that translate with multiple GaaS games? A few I get, but let’s not beat around the bush the industry is still focused on these over traditional because according to them if a AAA game is volatile no matter what, might as well go for the model that leeches on the wallets of the consumers.

I hate these types of games. I think the only one I actually enjoyed was Diablo 4 and that already grosses me out with the monetization.

It’s just whenever I see most articles about GaaS titles it’s like 80% on how they’re a failure and it blows my mind that the industry is adamant about shoving these down our throats. Honestly, it feels like they’re going to war with us by continually pushing these out.

Jin_Sakai42d ago

It’s a pretty and very boring game at the same time.

RaiderNation42d ago

Been saying this for years. People who love this game must be easily entertained.

-Foxtrot42d ago

I think if the game launched with what it has today I still don't think it would have gotten the best reviews. Better sure but nothing outstanding.

When you have a game that's set the bar so low at launch, the only way is up so everything looks 10 times better.

Zeref41d ago

If it wasn't it wouldn't be popular and topping the playstation charts right now

anast41d ago

Sea of Thieves is 22nd and falling according to time tracker. Not really a chart topper.

41d ago
Einhander197240d ago

Sea of Thieves' PS5 Player Count is Crashing

Sea of Thieves on PS5 has already lost 58% of players since its launch in April.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 40d ago
ThinkThink42d ago

This also seems like a good candidate for ps+

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Sea Of Thieves Tops Monthly PlayStation Charts, What Does It All Mean?

Sea Of Thieves takes the gaming world by storm, becoming the unexpected best-seller on PlayStation. Find out how it happened.

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42d ago Replies(2)
piroh42d ago

It means there is more to come

With the voice of duke nukem guy
"Come get some"

Knightofelemia42d ago

What does it mean? It means that Microsoft can make money putting exclusives on other consoles. No different then Sony putting Playstation exclusives on PC. Just means more revenue and opening the doors to new gamers to enjoy a decent game.

ChasterMies42d ago

It means Xbox exclusives are disappearing.i don’t think it’ll be too long before we see Game Pass exclusives. Renting games has more profit potential than selling games.

LG_Fox_Brazil42d ago

That makes no sense, a full retail game here in my country costs 300 bucks (70 dollars) and a single month subscription gift card can be bought by 20 bucks (5 dollars). If I have no option and want to play the new Gears of War I'll pay 300 bucks, but if I have the option to just rent I can play it and complete it for US$ 5... The company is potentially not earning US$ 65 from me... I am paying around 7% of a full profit. Do you understand what I mean? Renting does not make more profit than selling at all

Shane Kim42d ago

If it did, they wouldn't need to put their own games on Playstation.

mudakoshaka42d ago

For those who replay games, buying is the better option. But those who play games once, just buy a 1 month subscription and play the game.

Goodguy0142d ago

So PS fans do want mcsft exclusives after all, funny lol. As much as fanboys act that they don't care about other platforms' exclusives, they indeed want them too.

Ristul42d ago (Edited 42d ago )

Sure, we can take some more exklusives, can't complain.

ChiefofLoliPolice42d ago

"Sea of Thieves lost 58% of its PS5 player base in a single month"

Think you spoke a bit too soon partner.

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PS Store Sales Charts: Xbox's Sea of Thieves Is Massive on PS5, Helldivers 2 Finally Starts to Slip

Microsoft's decision to bring former Xbox console exclusives to PS5 is starting to make a lot of sense. Sea of Thieves, the open world pirate sim that seems to have gone from strength to strength over the years, has actually managed to top the PS Store charts for May 2024.

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Ladies and gentlemen here’s what it’s all about at the end of the day, MONEY! MS doesn’t care about exclusives SONY doesn’t care about exclusives. These companies care about their bottom line and if bringing over exclusives from one plastic box to another brings in more money then guess what these companies will do?

I’ve been gaming longer than some of you have been alive so I’ve seen all the stages of gaming and this stage in gaming is the most interesting and defining.

Cacabunga43d ago

“ I’ve been gaming longer than some of you have been alive”

You can still be wrong..and no one said it wasnt about money when xbox was making exclusives..
Sony wants to move hardware and the only Way that makes sense is provide decent exclusives that cannot be found elsewhere..

shinoff218343d ago (Edited 43d ago )

Exactly,imo. If exclusives don't exist then how can these companies sell us on their hardware. I really think Xbox is just in a bad spot. Which is why. If they were selling better, etc exclusives would matter. At this point I think Xbox is trying to just come across as the scrawny kid getting bullied. Which is far from the truth.

ThinkThink43d ago

Exclusives made sense back in the day when games took 2-3 years to make and could be done at a fraction of the price. Today, the cost of game development increases with each year. That on top of the stagnant/declining console market is forcing publishers to expand their reach. Just a matter of time until games are everywhere to cast the widest possible net. I'm surprised ms and sony aren't releasing games on mac.

