
Helldivers 2's meteor storms are finishing objectives and its players

Arrowhead's new weather effects like Helldivers 2's meteor storms are catching players by surprise as they clear both objectives and allies.

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monkey602140d ago

They are a pain in the ass and I'm here for it 😂

Eonjay140d ago

I experienced on last night during a pure chaos Automaton battle on the planet making the Exo-Suits. There was so much going on, by the time the shower started I barely had time to notice dodging hulks and rocket fire lol. Absolutely nuts... would do it again lol.

redknight80140d ago

That sounds like a huge blast - I can't wait to do my part for Democracy this weekend!

thorstein140d ago

"Would do it again"

If you wouldn't, that would be treason.

Silver_ShadoWolf140d ago

This would be ok if the game offered cover. It’s like the game is designed to take a few lives if you’re doing good. I’m not a fan of systems that work extra hard to make you fail. Or a better description is it’s a game that forces you to lose and call it adding difficulty.

Eonjay140d ago

The game is called Helldivers... not Cake-walkdivers. It literally the point of the game. There is no value associated with survival. You don't even have to make it to beat a mission. Its hell, it constant chaos and you can be killed in a single hit from some enemies. Most of your deaths will probably come from your teamates absurdly powerful stratagems. Last night I spawned in and my drop ship fell on one of my teamates and crushed him instantly (accident btw!!!). Its hard as hell and its a blast! They had to turn off the KIA counter because it was taking up to much processing power but if they turned it on the numbers would be at least a million a day.

Silver_ShadoWolf140d ago

Basically you’re saying that a team based game doesn’t have the ability to provide a perfect run for teams because the game doesn’t want that. Some people play to complete things and the ultimate form of completion is a no death run. A game is balanced by always letting the player be able to counter the game and vice versa. The introduction of metor showers and no cover is just bad game design.

Eonjay140d ago


No thats not what I am saying. I have several perfect runs. What I am saying is that the game is hard. It isn't made to be easy. You have to really coordinate to get a good perfect run on higher difficulties but it is possible. The game is designed in a way where you have to really coordinate with your team to get a perfect run tho. Otherwise you will die. For example, last night I was playing a round where I was doing fine but died three time. All three times was because my teammates were throwing around attacks without properly warning every one else. One time, they were killed and their attack landed next to the group and went off before we could react. So everyone died. The meteor shower is great because this game features something called emergent gameplay. Meaning that things can happen that you can't plan for. It goes further than that if you read up on their plans for the Game Master.

Sounds like this kinda gameplay just isn't for you. You want games where you can plan for every variable. This is not that game.

thorstein139d ago (Edited 139d ago )

@silver and @eonjay

I find your conversation to be highly suspicious of those not wanting to spread Liberty, Capitalism, and Freedom to the inhabitants of the galaxy.

There is a war! And the only way to support Freedom! is to buy things and spread Democracy at the point of a gun barrel.

Bathyj140d ago

It's war mate.
You can't have a war with no deaths.

repsahj140d ago

If your armor is heavy with passive effect of added defense and combined it with shield with full gauge, you can survive a 1 direct hit of meteor.

repsahj140d ago

We have to protect and support this masterpiece!!!


"Can we get a redeploy option? Or a killzone?" Helldivers 2 players want this change

After being forced under the map with no way to escape, Helldivers 2 was an option added to force respawn so they can get back to action.

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Helldivers 2’s biggest update yet, Escalation of Freedom, drops August 6

Arrowhead Game Studios writes: "Our community continues to show us how strong we all are when united against the mindless Automatons and the scourge of the Terminid. As we stand here, on the eve of the Escalation of Freedom, we reflect on the 6 months since launch. We could never have predicted how far this game would go and how many Citizens would answer Super Earth’s call to arms!"

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S2Killinit2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I love that the devs talk about the game in character. Lol

On topic:
New mission types, new enemies, and new DIFFICULTY… sounds good.


The Most Ridiculous Deaths in Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 players share their strangest deaths, some of them are hilarious. What is the most unusual way you died?