Abnor_Mal43d ago

Yes exclusives take time and money, and in recent years we’ve seen games with ballooning development costs. Which is why I think Sony have been looking at smaller games and exclusive 2nd party games from China and India, and of course South Korea. Yet some would rather try and bash Sony about lack of games, yet not too long ago made excuses on the lack of first party games on the next platforms.

Years ago I said Sony will begin to put games on PC because there was much request to play their games on PC. Xbox did it first, but went day and date, Sony followed a bit later but with a staggered release, because yes they wanted more Money beyond their player base. Eventually there may come a day when we start to see PlayStation games start to migrate to other consoles, we’re kind of seeing it now with the Lego Horizon game letting their IP be used by Lego and put on Switch. Cash rules everything around, get the money where you can but don’t let greed be the downfall.

Lightning7743d ago

Sony still believes in exclusives unless it's LS stuff.

It sounds like their sp stuff will be exclusive or timed exclusive because they'll end up on PC after sometime.


What exclusives does Sony have that can’t be found on PC? PS5 is nothing more than a timed release exclusive machine. I’m not wrong at all the proof is there. Deny all you want but exclusives are dying.

darthv7242d ago

Exclusives mattered more when the differences in the platforms were noticeable. Now... not so much.

Crows9042d ago

He is still wrong. Pointing out age makes no difference. You either receive wisdom or you don't. All age does is make you more stubborn and senile over time.

So to the point at hand. MS doesn't care about exclusives because their games don't sell on Xbox. There are tok few Xbox owners for their games to easily be successful.

Sony on the other hand...their games sell loads almost every time. They don't mind double dipping in the PC market but they won't double dip into other consoles with their 1st party.

Companies care that you stay in their ecosystem and exclusivity helps that tremendously.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 42d ago
rippermcrip43d ago

I mean no shit it is about the money. But to say exclusives don't matter is quite ignorant. Just why exactly do you think that Sony and Nintendo are selling boatloads more consoles than Microsoft?

Microsoft has essentially abandoned that because their lack of exclusives sent everyone to Playstation and Nintendo.

Don't think for one second if Microsoft had outsold Playstation 2 to 1 that Microsoft would have done this.


Exclusives don’t hold as much weight as they used to. It’s ignorant to think that Sony won’t follow the money and release their games on other platforms. You people still think these companies care about these silly console wars?

ThinkThink42d ago

I don't think we're saying that exclusives don't matter anymore, it's just that it is not sustainable to not have your games in as many places as possible these days. Unless we all collectively agree to go back to 16 bit games, exclusives will become less and less of a thing in the near future.

Crows9042d ago


Exclusives still hold the same weight. MS exclusives stopped holding weight for years and years.

I personally only care about the games being good so it's not that exclusives hold weight...games do.

ChasterMies43d ago

Almost important to point out that Microsoft is a software company and games are software,

Psychonaut8543d ago

Yes. This is always in the back of my mind. Microsoft is primarily a software company, Sony a hardware company. Early on, Microsoft wanted to buy Nintendo but when they didn’t go for it, they developed the Xbox. And all those people saying exclusives don’t matter, if you dial it all the way back, you don’t have Xbox without Halo Combat Evolved.

ThinkThink42d ago

@Psychonaut85, absolutely exclusives mattered back then. That's how these gaming giants were built. But now that these publishers are more established, they need to find new audiences to show continued growth to their shareholders. That's the pickle we're all in now. It's all about the shareholders to these corporations.

BehindTheRows43d ago (Edited 43d ago )

Sony very much cares about exclusives hence why they still release them. They also care A LOT about console sales and exclusives are critical towards that.

Their situation isn't Xbox's.

ThinkThink42d ago

I think if you really listen and look at sonys recent actions, you'll see the opposite is true. Sony recently stated that they will use DAUs as their main metric instead of console sales going forward. They are also releasing their first game on the Nintendo switch this year. Ps4 sony would never have done that.

shinoff218342d ago

Pretty sure MLB the show has released on switch. Also as far as Lego horizon, we don't really know the inside details of that

Huey_My_D_Long42d ago

MLB the Show was forced to go multiplatform from MLB themselves if they wanted to keep the MLB exclusive license.

BehindTheRows42d ago


They can expand and still retain the importance of exclusives (which is exactly what they’ve expressed and what they’re doing). Any random predictions stating otherwise are wishful thinking or totally clueless.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 42d ago
crazyCoconuts43d ago

The only thing interesting about this stage of gaming is that the platform built by the biggest company in the world is about to completely fail

ThinkThink42d ago

Are we talking about apple arcade or Microsoft? I don't see a world where either of those platforms completely fail.

crazyCoconuts42d ago

I'm talking about Xbox as a platform - a console.

CrashMania42d ago

'MS doesn’t care about exclusives SONY doesn’t care about exclusives.'

Lol. Stop trying to project MS' problems on to Playstation, MS are doing this because they dropped a whopping 80 billion and their console sales have slumped shockingly bad levels, PS5 is outselling X1 by like 4-5 at the moment.

Why would Sony start releasing games on Xbox consoles? Software sales there are very poor and cannibalised by Gamepass (proven in the court documents) and it wouldn't be doing them any favours at all. It's not the same the other way around, many more PS5s sold, software sales are waaaay higher as well. Next you'll try to claim Nintendo will release mario on Xbox, despite the switch selling 140 million units, for some reason, where is the money to be made by either of them releasing on Xbox Series?

Nobody can predict the future 100%, but expecting PS games on Xbox consoles is pure copium, Sony will continue with the so far relatively successful start of some staggered releases on PC with live service being day and date.

rippermcrip42d ago

PC isn't Sony's main competitor, never has been. So them releasing some games on PC 2 years later really means nothing.

If what you are saying is true, Sony would be releasing on Xbox. We know that isn't happening.

Zeref42d ago (Edited 42d ago )

It's a major shift.

Xbox is leading the charge but for some reason people pretend that Playstation is still the Playstation of old.

The Playstation of old would have rather let MLB go than allowing it to go to Xbox AND launch day one on gamepass every year!

Destiny 3 and Marathon would be exclusive. Lego Horizon would have never been on the Switch. Playstation games would never go to PC!

The industry is changing rapidly. The console war era is over. Xbox lost. This new era is something else. The game has changed.
We have yet to see what it's gonna turn into.

The only company that hasn't changed is Nintendo. And I honestly think they're gonna feel that real soon. They've been coasting on nostalgia from millenials and they bought their kids a switch. But I don't think they can keep relying on nostalgia for much longer.

AsimLionheart42d ago

MS is releasing their games on other platforms because Xbox hardware sales are dead in the water and Gamepass alone cannot cover the costs of game development and maintaining the Gamepass library. PlayStation is in no such predicament. They are the global market leader in the video game console industry with both great hardware and software revenues. Yes, AAA development costs are rising and PlayStation has been forced to consider releasing their games on PC for additional revenue but their hardware business is thriving, unlike Xbox. Releasing their first-party games on rival hardware would negatively impact their own hardware sales. How much money can they possibly make by releasing their games on a dying hardware platform with a tiny installed base? Playstation releasing their first-party games on Xbox is nothing but wishful thinking by Xbox fans just because Xbox was forced to release their games on Playstation.

ThinkThink42d ago

What do you consider to be a "tiny install base?" A million, 10 million, 20 million? I can't remember the numbers that someone posted a few years back as to how many units a port would need to sell to make it worth porting. I think it was less than a million, but don't quote me.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 42d ago
Tacoboto43d ago

But people are saying that gamers will care less about the green company the more they go third party. How ever could this be...

crazyCoconuts43d ago

I mean... Gamers will care less about Xbox because they'll be moving to PlayStation. Not that they won't be interested in the next Halo/Gears/Elder Scrolls whatever... But it's just a software company vs. an entire platform

Tacoboto42d ago

They'll care less about Xbox, but care more or the same about what Xbox puts out.


ThinkThink42d ago

Why would gamers move from xbox to playstation? Can you think of a time in history where xbox Isnt stronger than it is now? That on top of the rumor that the next xbox will allow your to play steam and epic store games? I don't understand where this xbox is dying nonsense is coming from. If you like playstation, just play where it makes you happy.

crazyCoconuts42d ago

They already are. Look at console sales.
And once you have hardware with Epic and Steam on it, that's a PC, not a console. You think Xbox is stronger than ever? Dude... You've gotta be trolling

Tacoboto42d ago

I want Xbox to release hardware that supports the gaming stores from Windows. How is that a bad thing?

Console sales don't impact the fun I get from the games I play. If they do for you, that's a you problem and is pretty weird.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 42d ago
Psychonaut8543d ago

So sales charts, is that based on titles actually selling, or does it include all revenue spent in game? I feel like for GTAV to alway be near the top it has to be including shark cards and shit. Also, I wonder what the split is for Sea of Thieves, like what do Sony, Microsoft and Rare get respectively?

Tacoboto43d ago

I'd suppose it would be the standard 3rd party affair, can't imagine why it would be any different. Microsoft owns Rare so that's irrelevant and Sony gets their standard 30% digital royalty.

Eonjay42d ago

Every time you include GTA 5 in the conversation standard logic goes out the window. If it is based on Rev it's still just as shocking. I think it's safe to say that GTA 6 will top the charts for at least the next couple of decades.

Abnor_Mal43d ago

Very interesting that Sea of Thieves is at the top of PS sales list, but that’s what happens when games are released, people buy and try them.

After awhile the polish thins and the game isn’t as shiny anymore so it starts to lose its appeal to some. Seems that’s what’s happening to Helldivers as articles are saying it’s losing its player base, I’m guessing as newer games are released. Same thing seems to be happening with Sea of Thieves also, losing a big portion of its PS5 player base, no word on PS4 but I can see those numbers holding steady a while longer.


Hofstaderman42d ago (Edited 42d ago )

The new cope: Sony is not into exclusives anymore because of a Lego game. Jesus.

42d ago Replies(1)
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